EnglishEssay on Save Tigers

Essay on Save Tigers

Essay on Save Tigers

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Save Tigers Essay for School Students in English

Students should learn as much as they can about writing an essay on how to save tigers. Tigers are one of the most well-known and well-known animals in the world. Its orange-brown fur with dark vertical stripes has been the subject of many paintings and clothes. Tigers have lived well in their natural environment for thousands of years, from the cold forests of Siberia to the lush green forests of Sumatra.

But since people started moving into forests, the area where tigers live has shrunk a lot. Most countries also think of tigers as important symbols and animals that a lot of people like. Tigers are the official national animal of many countries, including India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and South Korea. In a strange way, this is why tigers are in danger. Also, the tiger’s teeth, claws, and fur are worth a lot of money on the black market. Tigers are now considered an endangered species, mostly because of what people do. Find out why we need to save tigers by reading on.

Essay on Save Tigers

Essay On Tigers 200 Words

Since the time of kings and princes, hunting tigers has been a popular way to have fun in India. This was still true when the British ruled the country. Tigers were hunted by royal families and other wealthy people for a number of reasons, including their beautiful skin, which was used to make clothes, rugs, and other things, its many medicinal uses, and other selfish reasons. Outside of India, there was and still is a big market for tiger parts and products, which makes the tiger’s survival even more of a risk.

Large development projects, such as mining, thermal and hydroelectric dams, are also thought to affect the tiger’s habitat since many forests have been cut down to make room for these projects.

500+ Words Essay on Save Tiger

Tigers have become something that people all over the world care about and talk about a lot. About two-thirds of the wild tigers in the world live in India. Their decreasing number has made the government wake up and start to pay attention. Even though the government is already working on projects to protect the tiger, there is something we as regular people need to do. Tigers can also be found in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Malaysia, Russia-Vietnam, Bhutan, and many other places. Here are some suggestions that might help us figure out how to save tigers.

Why Should We Save Tigers?

Tigers are important to the balance of the ecosystem because they are big predators. As the most dangerous predators, tigers are at the top of the food chain. They and other predators keep an eye on the herbivores, which helps keep the forest’s animal population in balance. This cycle can stop trees from being cut down. In this way, one tiger can protect several acres of forest. So, the tigers and other animals will still be able to live in their natural environment.

Project Tiger

For many reasons, saving the tigers has become the most important project for India and other countries.

In 1973, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi started a programme in Jim Corbett Park, Uttarakhand, called “Project Tiger” to save the tigers from becoming extinct.

The goal of this project was to make a safe and healthy environment for tigers and their prey to live and grow in.

When the project began, there were only nine tiger reserves. Now, there are 50 tiger reserves all over the country. The largest tiger reserve in India is Nagarjuna Sagar.

Over the years, this project has been able to find and get rid of the things that were hurting the tiger population in the country. This has helped save a lot of tigers. In addition to protecting tigers, the goal of Project Tiger is to help them breed in a safe environment and move them to other forests so that their numbers can grow.

Problems of Project Tiger

The Tiger Project was very successful at what it set out to do, and the number of tigers went from 1200 in 1973 to 3500 in 1990. But because of illegal hunting, the number dropped by a lot. The project couldn’t keep up with how quickly things changed and grew.

In 2006, the National Tiger Conservation Authority took back control of Project Tiger, which was made to protect tigers that were in danger of going extinct. Many other non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have helped the government with this project by doing a lot of conservation work to protect tiger habitats, reduce conflicts between tigers and people, stop wildlife crime, monitor tiger populations, raise awareness, and help people who live near tiger reserves make a living.

There were a lot of social campaigns to make people aware of how bad the situation of tigers in the country was. To get people interested in this national cause, these campaigns were led by well-known people.

Even though the tiger is a well-known animal, it is slowly dying out. There is a chance that our children and grandchildren will only ever see tigers in pictures, not in real life. So, it’s important that people in India know about this and do everything they can to save this species.

How Can We Save Tiger?

  • The first thing we can do is make people aware of what’s going on. And this programme is even more important when saving the tigers is the goal. We can bring more attention to “Save Tigers” by making leaflets, and ads, putting information about the cause on websites, and so on. The more you spread the idea that we need to save tigers, the more people will join the cause. Getting people interested in a public cause is very important.
  • Second, we need to stop poaching tigers if we want to keep them alive. Even though the government has made it illegal to sell tiger skin and bodies, poaching is still a common practice. Stopping this illegal act is very important. While you’re trying to stop poaching, don’t encourage them by buying bags, shoes, and other items made from animal skin.
  • Third, it has been found that our jungles are disappearing, which could be a big reason why animals like tigers are going extinct. Today, tigers don’t have the right environment to grow and breed. So, the next important step is to protect jungles. You can’t plant a forest, but you can plant a lot of trees.
  • Fourth, a recent WWF study says that if nothing is done, the sea level is expected to rise about a foot by 2070, which could wipe out almost all of the Sundarban’s tiger habitat. Sundarbans is a large area with a lot of mangrove forests. It is also the only place in the world where coastal mangrove tigers live. People are worried that rising sea levels caused by climate change could wipe out these forests and the last place where this tiger population can live.
  • Lastly, Eco journey is another step in your work to keep tigers alive. By going on one of these trips, you will be able to tell people about how tigers and jungles are doing. This will make them feel close to the cause, and if things change for the better, they might act in a good way.

Reasons for the Decline of Tiger Population

One of the main reasons why their numbers are going down is that their habitat is being destroyed. People cut down forests and turn them into farmland or places to live. This means that the tigers have to look for food in places where people live. When people and tigers meet, their interactions almost always end in death. Poaching is another big reason why there aren’t as many tigers as there used to be.

Tiger skin is very valuable on the black market and is often given as bribes that don’t cost money. It is also used to make rugs and high-end home decor. Tiger claws and teeth are made into jewellery and used as good luck charms. A powder made from ground-up tiger bones is used as a medicine or tonic. The bones are also used to make wine, which is said to have health benefits that haven’t been proven.

People sometimes think of tiger meat as luxury meat. China is one of the most important places to sell these tiger products. In China, tiger bone is used for many things, such as to treat diseases and as a health supplement. Even though the Chinese government has made it illegal to trade tiger parts, strong cultural beliefs drive a lot of the demand, which is now met by the black market.

Statistics and project

A recent study found that the number of tigers has dropped by 97%. In 1900, it was thought that there were more than 100,000 tigers in the world. By 2010, the number had dropped to a record low of 3,200. The goal of “Project Save Tiger” was to give the 3000 or so tigers in the world safe places to live again.

This project was started in the Jim Corbett National Park in India, which is the most important tiger reserve in the country. The goal of that project was to make there be more tigers than there are now. Because of this project, the number has gone from 2226 in 2014 to 2967 in 2019.

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Not only is it our duty to save Tiger, but it is also our responsibility to do so. We have to help the government with its plans to protect tigers so that there will be a healthy population of them. When we ask nature for something, we should be ready to give something back. If nature is the reason we are here, then we must be the reason it is still here.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Save Tigers

Q.1 Why should we save tigers?

The tiger is a big predator that helps keep the ecosystem healthy and full of different kinds of life. Tigers are at the top of the food chain. They keep the balance between animals that eat other animals and plants that animals eat. So, keep herbivorous animals in check and stop trees from being cut down in nature. With the help of this cycle, a single tiger can keep an acre of forest from being cut down because of herbivores eating too much grass. In this way, the tiger may or may not be aware that it is protecting the natural habitats of many other animals as well as its own.

Q.2 Why should we save tigers?

The top predator on the food chain is the tiger. When tigers die out, the whole food chain gets out of whack. This can have very bad effects on the environment.

Q.3 When was Project Tiger launched and by whom?

In 1973, Project Tiger was started by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in Jim Corbett Park, Uttarakhand. The programme was started so that the tiger population wouldn’t become threatened.
Many countries worked hard to keep tigers from becoming endangered or even going extinct. This was especially important for India, which has a large number of tigers and is home to the largest species of tigers, which are called Bangali Tigers.
The state of India and the people who live there have a moral and ethical duty to protect the tiger species.

Q.4 Why it is important to save tigers?

Protecting these tiger forests is the most cost-effective way to prevent droughts, reduce flooding, and limit the effects of climate change. Protected Areas have been shown to reduce deforestation, and in Asia, tigers are the main reason why protected areas are created and managed well.

Q.5 What are interesting facts about tigers?

There have been tigers for a long time. 
About 2 million years ago, there were tigers.
But because of people, tigers are now on the verge of extinction.
India is where there are the most tigers in the wild.
Silent hunters.
Once a week, the main meal.
They are very careful with their kill.
Cats that talk.

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