EnglishEssay on Save Earth

Essay on Save Earth

Save Earth Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Save Earth: Life is possible on Earth and in its resources. Can you think about living on Earth if there were no resources? And there is no answer at all. In this essay on saving the earth, we will talk about why we need to save the earth, and how to save the earth. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

People and animals live on the planet Earth. Writing an essay about how to save the Earth will help more people learn about what’s going on there. Without the things that the Earth gives us, life would not be possible. The Earth gives us every basic need we need to stay alive. It gives us air to breathe, water to drink, and soil to grow plants. 

Essay on Save Earth

Long Essay on Save Earth in English (600 Words)

Earth and the things on it make it possible for people to live. If we tried to picture our lives without these things, we couldn’t do it. The sun, air, plants, and water are all essential to life. However, this is soon going to be our reality if we do not save the earth now.

We can only use so much of what the earth gives us. They are blessings that we do not count. People have become selfish and use up the earth’s resources quickly. We need to protect them in order to protect our lives. This is because people and all other living things need the earth to stay alive.

Why is it important to save the Earth?

In order to save the earth, we must understand that the resources that are provided by earth are limited. However, the majority of us are unaware of this fact and we are not judiciously utilizing the resources. In order to safeguard the existence of humans, we need to protect the earth and take care of it. All living things depend on the earth to stay alive, so we should be careful about how we use nature. The increase in pollution and damage caused by humans are affecting the earth so rapidly that it is threatening our survival.

Saving the Earth isn’t just a need of the hour; it’s much more than that. Humans are doing more and more damage that can’t be fixed. This is one reason why all of the natural resources are getting very dirty. 

Changes in the weather are another thing that happens because of how much pollution there is. Also, animals and birds are dying out, and the worlds we live in are slowly coming to an end. This is the most scary thing that could happen. So, saving the earth is the most important thing to do, and we should all work together to make it a better, more stable place to live.

It has always been our job to take care of the planet we live on, but we tend to put ourselves first and do things that add to pollution instead. As the most advanced species in the world, we should know that our planet is the only one where life can exist. So when the earth is in danger, we won’t be able to move to another planet to keep ourselves safe.

So, it’s important to make the most of what we have now in a way that won’t hurt the environment. Our plan will save not only the world but also all of us. Also, our children and grandchildren will be able to live in a healthy environment.

What is Earth Day

Since 1970, Earth Day has been a worldwide event held on April 22 to protect the environment and save the earth. The goal of this event is to get people excited about making the world a better place.

How to save our planet

Since everything people do affects the lives of other living things, people only need to protect the earth and its resources. A little work from everyone will go a long way. Each thing you do will change things. For example, if one man stops buying bottled water, he can save thousands of pieces of plastic from being used.

We can also start by planting more trees to make up for the fast rate at which trees are being cut down these days. When we plant more trees, we can bring back ecological balance and make life better for everyone.

In the same way, we need to stop wasting water. When people do this on their own, it will have a big effect on saving water. We can’t make our water bodies dirty by putting trash in them. The most important thing to do to save water is to do it quickly.


In short, people and the government must work together to save the planet. We can show people what will happen if we don’t save the earth. They can be shown what they can do to help save the planet. If we all work together like this, we can save our planet and make it a better place to live. 

10 Things You Can Do to Help Save the Earth

  1. We shouldn’t waste water and should only use what we need. Only dirty clothes should be washed, and only in cold water. We can save a lot of water this way every day.
  2. To cut down on greenhouse gas emissions, people should share their cars and use public transportation more often.
  3. People should use bicycles to get things done around town.
  4. People should use the 3R method, which means they should reduce, reuse, and recycle.
  5. People should make compost, which is a great way to feed plants without using chemicals.
  6. We should use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) instead of regular bulbs because they last longer and use two-thirds less energy. This will reduce the amount of electricity we use and the amount of greenhouse gases we put into the air.
  7. We shouldn’t use our electric heater or air conditioner when we don’t have to.
  8. To cut down on pollution, we should keep our private cars running and drive smart.
  9. To use less electricity, we should turn off lights, fans, and other electric items.
  10. To cut down on pollution and the effects of green house gases, we should plant more trees in the area. 

Save Earth Short Essay

Because of the toxic environment, air pollution, water pollution, global warming, deforestation, and many other environmental problems, it has become very hard for life to live on Earth in a healthy way. 

There are a lot of easy things we can do to save the planet, but how well we do it depends on how committed we are and how fast we form good habits. It should be encouraged that technologies are made that are good for the planet and don’t hurt it. People should get into the habit of using less harmful things, reusing things, and recycling things in order to make less trash.

Most of the time, people use different kinds of cleaners to keep their homes clean and free of germs. They don’t know what chemicals are in that cleaner, which can be very bad for the water, soil, and air. 

We should be very clear about the products we use every day and always choose cleaning products that are good for the environment. Pollution and global warming are usually caused by business activities to a large degree. They should follow the rules and laws made by the government to keep things in order.

They should stop making harmful commercial products and start making products that are better for the environment. Youth should be made more aware of how important it is to save the earth by studying this topic. 

In school and college, they should do things like planting, group discussions, writing essays, giving speeches, making banners, competing in slogan-writing contests, putting on plays based on a theme, etc. Every year on April 22, a day called “Earth Day” is held to spread the word about how important it is to save the planet. 

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