EnglishEssay on Natural Resources

Essay on Natural Resources

Natural Resources Essay

In this Essay on Natural Resources, you will find out why natural resources are important and what role they play in our lives. In this essay, you’ll learn about biotic and abiotic ecosystems and many more things. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Essay on Natural Resources Essay for Students

Our survival has always been entirely dependent on the Earth’s natural resources. Natural resources are a gift from Mother Nature, which has provided us with an abundance of elements to live a comfortable and prosperous life. Natural resources include air, water, sunlight, wood, coal, etc. that are readily available in the environment. The majority of these natural resources are found on Earth’s surface (or reach it, like sunlight). Still, some natural resources are concealed beneath the surface of the Earth, which we have eventually discovered and utilized for our benefit.

To assist students with writing essays on the topic of “Natural Resources,” we have provided samples of both long and short essays on Natural Resources. In addition, we have provided ten points about the topic that will aid students in structuring their essays and serve as guidelines.

Essay on Natural Resources

Long and Short Essays on Natural Resources for Students 

We provide a short essay sample on Natural Resources for students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, as well as a longer essay sample for students in grades 7, 8, 9, and 10. In addition to providing students with essays on the topic, we also provide them with ten guidelines for structuring their essays.

Long Essay on Natural Resources 500 words in English


The resources obtained from nature are known as natural resources, and they are essential for human survival on Earth. Air, water, sunlight, forest, land, rock, soil, petroleum, metals, and minerals are examples of natural resources. On Earth, land, sunlight, wind, and rock are infinitely available.

Other natural resources are divided into two categories, excluding these:

Renewable Resources: Renewable resources are those that can be reproduced and regenerated through human effort and extra care. These resources consist of vegetation, clean air, water, land, and animals.

Non-Renewable Resources: Non-renewable resources are limited in quantity and cannot be replenished from the earth or through human efforts. These resources consist of crude oil, coal, minerals, and metals.

In addition to these two categories of natural resources, the following categories are used to distinguish Natural Resources:

Biological and abiotic assets:

Biotic resources are those natural resources derived from the global system that contain lifelike plants, trees, and animals.

Abiotic resources are non-living natural resources, such as air, water, land, soil, minerals, and metals.

Diverse resources are utilized for various purposes:

This entire world or universe is dependent on natural resources in various ways. Without these resources, human existence is unimaginable or impossible. Humans require oxygen in the air for respiration, and only trees produce oxygen by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The heat from the sun is necessary for our daily survival.

To grow, plants require land, soil, and water, which they transform into fruitful trees. Tree provides us with clean air, fruits, vegetables, timber, etc. Using wood, we produce paper and various types of furniture. Water is the second most essential resource for humans, after oxygen. Fish is used to satisfy the hunger of many people and other large aquatic animals.

Other natural resources such as petroleum, minerals, and coal are utilized for various purposes. The sun can be used to produce solar energy, water can be used to produce hydroelectric energy, the wind can be used to produce wind energy, coal can be burned to produce electricity and water can be heated by burning coal to produce electricity.

Minerals and metals are extracted from the earth’s depths to create coins, gold, steel, and numerous other necessities of daily life. The essential resource provided by nature, petroleum, is refined and converted into transportation fuel.

Natural resource availability:

Some of these resources, such as air, water, sunlight, land, plants, and animals, have always existed on Earth, even before the beginning of civilization. After civilization, the rest of the resources, such as metals, minerals, coal, and petroleum, are discovered through human effort. Humans have developed various types of energy, wood, cotton fabrics, leather materials, and expensive ornaments using technology based on their needs.

Some nonrenewable resources, such as petroleum and metals, are extremely scarce and can only be found in a few specific locations on Earth. These resources are obtained from specific locations on the planet. In India, approximately a hundred different types of minerals are produced at various locations, which are vital to the nation’s financial well-being as we export these minerals to other countries and import others that are not found in India. In the case of petroleum, each country produces a different proportion of the resource and imports or exports it based on its consumption needs.

Consequences of depletion of natural resources:

Natural resources are resources that are found in their natural state and are not produced by humans. Utilization and consumption of these resources have a major impact on the future of human life. Due to the escalating population, there are currently only a small number of forests remaining (people cut trees to get wood, paper and land for making building over there).

Animals are also killed for human consumption and the production of leather goods from the skins of various animals. If we still do not comprehend the significance of forests and animals, we will all be at risk. Without clean air and water, future human existence will be impossible. To avoid this dire situation, we must cultivate plants and reduce our consumption of resources such as water, electricity, and oil.

Short Essay on Natural Resources 150 words in English

The gifts of nature to its children are natural resources, which have not only made our survival possible but also made our lives comfortable and nourishing. Sunlight, air, timber, coal, plants, food, animals, water, and natural gas are examples of natural resources. Natural resources can be categorized as either Biotic (forest, animals, birds, fish, fossil fuels, etc.) or Abiotic (water, minerals, air, soil, sunlight, etc.)

Despite the abundance of many natural resources in the environment, some resources may eventually perish. These are known, respectively, as Renewable and Nonrenewable resources. Therefore, we should be mindful of our nonrenewable natural resources to prevent their depletion.

We can achieve this by distinguishing between necessities and luxuries and by judiciously utilizing natural resources. As responsible global citizens, it is our duty to be concerned with the preservation of these natural resources and to contribute to the cause by saving what we can. The Natural Resources Essay will soon be updated in Hindi, Urdu, Kannada, and Marathi.

Frequently Asked Questions on Natural Resources Essay

Q.1 What are the natural resources?

Natural resources are Earth-derived materials used to sustain life and satisfy human needs. Any naturally occurring substance utilized by humans is a natural resource. Natural resources consist of petroleum, coal, natural gas, metals, stones, and sand. Additionally, there are air, sunlight, soil, and water.

Q.2 Why is it necessary to conserve our natural resources?

Natural resources provide the majority of our daily requirements. The irresponsible consumption of natural resources will eventually lead to their depletion, which will have repercussions for us as well as future generations. For the sake of ourselves and our environment, we must comprehend and implement methods of natural resource conservation.

Q.3 What are the Top 5 most natural resources?


Q.4 How can we protect natural resources?

Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away.
Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community.
Conserve water.
Choose sustainable.
Shop wisely.
Use long-lasting light bulbs.
Plant a tree.

Q.5 What causes the depletion of our natural resources?

Overconsumption and waste. 
Deforestation and the Destruction of Ecosystems leading to loss of biodiversity.
Mining of Minerals and Oil.
Technological and Industrial Development.
Pollution and Contamination of resources.

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