EnglishEssay On My Best Friend

Essay On My Best Friend

Essay on My Best Friend for Students

In this Essay on My Best Friend, we will talk about friendship. Friendship requires compatibility of mind, taste, and temperament. We make friends with the few individuals with whom we share an affinity, and they carve a permanent place in our hearts. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Essay On My Best Friend

Paragraph on My Best Friend in English

Friendship is one of the greatest gifts that not everyone has the good fortune to enjoy. On our journey through life, we encounter many people, but only a few leave a lasting impression. My best friend is one such individual who has had a positive influence on my life. Our friendship is still developing despite the fact that we have been a part of each other’s lives for decades.

The closest and most significant person in your life is your best friend. We share almost everything with our best friend. Best friends provide unwavering support. Understanding is essential to being a person’s best friend. Whether you are happy or sad, in a bad situation or in the right, your best friend will always be there for you.

Even though you may not have a blood relationship with your best friends, they are still comparable to siblings. If you acquire such a friend, ensure that you keep her for the rest of your life. 

Short and Long Essays on My Best Friend for Students

We have provided My Best Friend Essay in 600 words and 200 words for students for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and also for senior students. All the essays have been written in simple yet effective English so that you can easily memorize and present them when necessary.

Long Essay on My Best Friend in 600 Words

Friendship requires compatibility of mind, taste, and temperament. We make friends with the few individuals with whom we share an affinity, and they carve a permanent place in our hearts.

Friends are an integral part of your life, whether you made them during your high school or college years, at the office, or in your neighborhood. Everyone needs friends with whom they can share their emotions, enjoy themselves, and relax.

I am fortunate to have a friend on whom I can depend for anything, be it love or money. Everything I do with him is enjoyable, including discussing my emotions, good and bad times, and even my attire.

Our Friendship

Our friendship began when my best friend joined our class as a new student. Initially, we were both hesitant to communicate with one another, but we eventually formed a bond. I recall the first time my best friend attempted to communicate with me; I rolled my eyes because I believed there was no point and we would not get along. Nonetheless, to my surprise, by the end of the session year we had become the best of friends.

We learned so much about each other and discovered that our musical and fashion preferences were so similar. Since then, nothing could stop us. We spent all of our time together, and our friendship became the class’s topic of conversation. We used to assist one another with our studies and also visit one another’s homes. We made sure to have Sunday lunch together. Additionally, we would watch movies and cartoons together.

During our summer vacation, we even attended summer camp together and made many memories. Once during the summer vacation, she accompanied me to the home of my paternal grandparents. We had an incredible time there. In addition, we created a handshake that only the two of us knew. This relationship taught me that family does not end with blood, as my best friend was no less than family. Unlike all other relationships, friendship is one that is voluntarily chosen.

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I believe that one of the primary reasons I formed such a strong bond with my best friend was due to her qualities. As she consistently stood up to her bullies, her bravery has always inspired me to speak out against injustice. She is also one of the most intelligent students in the class, excelling not only academically but also in life. I have never seen a dancer as talented as my best friend, as evidenced by her numerous awards.

Her compassion is the characteristic that appeals to me the most. Whether interacting with humans or animals, she always maintains the same attitude. For instance, my best friend not only treated an injured stray dog that was whimpering in pain, but she also adopted him.

How Important is Friendship in Life?

True friendship is the world’s most valuable commodity. It is possibly the greatest joy to find a life partner in whom you can place your trust and be yourself. No one else can match the mutual loyalty and candor of a friend. A friend is a priceless treasure in one’s life.

A person’s closest and most important relationship is with their best friend. A friend is someone with whom we share the most important aspects of our lives. Best friends support each other in all endeavors. Only your best friend will show you the same level of love and commitment as your parents and lovers. 

Short Essay on My Best Friend in 200 Words

Friendship is a remarkable blessing in anyone’s life. Throughout the course of one’s life, he or she meets numerous individuals. Among these are types of individuals with similar preferences and nature. We grow closer to this individual and spend more time with them. Gradually, a relationship develops that leaves a person with dependable impressions throughout life.

It implies that the best friendships and relationships begin here. These acquaintances are practically family. Numerous things will be shared by you and your friends. The majority of your time is spent with your best friend. Without exception, you share everything with your companions.

Even at this point, I am extremely fortunate to have Kajal as my best friend from school. It began on the second day of my Kindergarten class. When I was only five years old, I acquired the closest companion of my life. I do acknowledge that she is the best thing that has ever occurred in my life. She remains as an inspiration.

Together, we have played, laughed, cried, grown, and acquired experiences. When our fourteen years of schooling came to an end, we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

Even though we are separated by miles, we communicate daily by phone or email. We are connected by the heart and give each other our time. We discuss the events in our lives and cherish every moment together, reflect on the past, and miss one another.

Life continues on its wondrous journey, and many close friends have passed through my life, but none have supplanted my best friend, who has remained by my side throughout the ups and downs of my brief existence. 


A friend is someone with whom you share a connection and mutual comprehension. A person’s social nature and interpersonal skills may help them make many friends. We develop close relationships with those who share similar thoughts or opinions with us. Psychologists recommend that people live in communities to aid one another in times of need. Humans, as social beings, thrive in the company of others, particularly those they can trust and grow close to. Friends are among the most important people in our lives, and I am grateful to my best friend for being there for me at all times. 

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FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on My Best Friend

Q.1 What qualities does a best friend have?

A best friend must be easy going, caring, encouraging, etc.

Q.2 When is Best Friend’s Day celebrated?

National Best Friend Day is observed annually on June 8 in the United States.

Q.3 What are the most important characteristics of a best friend?

A best friend should be understanding. One must feel comfortable sharing anything with them without fear of being evaluated. They should be encouraging and supportive of one another. Therefore, in times of need, one must always look out for their closest friends.

Q.4 Is there any age to make friends?

No, friendship transcends all ages. There is no age restriction on forming friendships. 

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