EnglishEssay on My Dreams

Essay on My Dreams

My Dreams Essay for Students and Children

Essay on My Dreams: Everyone has at least one goal they want to reach. As kids, we’re often interested in different things and want to do them when we’re older. In this essay, we will talk about our dreams, our goals, and our ambitions toward our careers. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Dreams are important because, without them, you won’t be driven or determined enough to move forward in life. Some kids want to be a pilot, a dancer, or a musician when they grow up. But to make these dreams come true, you have to pay attention and work hard. Your goals give you the strength to deal with problems and the drive to succeed. 

Essay on My Dreams

Long Essay on My Dreams (900 Words) in English

Everyone has a dream that they want to make come true when they grow up. Some kids want to be rich so they can buy anything, while others want to be a doctor, lawyers, or engineers. But only you know that you have to work hard and pay attention if you want to reach these goals. In this essay about my dream, we will talk about the most important things that will help me reach my goal.

How to make your dreams come true:


The first thing you need to make a dream come true is determination. This will be helpful in many ways. First of all, it will help you figure out the best way to do anything. It will also help you make plans for the trip. Also, taking things slowly and moving steadily toward the dream will help.

Also, planning and setting short-term goals will always help me, no matter how big my dream is. This is important because rushing toward your dream won’t help you in any way. Also, some dreams take time and follow a certain process. If you don’t follow that process, you can’t reach that dream.

Staying Motivated

One of the main reasons why people give up on their dreams is that they lose motivation. So, part of the goal is also to keep yourself going. And you won’t be able to reach your dream if you can’t stay positive. Many people give up on their dreams in the middle of the way because they lack motivation.

Keep Remembering Goal

You have to keep your dream in mind if you want to make it come true. And keep this dream in mind every day. There will be hard times when you want to give up. When that happens, remembering your goal will help you stay positive. And if you think you really messed up, start over with a clean mind.

Give yourself a gift

You don’t have to reach certain goals to give yourself a reward. Set small goals that will help you reach your dream, and when you reach them, reward yourself. These rewards could be anything from toffee to your favorite thing. Also, this is a good way to get yourself going.

Take Some Breaks

Working toward your goal doesn’t mean you have to work nonstop all day and night. Aside from that, people quickly lose motivation when they have to work hard all the time. So, taking a break is good for both your body and your mind. To do this, take a break from your schedule for a little while and do something else.

Stay with happy people.

Your job changes you in more ways than you can think of. So, hang out with people who like you and stay away from people who make you feel bad about yourself.

Don’t hesitate to Make Mistakes

People worry about making mistakes, but this makes us forget an important fact: mistakes help us learn. When you make a mistake, you have to deal with hard times, but these hard times help you get better and more determined.

To sum up, we can say that it’s much easier to dream about a goal than to reach it. And to make your dream come true, you need a lot of things and have to give up a lot of things.

Above all, if you want to reach your goal, make a plan and follow it. This will lead you in the right direction. And don’t forget to dream big, because big dreams help you get through everything in life.

Career Goal

Everyone has a dream job in mind. As a child, I also wanted to be a scientist. As I got older, I was interested in Bollywood actors and wanted to be an actor. However, it wasn’t until I finished the 12th grade that I realized I was good at math and science and decided to become an engineer. There’s nothing wrong with having big dreams, but you should choose your path carefully, taking into account your skills and other factors. Don’t set career goals that can’t be reached.

The Goals for Health and Fitness

The most important thing is your health. You won’t be able to pay attention to other things in life until you’re healthy. So why only dream of a big car, a big house, and a six-figure income? Why not also dream of being healthy? Everyone should want to be healthy and work toward that goal. It is important to make time every day for exercise. Also, make sure to eat healthy food that has all the important micronutrients.

Goals for a Relationship

We put a lot of value on our relationships. Every relationship in our lives is important, whether it’s with our parents, spouse, kids, siblings, cousins, or friends. But when we’re in the rat race, our relationships often get put on the back burner. When things are going well, most people forget about these relationships. They only remember how important they are when they need someone to fall back on. It’s important to spend time on these relationships to keep them strong. Set relationship goals the same way you set career goals, and watch how much love and affection comes your way.


After a certain point in life, having career goals and doing well at work may be enough to make you feel alone. So, it is just as important to dream of loving relationships and fitness goals as it is to dream of doing well at work. Work just as hard to reach these goals as you do to reach your career goals. 

My Dream Short Essay in English (200 Words)

Everyone wants to do well and have a lot of money. I also want to be successful in whatever field I choose, but I’m still not sure what that field will be. But I know that no matter what I do, I will work hard, stay focused, and do well.

I, too, want to do something good for my country. There are a lot of problems in the country, such as poverty, illiteracy, and casteism, to name a few. Our country used to be known for its rich cultural history, but now all of it has been stolen. 

The country’s crime rate is at an all-time high, and many other problems are also getting worse. Even though India’s political system has a lot of flaws that have led to these problems, we can’t put it all on the government. 

We should all do what we can to help our country grow and improve. I believe strongly in the idea of “each one teach one,” and for the past two years I have been teaching my maid’s child.

I want to join an NGO when I’m older to help the poor and needy. I want to get rid of poverty and social inequality in our country, and I will do what I can to make that happen. If we all work together, we will be able to rid our country of these bad things for sure. 

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