EnglishEssay on Science: Its Impact on our Society

Essay on Science: Its Impact on our Society

Science Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Science: Find out how science has changed our daily life and how it has changed society. Read more in the essay leading scientists and science as a subject. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

As time goes on and new discoveries change the world, science is becoming more and more important in almost every part of human life. We need to realize that science is a part of everything in life so that we can study it and make it better. 

Science and technology are now a big part of making our lives easier and more comfortable. Science is also a big reason why our society has grown and become more modern. 

Long Essay on Science in English (600 Words)

When we think about the past, we can see how much the world has changed. There are a lot of gadgets and machines in the world. Everything around us is done by machinery. How did it get possible? How did we get so advanced?

 All of this was possible because of science. Science has been a big part of how our society has grown and changed. Science has also made our lives easier and less stressful.

Essay on Science

We use science every day

As I said before, science has made a lot of changes in our lives. First, it’s easier to get around now. Science has made it easier to travel over long distances. The time it takes to travel is also cut down. There are many fast vehicles on the market today. 

These vehicles have changed in every way. The time in which we live. Science made electric engines better than steam engines. People used cycles to get around in the past. But now everyone drives cars and motorcycles. This is easier and saves time. All of this is possible because of Science.

The second thing is that science helped us get to the moon. But we didn’t stay there. We also got a glimpse of Mars. This is one of the best things that has ever been done. Science was the only thing that let this happen. Satellites are made by scientists a lot these days. We use high-speed Internet because of this. Every day and night, these satellites go around the earth. Even without letting us know.

Science is the most important thing in our world. Science has given us a lot in our time. Because of this, Science is taught in our schools from a young age.

Science as a Subject

Only one student in class 1 has Science as a subject. This only tells us why Science is important. Our Solar System is something that science taught us. The Sun and nine planets are what make up the Solar System. Most interesting was that it also told us how our planet came to be. 

Above all, we can’t say that Science doesn’t help us shape the future. But it tells us not only about the future but also about the past.

When a student gets to the sixth grade, Science is broken up into three more groups. Physics, Chemistry, and Biology were the names of these smaller groups. First, Physics showed us how machines work. Physics is a fun subject to study. It makes sense as a subject.

Also, Chemistry was the second subject. Chemistry is the study of an element that comes from the earth. Even better, it helps make other things. People benefit from things like medicine, cosmetics, etc.

Biology is the last but not least subject. In biology, we learn about how the human body works. It tells us what its different parts are. In addition, the students learn about cells. Blood from a person has cells in it. Science is so far along that it even told us that.

Scientists who are at the top of their field

Lastly, this world is where scientists like Thomas Edison and Sir Isaac Newton were born. They have come up with some great ideas. The light bulb was made by Thomas Edison. If he hadn’t thought of that, we would still be in the dark. Thomas Edison’s name will be remembered because of this.

Sir Isaac Newton was also a well-known scientist. Sir Isaac Newton explained what Gravity is. We were able to find out about a lot of other ideas because of this.

Scientists A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was in India. He did a lot to help us study space and protect ourselves. He made a lot of high-tech missiles. Scientists did great work, and we will never forget them. 

Short Essay on Science 150 words in English

Human society and science are always changing and growing together. Because of this, we can say that we live in the age of science. Science affects every part of a person’s life, and we all depend on science for our survival and our way of life.

We can say for sure that science is helping us in ways that have never been done before. But the progress in science and technology isn’t all good because people have made it that way. 

Science has made our lives easier and more efficient, but it has also made us lazy and less willing to do hard work. And this lack of activity led to a number of diseases that wouldn’t have happened if we were just a little more active.

Science has helped us get rid of all the bad things in our lives. We should be smart about how we use these gifts, or we might be the only ones to blame for the untimely death of our kind. 

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