EnglishEssay on Obesity

Essay on Obesity

Obesity Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Obesity: In this Essay, you will learn about the causes and effects of obesity, as well as what is being done to deal with this growing health problem around the world. Read this essay to find out how what you eat, how much you exercise, and how you live to affect your weight. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Obesity is a health problem that happens when a person has too much fat on their bodies. It’s a sudden and unusual increase in body fat. It can cause heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a number of other health problems. Overeating is the main reason why people get fat. More people can become overweight if they eat junk food and don’t do any physical activities. One out of every five children around the world is obese. 

Long Essay on Obesity in 700 Words in English

Obesity is a health condition in which a person gains too much weight because they regularly eat more than they need and don’t move around enough. This problem could even be passed down from parent to child, or it could be a side effect of a certain drug. Here is a detailed look at what causes obesity, how it hurts people, and what can be done to stop it.

Causes of Obesity

Here are the various causes of obesity:

  • Overeating: People gain weight when they regularly eat more than they need, especially foods that are high in fat. The number of times you eat also affects your metabolism.
  • Genes: A person is likely to get this condition if one or both of their parents are overweight. This is because your genes affect the hormones that control fat.
  • Lack of Physical Activity: People who don’t move around enough burn fewer calories than those who are active. Obesity is often caused by eating too much without getting enough exercise.
  • Medicines: Some medicines, like antidepressants, valproate, anticonvulsants, some diabetes medicines, and oral contraceptives, can cause weight gain and might lead to obesity in the long run.
  • Health Problems: Hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome, and insulin resistance are all health problems that can lead to obesity.
  • Psychological factors: Some people eat more when they are bored, sad, or under a lot of stress. As a way of dealing with these feelings, they eat more.
Essay on Obesity

Effects of Obesity

Obesity raises the risk of getting a number of health problems, such as:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Disease
  • High Cholesterol Level
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Infertility
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke

Even a person’s social and economic life can be hurt by being overweight. People who are overweight are often treated badly and are more likely to feel sad.

Ways to Prevent Obesity

Here are some ways to stop people from getting fat:

  • Having good habits about what to eat.
  • Getting the right amount of food.
  • doing things that make you move.
  • Keeping track of your weight and the size of your waist.
  • Preventing screen time.

Ways to Cure Obesity

It is better to stop a problem from happening than to try to fix it after it has happened. But people who get it for any reason should get it treated as soon as possible to avoid the risk of getting the health problems listed above. Here are some ways to deal with this problem:

  • Dietary Changes: The first step to controlling obesity is to change what you eat. If you already have this condition, you should talk to a doctor about how to make the necessary changes to your diet.
  • Diet pills you can buy without a prescription: Diet pills you can buy over the counter have ingredients that help you lose weight and keep it off. But these pills might have side effects like making your heart race.
  • Exercise: You should work out for 45 to 60 minutes every day. Do moderately hard exercises during this time to get rid of the extra fat.
  • Pills that your doctor has given you: Instead of buying diet pills over the counter, it’s best to take pills that your doctor has given you.
  • Surgery: Weight loss surgery is recommended for people with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more or a BMI of 30–35 or more who also have at least one health problem that is directly linked to obesity.

Types of obesity:

  • Grade I: The Body Mass Index (BMI) of these people is less than 29.9. The extra weight doesn’t hurt their health in any way. Most of the time, they do it on their own.
  • Grade II: The BMI is between 30 and 39.9. Even though they stay healthy, they get tired with little effort. They are more likely to get diabetes, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, fatty liver, gall bladder disease, hernias, etc., for reasons that are not clear.
  • Grade III: The BMI is higher than 40. Due to their huge size, they can’t do much physical activity. They are more likely to get all the diseases of grade II. 

Calculate Body Mass Index

(BMI) = Weight [kg]/Height [m]

Grading of obesity can be based on BMI

  • Grade III >40
  • Grade II 30-40
  • Grade I 25-29.9
  • Not obese <25


Obesity is a serious health problem that can lead to many other serious health problems, such as heart disease, sleep apnea, asthma, gallstones, and infertility, to name a few. Caused mostly by having too much fat in the body, it can be avoided by eating well, working out regularly, and keeping an eye on your weight. 

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