EnglishEssay on Freedom of Speech

Essay on Freedom of Speech

Essay on Freedom of Speech for Students

In this Essay on Freedom of Speech, we will talk about what is freedom of speech and How Freedom of Speech Began. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Freedom of Speech Essay in English

People who don’t fully understand the term “freedom of speech or who have an agenda have taken it out of its original context and given it different meanings. This is a basic freedom that all democratic countries give their people. In this freedom of speech essay, we will define the term and explain what it means. We will also give a well-rounded and informative essay on what freedom of speech means in India and what it means in other countries with different types of government.

Long and Short Essays on Freedom of Speech for students and Kids in English

If you’re looking for a well-written and informative essay on freedom of speech, you’ve come to the right place. We have given you two essays with a word limit of 600 words and one with a word limit of 200 words. Both of the freedom of speech essays listed below do a good job of covering the topic and can be used by students in classes 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for a school project, assignment, essay, test, or exam.

Long Essay on Freedom of Speech 600 Words in English

The Indian constitution says that everyone, no matter their gender, caste, creed, or religion, has the right to free speech. This is a basic freedom that everyone has the right to, and it shows what a country’s democratic values are. A big part of what makes India what it is is the freedom to practice religion, express love and affection, and have different opinions without hurting people’s feelings or starting fights.

India and the people who live there are known for being open-minded and for spreading democratic values around the world. So, to save and celebrate India’s democracy, it is important to protect freedom of speech. Freedom of speech isn’t just about our basic rights; it’s also a basic duty that every citizen should do in order to protect the core of our democracy.

Freedom of speech like that in the UK, USA, France, or Germany is not found in countries with authoritarian or failed democracies like Malayasia, China, or Syria, or in failed democracies like Pakistan or Rwanda. In fact, these are bad ways to run a country because they don’t let people speak their minds freely. The freedom of the press is a good way to measure the freedom of speech in a country. A strong media shows that democracy is strong, liberal, and healthy, and is willing to take criticism and disagreement in a positive way.

Some governments don’t like it when people disagree with them or criticize them, so they try to silence people who speak out against them. This sets a bad example for a country. For example, there are more than 130 billion people in India, so we can be sure that not everyone will think and feel the same way about a certain subject. In a true democracy, the fact that people have different ideas and still respect each other is what makes it work.

Before making a choice, you should think about the issue from every angle and point of view. Before making a policy, a good democracy will involve everyone who has an interest in it. A bad democracy, on the other hand, will surprise its critics and make unilateral, authoritarian policies that are forced on its citizens.

One of the biggest ways that freedom of speech is limited in India is through the use of a harsh law from the British era called the sedition law to stop criticism. Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code, which is part of the sedition law, says that a person can be fined, sent to jail, or both if their words bring hatred, contempt, or tension toward the government. This law is never followed to the letter. The British used this law to silence India’s freedom fighters. Now, India’s ruling parties use it to silence people who don’t agree with them, which hurts the country’s democratic values.

Also, there are a number of laws that protect the right of the people of India to fully use their freedom of speech. But even though the laws are still in place, they are hard to follow. This is a big problem for the government.

At the same time, people can’t always say and write what they want. People can’t use freedom of speech as an excuse to spread violence, hate, bigotry, or other problems in society. In a strange way, this will hurt the reason why people have the right to free speech in the first place. A country’s freedom of speech shouldn’t lead to chaos and anarchy. When Article 370 was revoked in Kashmir, freedom of speech was stifled. This wasn’t because the government wanted to stifle democratic values, but because it wanted to stop the spread of fake news, put a stop to terrorism, and stop communal tensions in the area in any way it could.

Freedom of Speech Essay 2 (300 words)

Freedom of speech is one of the most basic rights that most people around the world have. It lets the people who live in those countries say what they want without worrying about getting in trouble with the law.

How Freedom of Speech Began

Freedom of speech has been around for a long time. Freedom of speech has been a constitutional right in England since 1689, when the Bill of Rights was passed. In 1789, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was made a part of the French Revolution. This showed that Freedom of Speech is a right that can’t be taken away. Article 11 of the Declaration of Speech and Thought Freedom says:

“One of the most important rights of man is the freedom to share ideas and opinions. So, every citizen is free to speak, write, and print what they want, but they are responsible for using this freedom in ways that are against the law.

The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights also says that everyone should be able to say what they think and say what they think. Freedom of Speech and Expression is now a part of international and regional human rights law.

Freedom of speech is what makes democracy work.

A democratic government gives its people a lot of rights, such as the right to vote for the government. People know that a democratic country is based on freedom of speech and expression. Even if the people vote for the government, it doesn’t help if they can’t say what they think if they think the government isn’t living up to the standards that were set before the election. This is why the right to free speech is one of the most important rights in democratic countries. It is what makes democracy work.

Short Essay on Freedom of speech 200 Words in English

Freedom of speech is the best way to judge how well a country’s democracy is doing. The level of freedom of speech in a country affects the standard of living and the happiness index of that country. People in healthy democracies like the US, France, and the UK have a lot of freedom to say what they want. Countries with authoritarian, dictatorial, or failed democracies, like Pakistan, China, North Korea, Egypt, or Syria, have some of the worst records when it comes to freedom of expression.

But at the same time, there are many times when freedom of speech leads to hatred, spreads bigotry among communities, and causes people to get violent. India’s communal riots, like the 2020 Delhi riots and the 2002 Godhra riots, have often been caused by people using their right to free speech.

Governments all over the world should find a balance between letting people speak their minds and keeping the law. We can’t give up a state’s law and order to protect people’s freedom of speech, and we shouldn’t take away people’s freedom of speech to keep the law and order in place. There should be a middle ground where both can live together.

Frequently Asked Questions on Freedom of Speech Essay

Q.1 What is freedom of speech?

The right to freedom of speech lets people say what they want without interference or rules from the government. When the government tries to control the content of speech, the Supreme Court says that it must have a good reason for interfering with the right to free speech.

Q.2 What are the 5 freedom of speech?

The five freedom of speech are : speech, religion, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government.

Q.3 Why freedom of speech is important?

Freedom of speech protects your right to say things that other people don’t like. It lets you and everyone else criticize what the government does and how it does it.

Q.4 How do you show freedom of speech?

This includes the right to express your views aloud (for example through public protest and demonstrations) or through:
published articles, books or leaflets.
television or radio broadcasting.
works of art.
the internet and social media.

Q.5 What is freedom of speech essay?

Freedom of speech lets the people of our country speak their minds and share their ideas, views, and opinions openly. So, the public and the media can talk about any political activity and disagree with anything they think is not right.

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