EnglishEssay on Population

Essay on Population

Population Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Population: Population is the number of people and other living things in a certain area. Population gives us an idea of how many living things there are and how to act in response. In this essay, we talked about the Increasing Population and how to control it. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

The most important problem of this century is population. The total number of people who live in a country or region is called its population. In almost every country in the world, the question of the population keeps coming up. China, India, and the United States have the most people living in them right now. 

In every country, the problem of population is caused by the lack of resources. People have a lot of problems in most states because there aren’t enough resources. Countries have used different methods to limit their populations at different times. 

Long Essay on Population in English (700 Words)

The population is the number of people and other living things in a certain area. Population gives us an idea of how many living things there are and how to act in response. For example, if we know how many people live in a city, we can guess how many resources it needs. 

We can also do the same things for animals. When we look at the size of the human population, we can see that it is becoming a worry. Most of all, the population explosion hurts the countries of the third world the most. As it is, there aren’t a lot of resources there, and the fact that the population keeps growing makes things even worse. On the other hand, many places have a problem with having too few people.

India has a major population problem

India has a big population problem because the number of people there is growing. If we had to guess, we could say that India is home to almost 17% of the world’s people. India comes in second on the list of countries with the most people.

Essay on Population

India is also one of the countries with a low rate of people who can read and write. This is a big reason why India’s population is growing so fast. Most of the time, people who can’t read or write and people who are poor have more children. This happens mostly because they don’t know enough about how to stop having children. Also, the more people in a family, the more hands there are to help. This means they are more likely to make money.

We also see how early marriage is done in these classes. This is one of the main reasons why there are more people. People marry off their young daughters to men much older than them for money or to get out of their responsibilities. The young girl has had children since she was young, and she will keep having them for a long time.

India already has trouble getting enough resources, and the population crisis just makes things worse. It makes it hard for each person to get the same amount of resources. This makes things worse for the poor and better for the rich.

Impact of Population Explosion

The rapid Population growth of humans affects not only people but also our environment and wildlife. So many bird and animal species have gone extinct because of different things. More people need more resources, so trees are being cut down at a faster rate. This means that these animals are losing their homes. In the same way, human activities are destroying their homes.

So, because of the growing number of people, pollution is getting worse. Air pollution is getting worse because more and more people are buying cars. Also, more people need things, so industrialization needs to go faster. These industries pollute our water and land, which hurts us and makes life worse for us.

Also, because of what people do, our climate is going through big changes. Climate change is happening and is real. It has very bad effects on our lives and needs to be watched right now. One reason for climate change is global warming, which is mostly caused by what people do.

People can still deal with the weather and change with it, but animals can’t. This is why animals are also going extinct.

Steps Taken for Population Control in India

The Indian government has taken some steps to keep control of its people. Some of these things are:

Minimum Marriageable Age

Men must be at least 21 years old to get married, while women must be at least 18 years old. But there aren’t any strict checks on the same. People still marry their children at a young age in rural and poor parts of the country. The government needs to raise the age when you can get married and keep a close eye on it.

Education for free

With the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, the government of India has also made sure that all children in the country have access to free education. Getting rid of illiteracy is another way to limit the number of people.

Getting people to adopt

The Indian government also encourages people to adopt children. People leave their babies at the hospital for a number of different reasons. Adopting kids instead of having your own is another good way to keep the number of people down. 


In other words, man is selfish because he only cares about himself. He doesn’t think about how his actions affect the world around him. If this rate of population growth keeps up, we won’t be able to stay alive for long. As the number of people grows, bad things will happen. So, we need to take steps to control the number of people. 

Population Short Paragraph (200 Words)

The number of people on Earth is rising very quickly. The number of people has grown a lot, especially in the last five to six decades. There are a number of reasons why. One of the main reasons for this is that medical science has improved, which has made fewer people die. 

Another reason is that the number of babies born in poor and developing countries is going up. The high birth rate in these countries is mostly caused by a lack of education and family planning.

Even though the number of people is growing quickly, the number of animals and birds is decreasing every day. In order to meet their own needs, people are cutting down forests that wild animals use as a place to live. 

Several animal and bird species have been hurt because of this. The increasing pollution caused by more and more cars on the road and the opening of new factories is another reason why the number of animals is going down. This is because the weather is getting worse because of it.

It’s time for the governments of countries with a lot of people to take strict steps to control the number of people living there. If they don’t, our planet will no longer be a good place for people to live. 

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