EnglishEssay on Pollution

Essay on Pollution

Pollution Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Pollution: Pollution is the release of harmful substances into the environment. The name for these things is “pollutants.” They can be made by people, like trash, or by nature, like ash from a volcano. In this essay we will talk about what is pollution, types of pollutions, and how to reduce this for safety of our environment. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Pollution is a word that even young kids know about these days. It has become so common that almost everyone agrees that pollution is always getting worse. The word “pollution” means that something has unwanted foreign matter in it. When we talk about pollution on our planet, we mean the damage that many pollutants are doing to natural resources. 

Essay on Pollution

A Long Essay on Pollution in English

What is Pollution?

Pollution is when things that are bad for the environment get into the environment. The name for these things is “pollutants.” They can be made by people, like trash, or by nature, like ash from a volcano. Pollutants hurt the quality of the land, the air, and the water. 

Pollution is a world-wide issue. Pollution gets into the ocean currents and on the backs of fish that are moving. Pollution is one of the many things that are bad for our planet, which used to be greener and healthier. Pollution is a dangerous thing that causes a wide range of health problems.

Types of Pollution

To put it simply, pollution is when the physical and biological parts of the earth’s atmosphere get dirty. It has a very big effect on both human life and the environment. Everything from the water we drink to the air we breathe gets worse because of it. When you write an essay about pollution, you should talk about the four main types, which are:

Air pollution is the contamination of the air in the atmosphere by harmful or excessive amounts of substances like smoke and harmful gases from factories, CFCs and oxides made by cars, the burning of solid waste, etc.

Water pollution is when harmful chemical, biological, or physical materials, like industrial waste, oil spills, household and farm waste, pesticides, and mining and agricultural waste, are added to water resources and make them unusable.

Soil Pollution: Land/Soil Pollution happens when different commercial, industrial, agricultural, and domestic activities damage the earth’s surface. Soil pollution can also be caused by mining, cutting down trees, dumping e-waste and other industrial waste, and using dangerous chemicals like insecticides, pesticides, and so on.

Noise pollution is caused by too much noise, which can come from things like machines, loudspeakers, microphones, loud music, industries, construction, and civil engineering projects, etc.

How pollution affects our health

Pollution is becoming a bigger and bigger threat to people’s health. Pollution in the air, water, and soil is making people sick with different kinds of diseases that can kill. Here are some of the diseases that people get because of different kinds of pollution.

Because of dirty air

Air is an important part of living. People can’t live without air to breathe. But air pollution hurts people’s lives in a big way. Here are some of the most important diseases that can be caused by dirty air.

  • Lung tumours
  • Major heart disease in the chest
  • Asthma
  • Respiratory problems

Because of dirty water

Water is another thing that keeps us alive. No living thing can stay alive without water to drink. But the constant destruction and pollution of major water sources is also making people and animals sick and killing them. Marine life is also being hurt by it. Since water is always being used, its pollution is causing a lot of diseases that can kill. Some of the most common diseases caused by dirty water are:

  • Cholera
  • Hepatitis A
  • Typhoid
  • Polio
  • Dysentery
  • Diarrhoea

Because of dirty soil

Soil plays a big role in our lives. Soil is what makes up the land on which we walk or drive. Because of all the chemicals that are mixed with the soil and the soil’s deterioration, it is inevitable that many harmful chemicals will come into contact with our bodies and cause many skin diseases or be found in food crops grown on polluted soil. We humans can have a lot of trouble when we come into direct contact. Some of the most important diseases that soil pollution can cause are:

There are many kinds of cancer.

  • Leukaemia
  • Damage of the nervous system due to contact with lead present in the soil.
  • failure of the liver and kidneys

How Can Pollution Be Reduced?

As soon as you know how bad pollution is, you should start working to stop it or cut it down. People should take public transportation or carpool to cut down on vehicle smoke and clean up the air. 

Even though it may be hard, avoiding firecrackers at parties and festivals can also help reduce noise and air pollution. Most importantly, we need to get into the habit of recycling. All of the used plastic ends up in the oceans and on land, which makes them dirty.

So, don’t throw them away after you use them. Instead, use them as long as you can. We should also tell everyone to plant more trees, which will take in the harmful gases and clean the air. To keep the soil fertile on a larger scale, the government must limit the use of fertilisers. Also, industries should not be allowed to dump their waste into the oceans and rivers, which pollutes the water.


To sum up, all kinds of pollution are dangerous and have serious effects. Everyone, from people to industries, must do something to bring about change. We need to work together to solve this problem, so let’s do it now. Also, by doing these things, people are taking the lives of innocent animals. So, if we want to stop pollution, we all need to stand up and speak up for those who can’t be heard. 

Pollution Short Essay (200 Words)


Pollution has become a worldwide problem that affects the health of the environment and the plants and animals on the planet. Pollution hurts the environment in many ways, including by using up natural resources. It makes the natural elements dirty and dangerous to use, which hurts all life on Earth.

What is Pollution?

Pollution is what happens when something that is bad for the environment gets into it and messes it up. Most of these pollutants come from the things that people do, mostly economic ones. Here are a few examples: Carbon monoxide (CO) from cars and trucks pollutes the air. Oil left behind by big ocean liners pollutes the ocean and makes it unsafe for marine life.


Pollution is the most important and most immediate threat to the environment right now. The clock keeps going, and with every second that passes, the damage to the environment gets worse. The government and other interested parties need to act right away to protect the environment from pollution. 

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