EnglishEssay on Land Pollution for Students

Essay on Land Pollution for Students

Essay on Land Pollution

We are talking about here an essay on land pollution in English. Land pollution is a huge problem that has been getting worse ever since industrialization and urbanization grew so quickly. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Land Pollution Essay

Land pollution is a huge problem that has been getting worse ever since industrialization and urbanization grew so quickly. People have polluted the land in a lot of different ways. In this land pollution essay, we will talk in-depth about why land pollution is getting worse and what can be done to fix it.

Also, we’ll talk about the chain of events that leads to land pollution and how other types of pollution, like air pollution and water pollution, are directly linked to land pollution. Soil pollution is another name for land pollution.

Essay on Land Pollution

Long and Short Essays on Land Pollution for Students and Kids in English

Here is a 500-word Long essay on land pollution and a 200-word Short essay on land pollution for students and schoolchildren. Long Essay on Land Pollution is helpful for 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th graders. Students in classes 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 can use this short essay on land pollution to learn more.

Long Essay On Land Pollution 500 Words in English

Land pollution is one of the most prevalent types of pollution we face today. Land pollution can occur at any moment and for a variety of reasons. Even natural events such as storms and floods can contribute to land contamination. Poor soil management in urban and rural regions is one of the leading causes of land contamination. Similarly, depending on the location where the land has been contaminated, the level of contamination may be minimal or high. Today, using several paragraphs on land pollution, we will attempt to discuss the significance of reducing land pollution and the procedures necessary to keep land pollution at a minimum.

Land Pollution Essay for English Exam

The land pollution essay should be taken seriously because land pollution can hurt the health of people and animals, as well as the quality of water and air. Compounds used in the environment can cause decay in many different ways. Even using crop fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides can damage the land they are sprayed on.

Soil erosion, which is caused by cutting down trees and cutting down forests, is another big problem that makes the land dirty. Because of this, there is less land left for farmers to use for farming and other agricultural work. In 2016, 75 billion tonnes of soil were lost around the world because of things that people did and because trees were cut down. Also, it’s important to keep the soil in good shape because 95 percent of the food humans eat is grown in the soil around the world. So, this makes pollution of the land an even bigger problem for the food industry.

6 Important Points on Land Pollution


The main reason why land has been getting worse is because of farming. Farmers in many countries do things that are bad for their farms that have led to this problem. Land burning is one of the biggest causes of pollution on both land and in the air. After harvesting, burning the land helps the nutrients get back into the soil. But after a few years, this land will lose its ability to hold nutrients and humus, making it unusable. Burning crops will also cause a lot of air pollution because it will release a lot of carbon dioxide into the air. Statistics show that the crop burning in the neighboring states is to blame for the high level of pollution in New Delhi, India’s capital city.

Aside from burning their crops, farmers usually clear forest cover to turn it into farmland. When done on a large scale, this will cause a lot of trees to be cut down. Once the land has been farmed, farmers tend to move on to other, more fertile land, leaving the first land empty and unused. If this is done over and over again, the land will become dry. We can’t put all of the blame on the farmer. This problem is caused by a lack of knowledge and technical know-how about how to farm well. Governments need to educate farmers and start a campaign to get them to follow agricultural policies that are smart and good for the environment. Also, there should be campaigns to spread information about family planning and laws and rules in place to keep India’s growing population under control.

Urbanization and Industrialisation

The expansion of cities has been difficult to regulate due to the rise in population. Due to a lack of space, metropolitan cities such as Bengaluru, Mumbai, and New Delhi have been expanding and consuming their neighboring towns. There are numerous reasons for this fast urbanization, including the migration of people from rural to urban areas in search of a better standard of living, the expansion of industrial markets, the rise in consumer demand, and technical advances. This has resulted in rubbish disposal issues, which has led to huge land exploitation.

Large factories, skyscrapers, the airport, dams, and bridges, as well as other infrastructure development in the country, are exerting enormous strain on our lands. Agricultural deforestation is occurring to feed the burgeoning urban population, while groundwater is being depleted at an ever-increasing rate to quench our population’s thirst. If current trends continue, experts estimate that the human race’s survival in the next 50 years will be in serious doubt.


In recent years, the usage of digital gadgets for business and education has expanded dramatically. Where do you believe all electronic garbage ends up? When not dumped appropriately, our laptops, mobile phones, and tablets contribute to land pollution.

Hazardous Waste

Included in hazardous trash are light bulbs, batteries, fertilizers, pesticides, and paints that harm the land and water.


What are the reasons for land pollution? So, the first one we can think of is mining. People have been mining for more than 200 years, and since the beginning, the risk of subsidence or the collapse of the top layers has been growing at a fast rate. In areas where mining has been done a lot, the land has already collapsed several times, causing loss of life and property. When the coal mine in England collapsed, it caused tonnes of soil to wash away and hit the school first. This was one of the worst collapses ever recorded.

Nuclear Waste

In nuclear power plants, where scientists use nuclear reactors to make a lot of electricity, this kind of waste is made. Also, the process that uses the reactors to make electricity leaves behind radioactive waste that can’t be thrown away like regular trash. Plumtonium is a common type of radioactive waste that needs to be put in the ground and covered by steel silos on all sides so that no radioactive waves can get to the land around it. Also, it will take this waste thousands of years to stop giving off radiation. Nevada is a desert in the US. It is used by the US government as a place to store nuclear waste. This is one way that pollution hurts the land and makes it unsafe for animals and people to live on.

Short Essay On Land Pollution 200 Words in English

More than 29 percent of the globe’s surface is land, and this land sustains life on earth. It supplies food for both animals and humans and refuge for animals, trees, and plants in addition to humans. However, these resources that nature provides for us have been overexploited by humans.

In the past 50 years, deforestation, urbanization, industry, agriculture, and global warming have all contributed to an upward trend in land pollution. Scientists all across the world are gravely concerned about the bleak future of humanity due to the exponential increase in the percentage of barren land on Earth. Without fertile land, it is impossible to produce food. On the one hand, there would be food shortages, but on the other side, the population in many countries doubles every year. Given this predicament, scientists have forecasted that there would be no food available to feed our rising population within the next fifty years. The third global conflict will be waged for arable land and food.

But not everything will be negative if we take the necessary safeguards and care today. All nations must create international laws governing the prudent utilization of land. In developing nations, growing urbanization, garbage disposal systems, and industrialization should be halted. Additionally, the carbon footprint of industrialized nations should be decreased.

Conclusion : 

Land pollution can only be stopped if the government and people work together to do so. And for us to do our part, we need to use less of the things that pollute the land. Also, we should make it our job to sort the trash and not use things that don’t break down.

Frequently Asked Questions  on Land Pollution Essay

Q.1 What is land pollution?

Land pollution means that the earth’s land surface, both above and below the ground, are getting worse. The buildup of solid and liquid wastes that pollute the groundwater and soil is to blame.

Q.2 What is the cause of land pollution?

Land pollution happens when trash, waste, and other harmful things are dumped on the land. This makes the land dirty or polluted. Land pollution is caused by people, like when they throw trash on the ground or when trash from boats, oil rigs, and sewage outlets washes up on shore.

Q.3 How does land pollution affect us?

Land pollution can hurt the human body in many ways. Toxic waste and contaminants can be eaten by people. Getting rid of dangerous radioactive wastes also makes the land dirty. Chronic lung disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even brain damage are all long-term health effects.

Q.4 What are the 4 types of land pollution?

Solid Waste. These include all the different kinds of trash we make at home, school, hospitals, markets, and workplaces.
Fertilizers and pesticides.

Q.5 What are the Effects of Land Pollution ? 

Water that you shouldn’t drink. Polluted soil, which means less land that can be used for farming. Climate change causes a lot of terrible things to happen, like flash floods and strange rain patterns. Wildlife species going extinct or being in danger of going extinct.

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