EnglishEssay on Google: the Internet Giant

Essay on Google: the Internet Giant

Google Essay for Students and Children

In this amazing Essay on Google, find out how Google has changed the tech industry and society as a whole. Find out about the company’s past, how it has helped shape the internet and its plans for the future. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Essay on Google in 500 Words in English


Google’s name comes from the math word “googol,” which means the number that is equal to “1 followed by 100 zeros.” Google is the most popular search engine on the Internet. Its main service is to give people targeted search results from more than 8 billion web pages. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who both dropped out of Stanford, worked on a college project that turned into the Google search engine. So, a Google Essay will talk about how Google works and how it came to be.

Google is without a doubt the most well-known and interesting business in the world right now. According to the company’s website, its goal is to “organize the world’s data and make it widely available and useful” (Google, 2010).

Fortune Magazine’s list of the “Best Companies” changes every year. In 2007 and 2008, Google has named the best company in both years. Most people say that his success as a top employer is due to the culture of his company. Google is the biggest company in the world and is known as a “fast-paced, high-energy workplace” (Google, 2010).

Essay on Google

Because Google is focused on “young” people who know how to use the internet, the average age of its employees is much younger than in most businesses. Google’s median age is 30, 65% of its users are men and 35% are women (Linkedin, 2010).

The dress code is “casual” and easy-going because skill and hard work are more important than looks. The way Google does business is very interesting. Also, Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California, called Googleplex, is meant to feel like a college campus because most of its new hires are young people in college (Google, 2010).

Google and Competitors

Microsoft and Yahoo both put a lot of money into search technology and continue to gain market share. Google works in a market with only a few competitors, like Yahoo and MSN.

So, it might be hard for Google to keep its customers if the search engine results aren’t very different from each other. Also, Yahoo and MSN launch their own search engines and targeted marketing systems. Google is in a race to make new search tools to attract customers and grow its marketing networks.

Google said that click fraud is one of the “concerns” that could affect how much money it makes. In fact, Google admitted that it often gave refunds because of click fraud.

In fact, Google admitted that it often gave refunds because of click fraud. Click fraud happens when a person, an automated script, or a computer program pretends to be a legal user of a web browser and clicks on an ad in order to make an online pay-per-click ad charge more than it should.

For example, Network click fraud is when you put ads from Google AdSense on your own website. Google will charge you every time someone clicks on an ad on your site. It’s fraud if you sit at your desk and click on the ad all the time, or if you write a computer program that does it all the time. Google can easily spot this kind of fraud, so smart network click fraudsters fake different IP addresses or put Trojan horses on the computers of other people to make fake clicks. 

900 Words Essay on Google


Many of us don’t know that Google offers a wide range of services. But most of Google’s apps are made to meet the needs of their users. This is the main reason why magazines rank Google as the best company. They always try to make their services fit the needs of the people who use them.

Google: The Age of Making Things Easy

Google is a multinational company that offers customers a wide range of services based on the internet. It is one of the top five industries in the world when it comes to information technology. Even though Google is best known for its search engine. As a search engine, Google’s main goal is to give you the best results for your search. It is the world’s most well-known search engine.

Google has become such a well-known and important word that it can also be used as a verb. Google’s main goal is to “organise the world’s information and make it useful and easy to find for everyone.” It is much easier to find and get this information; all you need is an Internet connection. Advertising brings in a lot of money for Google.

Evolution Of Google

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Stanford University students, began to work on Google as a research project in 1996.

The new search engine is called “BackRub.” The market was affected by the idea of page rank. After that, they changed the name to Google, which comes from the word “googol,” which means “one followed by a hundred zeros.” They used this term to mean that the search engine would give them a lot of information.

On September 15, 1997, www.google.com, which is Google’s web address, was registered. And the company was officially set up on September 4, 1998. In 2015, Google changed its name to Alphabet.inc, which is a holding company for Google and all of its other businesses.

In 2001, Brin and Larry Page chose Eric Schmidt to be the CEO of Google. In 2015, Larry Page was replaced as CEO of Google by Sunder Pichai. Page is now the CEO of Alphabet.

Features/ Applications Of Google

Google offers a large number of different apps. Here is a list of some of them:

  • Stay Connected and Up-to-Date: With Google’s many features, we can stay in touch with people and know what’s going on in the world. Google makes it easy to find news about the stock market, the world, politics, and other topics. But it also keeps us up to date on news from the entertainment business.
  • Get Everything Just by Asking: With Google’s new feature, we don’t have to type everything to find what we want. Instead, we can just speak to search. It is the quickest way to look for something.
  • Travel Anywhere: With services like Google Maps, we can go anywhere without worrying. We don’t have to worry about getting lost. It also tells us what the traffic is like. Google gives you a full guide to travelling.
  • Shopping at Your Fingertips: Not only can you shop online, but it also gives you information about the shopping. It’s easy to keep track of your orders, pay your bill, and do other things online. With Google, worries about bookings are no longer a big deal.

Products And Services Of Google

Google now has more than 50 services on the internet. It has a lot of different services, but the one that people use the most is the search engine. Because of this, most people know about it. Here are some of Google’s most well-known products and services:

  • Google Search Engine: The search engine is Google’s most well-known service. It is one of the search engines that people use the most. It can be read in about 149 different languages. The main goal is to give users the search results they want.
  • Google owns YouTube, which is the second most popular website in the world. It’s a social media site that was made on February 14, 2015. Users can share videos with each other on this platform.
  • Google Drive: On April 24, 2012, Google made the Google Drive. It is a service that lets billions of people store and sync their files. It gives users 15 GB of free storage space, but you can also pay for 100 GB, 200 GB, or 2 TB of storage space.
  • Google Chrome: Google came up with Google Chrome in 2008. It was first made as a web browser for Microsoft Windows. Web browsers are needed to get on the Internet. It is one of the best browsers that you can use to browse safely and securely.
  • Gmail is the most-used free email service that Google offers. More than 1.5 billion people use it right now. It was made on April 1, 2004, and is now available in 104 different languages. It also has a lot of space for storage.

What was different about Google compared to other search engines?

Google is different from other search engines because of how it sorts the results of a search.

Google has a different way of putting pages together. Other search engines sort the results by how many times the word you searched for shows up on the page. But Google’s search engine added something called “PageRank” or “PR” (PR). This means that the order of the results is based on how many other pages link to it.

This algorithm helps Google get better results, which is why it is the best search engine in the world.


Google is a company that is growing quickly and has left its competitors in the dust. Yahoo and Microsoft are two of Google’s most well-known competitors. Yahoo turned down Google not once, but twice because it wanted to grow its own business. Yahoo wasn’t able to compete in the market, so it shut down completely. Most cell phones, especially in India, already have Google apps built in. 

10 Lines Essay on Google

  1. Google is the world’s best search engine.
  2. Larry Page and Sergey Brin came up with Google.
  3. Work on the project began in 1996, but the company wasn’t officially set up until September 4, 1998.
  4. The creators of Google first called it “BackRub.”
  5. The word Googol is where the name Google came from (1 followed by 100 zeroes).
  6. Google has a lot of features that help us stay in touch with other people.
  7. One of the main ways Google makes money is through ads.
  8. Some of the things that Google makes are YouTube, Gmail, and Drive.
  9. What makes Google different from other search engines is its Page Rank algorithm.
  10. Sunder Pichai is the head of Google right now. 
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