EnglishEssay on Peacock

Essay on Peacock

Peacock Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Peacock: A peacock is India’s national bird. It is a brightly coloured bird that lives in many parts of the country. In this essay we will talk about physical appearance of peacock, behaviour of peacock, Status of peacock, and some amazing facts about peacock. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Peacocks are India’s national bird. On January 26, 1963, it became the nation’s bird. Peacocks are the largest and heaviest flying birds. It has a long, narrow neck and a small mouth. India’s peacocks are stunning. 

Peacocks also recognise Indian culture and lifestyle. Its beauty captivates. Peacocks are more common in Indian agriculture communities and live in forests and fields near water. Peacocks wrote with ink-soaked hollow wings. Velvety feathers. 

Essay on Peacock

500 Words Essay on Peacock in English

Peacock is a bird that is very important to India. Most of all, the bird is known for the beautiful colours it has. The peacock is well-known for how beautiful it is. It looks very hypnotic, that’s for sure. 

During the Monsoon season, it is a lot of fun to watch it dance. Its beautiful colours are soothing to look at right away. In Indian religion, the peacock has a very important religious role. Because of this, the peacock was chosen as India’s national bird.

Physical Appearance of Peacock

Males of the species are called peacocks. They look so beautiful that it’s hard to believe. Because of this, people all over the world love the bird a lot. Also, they are 195 to 225 cm long from the tip of the beak to the end of the train. Also, most of them weigh 5 kg. The most interesting thing about the Peacock is that its head, neck, and breast are all a shimmering blue colour. There are also white spots around their eyes.

A crest of feathers sits on top of a peacock’s head. The most interesting thing about a peacock is its very beautiful tail. The name for this tail is “train.” Also, this train is fully grown after 4 years from the time it was hatched. 

The bird’s back is where the 200 or so showy feathers grow. Also, these feathers are part of the upper tail, which is huge and long. There are no barbs on the train feathers to hold them in place. So, there isn’t a strong link between the feathers.

The colours of a peacock come from its tiny structures. Also, these tiny structures make optical effects happen. Also, each train feather has an oval cluster at the end that makes it stand out. The back wings of a peacock are a colour between grey and brown. The back wings are short and dull, which is something else you should know.

Behaviour of Peacock

The peacock is known for the beautiful way its feathers stand out. Peacocks spread out their tails and shake them as a sign of courtship. Also, a male’s ability to get a mate depends on how many eyespots he shows during courtship.

Peacocks can eat almost anything. Also, they eat seeds, insects, fruits, and sometimes even small mammals. They also live together in small groups. Most groups have one male and between three and five females. Most of the time, they hide in the upper parts of a tall tree to avoid being eaten. Peacocks would rather run away from danger than take off in the air. Most importantly, peacocks are very quick on their feet.

Status of Peacocks

Indian peacocks live all over Southern Asia in the wild, so they are protected both legally and culturally in a lot of places. Most estimates say that there are more than 100,000 of them.

The killing of peacocks for their meat and feathers and the accidental poisoning of wild birds by pesticide-treated seeds are both well-known threats.

In some parts of India, birds may be a problem for farming because they can damage crops. It seems that the bad things it does to crops are balanced out by the fact that it eats a lot of pests like grasshoppers.

Some Amazing Facts about Peacock

  1. The males of the species are called “peacocks,” while the females are called “peahens.”
  2. Peacocks, like all birds, ate both plant and animal foods that were good for them.
  3. Peacocks have always been the only man-made birds with feathers that look pretty.
  4. The length of a peacock’s tail is more than 60% of the length of its whole body.
  5. The peacock’s long tail is used in courtship rituals and during mating.
  6. Crystals look like the tiny feathers on peacock wings.
  7. People can’t hear peacock sounds because they are too low.
  8. Peafowl don’t like being alone.
  9. Peacocks can live for between 10 and 20 years.
  10. People think that males have more than one partner in the habitat. One can have at least two female partners, but they can mate with up to five female partners.
  11. The grey peacock is Myanmar’s national bird.
  12. People say that their feathers protect people from dangers and bad things. The strange “eyes” on the wings represent the same idea.
  13. Peafowl are ground-feeding birds that like farms and mild climates.
  14. The white peacock is not the same as an albino peacock. 


Peacock” discusses India’s national bird’s appearance, behaviour, and cultural significance. The author details the peacock’s colourful feathers, courtship dance, and habitat. The essay also discusses the peacock’s role in Indian mythology, art, and modern society.

The author concludes that protecting the peacock’s natural habitat and preserving this beautiful bird for future generations is crucial. 

A Paragraph on Peacock

The most beautiful bird in the world is the peacock. It is a long-tailed bird that is tall and thin. The bird has feathers that are different shades of blue and green. Peacocks can open their long feathers like an umbrella to show hundreds of patterns that look like eyes. 

These beautiful feathers are only on the male peacocks, who use them to attract the peahens. The peacock is known for the dance it does with females when he wants to woo them. It is the national bird of India because it is so different from other birds. Peacocks are protected birds, so you can’t have one as a pet. You can enjoy seeing peacocks in their natural habitat from a distance. 

10 Lines on Peacock in English

  1. Simple facts about the bird can be used in a one-line essay. Here is a 10-line essay about peacocks for Class 1 and 2: 
  2. The peacock is the most beautiful bird in the world because its feathers and colours are so bright and beautiful.
  3. India’s national bird is the peacock, which is a source of pride for all of its people.
  4. Peacocks are one of the largest birds in the country. They eat mostly plants and small animals to stay healthy.
  5. Peacocks live all over the country. They look for food by pecking at the ground and sitting on high trees in the forest.
  6. The males of this type of bird are called peacocks. Peahens are the names for the females. They do not have feathers that are as fancy as the males’.
  7. Peacock feathers have a lot of patterns that look like eyes. These patterns are used to attract females and scare away predators.
  8. People often live close to peacocks, but peacocks are shy birds that tend to stay away from people.
  9. Even though these birds can fly, they run on the ground most of the time.
  10. Before the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 was passed, hunters used to kill a lot of peacocks.
  11. Peacocks can live for between 10 and 25 years.
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