EnglishEssay on Marry kom - The Story of India's Boxing Legend

Essay on Marry kom – The Story of India’s Boxing Legend

Essay on Marry kom

In this Essay on Marry kom, Unlock the inspiring journey of Marry Kom. Explore her triumphs, challenges, and the indomitable spirit that made her a boxing sensation. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Essay on Marry kom
Essay on Marry kom


Mary Kom, born Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom, is a renowned Indian boxer who has carved a remarkable path in the world of boxing. Her journey from a small village in Manipur to becoming an international boxing sensation is nothing short of extraordinary. With her indomitable spirit and relentless dedication, Mary Kom has inspired millions of people around the world. Let’s delve into the captivating story of this boxing legend.

Early Life and Struggles of Marry Kom

  • Mary Kom hails from Kangathei, a remote village in Manipur, India.
  • She grew up in a humble household, where her parents worked as tenant farmers.
  • Facing societal barriers and gender bias, Mary Kom defied the norms and expressed her desire to pursue boxing.
  • She encountered resistance from her family, who were initially skeptical of her unconventional career choice.

Entering the World of Boxing

  • Mary Kom’s interest in boxing was ignited when she witnessed Dingko Singh’s historic Asian Games gold medal win in 1998.
  • She began training under coach M. Narjit Singh at the Sports Authority of India complex in Imphal.
  • Despite limited resources and training facilities, Mary Kom’s determination and hard work propelled her forward.

Rising as a National Champion

  • Mary Kom made her mark on the national stage by clinching the National Women’s Boxing Championship title in 2000.
  • She went on to win the championship a record six times consecutively from 2000 to 2005.
  • Her dominating performances earned her recognition as a promising talent in Indian boxing.

International Success and Olympic Dreams

  • Mary Kom’s breakthrough on the international stage came with her silver medal win at the 2001 Women’s World Amateur Boxing Championship.
  • She continued to make waves by winning several medals in prestigious tournaments, including the Asian Games and Commonwealth Games.
  • Despite her numerous accolades, Mary Kom’s dream of winning an Olympic medal remained unfulfilled due to the absence of women’s boxing in the Olympics at the time.

Mary Kom’s Fighting Style and Techniques

  • Known for her agility, speed, and powerful punches, Mary Kom possesses a distinctive fighting style.
  • She relies on her quick footwork and precise punches to outmaneuver her opponents.
  • Her ability to adapt her strategy to different opponents has been a key factor in her success.

Balancing Boxing and Motherhood

  • Mary Kom faced the challenge of juggling her boxing career with the responsibilities of motherhood.
  • She became a mother to twin boys in 2007, which necessitated careful time management and support from her family.
  • Her ability to strike a balance between her personal and professional life serves as an inspiration to women worldwide.

Beyond the Boxing Ring: Mary Kom’s Influence

  • Mary Kom’s success transcends the world of boxing; she has become a symbol of empowerment and inspiration.
  • She actively engages in initiatives that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.
  • Mary Kom’s philanthropic work includes supporting various causes, such as education and healthcare in her native state of Manipur.

Overcoming Adversity and Setbacks

  • Mary Kom faced several hurdles and setbacks throughout her career, both in and out of the ring.
  • She battled injuries, financial constraints, and administrative challenges that threatened to derail her aspirations.
  • However, her resilience and unwavering determination allowed her to overcome these obstacles and emerge stronger.

Mary Kom’s Journey towards Becoming a Legend

  • Mary Kom’s relentless pursuit of excellence and her unwavering spirit have solidified her status as a boxing legend.
  • Her impact extends beyond the boxing world, inspiring individuals from all walks of life to chase their dreams.
  • She has played a pivotal role in popularizing women’s boxing and elevating its status in India.

Recognition and Honors

  • Mary Kom has received numerous accolades for her exceptional achievements in boxing.
  • She has been honored with prestigious awards such as the Padma Vibhushan, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, and the Arjuna Award.
  • Her contributions to sports and society have earned her recognition on both national and international platforms.

Mary Kom’s Advocacy for Gender Equality

  • Mary Kom is a staunch advocate for gender equality, particularly in the realm of sports.
  • She actively supports initiatives that promote equal opportunities for women in sports and fights against discrimination.
  • Through her actions and words, she has challenged societal norms and inspired a new generation of female athletes.

The Story of Mary Kom: A Bollywood Biopic

  • Mary Kom’s inspiring journey was brought to the silver screen in the Bollywood biographical sports film “Mary Kom” in 2014.
  • The film, featuring actress Priyanka Chopra in the lead role, garnered critical acclaim and further popularized Mary Kom’s story.
  • It served as a catalyst for raising awareness about her accomplishments and inspiring a wider audience.

Future Goals and Aspirations

  • Mary Kom continues to set new goals and aspirations for herself in the realm of boxing.
  • She aims to mentor and groom young talents, passing on her wealth of experience and knowledge to the next generation.
  • Her unwavering commitment to the sport and her desire to make a lasting impact remain at the forefront of her future plans.

600 Words Essay on Marry Kom

Marry Kom: A Journey of Triumph and Inspiration

Mary Kom, the legendary Indian boxer, is a true icon of strength, determination, and resilience. Her incredible journey from a small village in Manipur to becoming a world champion is nothing short of extraordinary. Marry Kom’s unwavering passion for boxing, combined with her indomitable spirit, has made her an inspiration for aspiring athletes worldwide. Let us delve into the life of this remarkable athlete and explore the factors that contributed to her remarkable success.

Rising from Humble Beginnings

Born on March 1, 1983, in Kangathei, a remote village in Manipur, Mary Kom faced numerous challenges from the outset. Raised in a humble family, she had to overcome societal stereotypes and financial constraints to pursue her dreams. Despite the lack of resources and infrastructure, Marry Kom’s talent for boxing shone through at an early age.

The Unyielding Spirit

Marry Kom’s relentless spirit became evident as she faced adversity head-on. Her unwavering determination propelled her forward, enabling her to overcome numerous obstacles. Despite initial opposition from her family and community, she refused to be deterred, constantly striving to prove herself in the male-dominated sport of boxing.

A Trailblazer for Women’s Boxing

Marry Kom’s accomplishments extend beyond her personal triumphs. She has been a trailblazer for women’s boxing in India and beyond. Her achievements have shattered stereotypes and inspired countless young girls to pursue their dreams, regardless of societal expectations. Marry Kom’s success has paved the way for many other talented women to excel in the world of sports, challenging traditional gender norms along the way.

A Record-Breaking Career

Marry Kom’s illustrious career is adorned with numerous accolades. She has won multiple gold medals at the AIBA World Women’s Boxing Championships and an Olympic bronze medal. Her determination and discipline in training have been key to her success. Marry Kom’s dedication to her craft, coupled with her exceptional boxing skills, has made her a force to be reckoned with in the ring.

Beyond Boxing: Empowering Others

Marry Kom’s impact reaches far beyond the realm of sports. She has utilized her platform to advocate for various social causes and uplift underprivileged communities. As a goodwill ambassador, she has championed the rights of women and children, emphasizing the importance of education and empowerment. Marry Kom’s unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in society is a testament to her character and integrity.

An Enduring Legacy

Marry Kom’s legacy extends beyond her time in the ring. She has inspired an entire generation of athletes, proving that dedication, hard work, and resilience can lead to great accomplishments. Her story serves as a reminder that one’s background or circumstances should never limit their dreams. Marry Kom’s journey epitomizes the triumph of the human spirit, serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all.


In conclusion, Marry Kom’s remarkable journey from a small village in Manipur to becoming a global boxing sensation is a testament to her unwavering determination, indomitable spirit, and passion for her sport. Her achievements have not only paved the way for women in boxing but have also inspired millions around the world. Marry Kom’s legacy will continue to inspire generations to come, proving that with perseverance and dedication, any dream is attainable. She is a true embodiment of the adage, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

400 Words Essay on Marry kom

Marry Kom: A True Inspiration in the World of Boxing

Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom, popularly known as Mary Kom, is an Indian boxer who has made a significant impact in the world of boxing. With her incredible talent, determination, and perseverance, she has become a true inspiration for aspiring athletes all around the world. This essay explores the remarkable journey of Mary Kom, highlighting her achievements and the impact she has had on the sport.

Early Life and Challenges

Mary Kom was born on March 1, 1983, in Kangathei, a small village in Manipur, India. Growing up in a humble family, she faced numerous challenges and financial constraints. However, her passion for sports, particularly boxing, emerged at an early age. Despite facing opposition and societal norms that discouraged women from pursuing sports, Mary Kom remained determined to follow her dreams.

Rise to Success

Mary Kom’s rise to success began when she won the Manipur State Boxing Championship in 2000. From there, she went on to win multiple national and international titles, including the AIBA Women’s World Boxing Championship. Her most notable achievements include winning the gold medal at the Asian Games and representing India at the Olympic Games.

Olympic Dreams and Beyond

One of the highlights of Mary Kom’s career was her participation in the Olympic Games. In 2012, she became the first Indian woman boxer to qualify for the Olympics and won a bronze medal in the flyweight category. Her performance not only made her a household name in India but also inspired countless young girls to take up boxing.

Mary Kom’s success did not stop at the Olympics. She continued to dominate the boxing world by winning medals in prestigious tournaments like the Asian Championships and the Commonwealth Games. Her unwavering dedication and hard work have made her one of the most decorated female boxers in the world.

Beyond the Boxing Ring

Mary Kom’s impact extends beyond the boxing ring. She has used her platform and success to advocate for women’s empowerment, gender equality, and the promotion of sports in India. She has been an active spokesperson, encouraging young girls to break societal barriers and pursue their passions fearlessly.


Mary Kom’s journey from a small village in Manipur to becoming an international boxing icon is nothing short of extraordinary. Her story is a testament to the power of determination, hard work, and resilience. Mary Kom has not only achieved remarkable success in her sporting career but has also become an inspiration for millions worldwide. Her legacy will continue to motivate generations of athletes, especially young girls, to strive for greatness and overcome all obstacles on their path to success.

Summary: Mary Kom’s Extraordinary Journey

Mary Kom’s journey from a small village in Manipur to becoming a boxing legend is a testament to the power of perseverance, determination, and passion. Despite facing numerous challenges, she has risen above them and left an indelible mark on the world of boxing. Her story serves as an inspiration to all, transcending geographical boundaries and empowering individuals to pursue their dreams relentlessly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 How many Olympic medals has Mary Kom won?

Mary Kom has won a bronze medal at the 2012 London Olympics.

Q.2 What are some of the notable challenges faced by Mary Kom throughout her career?

Mary Kom faced societal barriers, gender bias, financial constraints, and administrative challenges.

Q.3 How has Mary Kom inspired other women in India?

Mary Kom’s success and perseverance have served as a source of inspiration, empowering women to pursue their dreams and challenge societal norms.

Q.4 What are some of Mary Kom’s philanthropic initiatives outside of boxing?

Mary Kom has actively supported causes such as education and healthcare, particularly in her home state of Manipur.

Q.5 Has Mary Kom received any international recognition for her achievements?

Yes, Mary Kom has been recognized internationally and has received several awards and honors for her exceptional achievements in boxing.

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