EnglishEssay On Road Accident: A Devastating Impact of Road Accidents

Essay On Road Accident: A Devastating Impact of Road Accidents

Essay on Road Accident for Students

In this informative essay on Road Accident, we learn about what causes road accidents and how to stop them. Learn how important road safety is and do what you can to cut down on accidents. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Long and Short Essays on Road Accident for Students and Kids in English

Essay on Road Accidents, Causes, and Remedies – (450 words)


Accidents on the road have become very common in our society and are a big worry for everyone. Not only do these accidents kill people, but they also hurt people badly and hurt the economy. In this essay, we’ll talk about what causes car accidents and what can be done to make them happen less often.

Essay On Road Accident

Causes of Road Accidents

Reckless Driving

Careless driving is one of the main reasons why people get into car accidents. This can include going too fast, following too close, switching lanes, and not paying attention to traffic lights. Drivers who aren’t careful put themselves and other people in danger and can cause serious accidents.

Driver Distraction

Distracted driving is another major cause of car crashes. This includes things like talking on a cell phone, eating, or being distracted by other people on the bus. To avoid accidents, drivers must keep their minds on the road and not do anything else.

Poor maintenance of vehicles

Accidents can also be caused by cars that aren’t well taken care of. Brakes that don’t work, tires that are worn out, and other problems with a car can lead to dangerous situations on the road. Maintenance and inspections must be done regularly to keep vehicles and the people who drive them safe.

Roads in bad shape

Accidents can also happen because the roads are in bad shape. This can include things like potholes, poorly marked roads, and not enough lighting. Local governments are in charge of keeping roads in good shape and making sure they are safe for drivers.

Remedies to Reduce Road Accidents

Strictly following the rules of the road

To cut down on car accidents, the rules of the road must be strictly followed. This can include fining drivers for moving violations and taking away their licenses for more serious crimes.

Campaigns for education and awareness

Education and awareness campaigns are also important for lowering the number of accidents on the road. These campaigns can teach drivers how to drive safely and about the dangers of speeding and being distracted.

Better safety features for cars

Installing better safety features in cars can also help cut down on car accidents. This can include brakes that don’t lock up, airbags, and seatbelts. To make sure that these safety features work well, vehicles also need to be serviced regularly.

Improved Road Infrastructure

Improving the roads is also an important way to cut down on car accidents. This can include putting up the right signs, traffic lights, and barriers in the middle of the road. The roads can also be safer for drivers if they are well-lit and if potholes are fixed.


In the end, road accidents are one of the biggest worries in our society. Accidents on the road can be caused by driving too fast, drivers being distracted, cars that aren’t well taken care of, and bad road conditions. To cut down on the number of car accidents, traffic laws must be strictly enforced, there must be education and awareness campaigns, cars must have better safety features, and the road infrastructure must be improved. We can make our roads safer and cut down on accidents if we all work together. 

Essay on How to Prevent Road Accidents for Children (400 words)

Accidents on the road are a big problem in our society, and they can be very bad for the people involved and their families. Children are especially vulnerable on the road, so it’s important to teach them how to stay safe. Here are some ways to keep kids from getting hurt on the road.

  • Wear a seatbelt. Wearing a seatbelt is one of the easiest and most effective ways to stay safe in a car. Even on short trips, make sure that children are always buckled in.
  • Walk or ride your bike on the sidewalk. Children should always walk or ride their bikes on the sidewalk instead of the road. If there isn’t a sidewalk, they should walk or ride their bikes facing the traffic so they can see cars coming.
  • Look both ways before crossing the street. Before crossing the street, kids should always look left, right, and then left again. They should also look at drivers to make sure they can see them.
  • Be easy to see. When walking or riding a bike, kids should wear bright, reflective clothes so they can be seen. If it’s dark out, they should also bring a flashlight to make themselves more visible.
  • Children shouldn’t walk or ride their bikes while using their phones or other electronic devices. Also, they shouldn’t wear headphones, which can make it hard to hear traffic.
  • Follow the rules of the road. Children should pay attention to traffic lights, stop signs, and yield signs. They should also only cross the street at crosswalks and intersections where it is safe to do so.
  • Teach kids about the dangers of driving too fast, texting while driving, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Tell them that these actions can have bad results and put the safety of everyone on the road at risk.
  • Children learn by watching what their parents and other adults do, so it’s important for parents and other adults to set a good example by obeying traffic laws and being safe drivers.

By using these tips, kids can stay safe on the road and help keep accidents from happening. Also, it’s important to talk to kids often about road safety and remind them how important it is to be careful and aware when they’re on the road.

In the end, it’s everyone’s job to keep accidents from happening on the road, and it’s important for kids to learn about road safety from a young age. By using these tips and being good role models, we can help keep kids and everyone else on the road safe. 

Long Essay on Road Accidents (600 words)


An accident is defined as “an unexpected and unplanned event that causes damage or injury,” but most accidents can be prevented by taking certain steps. So, if we take precautions, it’s good for us, and if we don’t, we’re responsible for the results.

About 1.5 lakh people die every year in road accidents in India alone, according to data. This number could be lowered easily, but we need to change our behavior and start following the rules of the road.

What Precautions are necessary to Prevent Road Accidents?

Don’t drive if you’re tired or sleepy.

Most of the time, when we get home from work, we are tired. There is a good chance that we will feel tired. If that’s the case, you should never drive because you’re more likely to get into a (serious) accident. It’s best to take a few minutes to calm down and then drive or, better yet, take a taxi.

Don’t drive if you’ve been drinking or taking other drugs that slow down your brain.

This is an absolute no-no. No one should ever get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol. If someone does it, they are putting their own lives and the lives of others at risk.

Helmets and seatbelts should be worn while driving.

This rule is easy to follow and has a lot of good effects. This lessens the damage if something goes wrong.

Don’t talk on your cell phone while driving.

This rule is one of the ones that is broken the least. People often talk on their cell phones while they are driving. Talking on a cell phone takes your mind off what you’re doing, and you can lose control in a split second. This can lead to an accident.

Jumping Red Light can be Fatal

There is a reason why traffic lights are made. No matter why you run a red light, you could get hit by a car coming from the other direction. So, you should stop when the light is red and only go when it’s green.

Never Overspeed

No matter how much the “Dhoom” theme makes you want to speed up your car or bike, you shouldn’t. We all know that what is shown in movies is not real, so no one should ever do it.

People sometimes go faster to get to work or home on time. The easy way to deal with this is to start your trip a little bit early.

Make sure that your car’s headlights and tail lights work.

Let’s say you’re driving at night and want to turn left. You turn on your left indicator, but your tail light doesn’t work, so the driver behind you doesn’t know you want to turn left and hits your car.

This is something that could happen. So, it’s best to keep your car in good shape and fix any problems as soon as you notice them.

Drive slowly and with more care when the weather is bad.

In bad weather, the chance of an accident goes up a lot (rain, storm, snow etc). So, people should try not to drive in bad weather, but if that’s not possible, they should drive slowly and carefully or they could get hurt.

Busting of Tires

Let’s say you are driving on a road by yourself when you hit a nail and your tyre blows. There is a chance that your car will flip over or that another car will hit it. On the road, there was an iron nail. You can’t change that, but if you had taken precautions like driving the speed limit and wearing a seatbelt, you could have made the accident less bad.


There are a lot of things we can control and some things we can’t. So let’s do what we can and trust God with the rest. I’m sure that we can cut down on car accidents if we work at it. 

Short Essay on Road Accidents (250 words)

Accidents on the road are a big problem that hurt people and kill people every day. They can happen in an instant and have effects on people, families, and communities that last for a long time. As students, we need to know what causes car accidents and what we can do to stop them.

Driving carelessly, like speeding, texting while driving, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, is a major cause of car accidents. Everyone on the road is in danger when people do these things, which can lead to serious accidents.

Distracted driving is another reason why cars crash. This can include doing things like talking on the phone, eating, or talking to other people in the car. When a driver is distracted, they are not paying attention to the road. This can lead to dangerous situations.

Follow the rules of the road and be a responsible driver to keep from getting into an accident. This means always wearing a seatbelt and following traffic signs and signals, like stop signs and traffic lights. Also, students shouldn’t do other things like use their phones or other electronic devices while driving.

People who walk or ride bikes can also do things to stay safe on the road. This means that you should walk or ride your bike on the sidewalk, look in both directions before crossing the street, and wear bright, reflective clothing when you walk or ride your bike at night.

In the end, car accidents are a big problem that can hurt people and even kill them. By figuring out why accidents happen and taking steps to stop them, we can help make our roads safer for everyone. As students, it’s our job to be aware of the risks and always follow the rules of the road to keep ourselves and others safe. 

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