EnglishEssay on Festivals of India

Essay on Festivals of India

Festivals of India Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Festivals of India: India is a country with many different people and cultures. When there are festivals in India, the air is full of cheer and happiness. Holi, Diwali, Raksha Bhandhan, Independence Day, and Republic Day are some of India’s festivals. In this essay on indian festivals we will talk about type of indian festivals, importance of festivals and what are the major indian festivals. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

These national festivals are important parts of India’s history that are celebrated by all Indians, no matter their religion, caste, or gender. National holidays are a time to show how proud we are of our country and to remember how we won our freedom. These celebrations remind us that even though we are different, our love for our country brings us together. 

Essay on Festivals of India

Essay on Festivals of India in English

Festivals are big celebrations of many different things. They happen on a regular basis and help break up the routine of life. Also, they give you a chance to celebrate both the big and small things that happen in life. 

Festivals bring peace and happiness to the people who take part in them. Every country in the world has religious and cultural events that are important to them. But India is one of the biggest places where many festivals are held. India is a country with a lot of different cultures, and so are the festivals.

Types of Indian Festivals

We can tell that the Indian festivals are different from each other because we can divide them into national, religious, and seasonal ones. Most of the time, national festivals are held to honour important people or events. The religious ones believe in and follow the legends of their faiths. The ones that are tied to the seasons are celebrated at different times of the year in different parts of the world.

National Festivals

Some of the national holidays are Republic Day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, and others. All over India, these festivals are held. No matter their religion, caste, creed, or sex, everyone in the country celebrates them. Everyone celebrates them with a lot of pride in their country. All over the country, these festivals are made official holidays, and everyone gets very excited about them.

Also, they help people in the country put aside their differences and come together like never before. India’s capital, New Delhi, is where national celebrations take place. For example, it is where the big parade for Republic Day is held. The flag is raised in New Delhi, and the event is shown on national TV so that the whole country can watch.

Religious Festivals

One of the most well-known types of festivals not only in India but all over the world is the religious festival. Some of the most important religious holidays are Diwali, Eid-Ul-Fitr, Christmas, Guru Nanak Jayanti, Holi, and many more. Diwali and Holi are two of the most important Hindu holidays. They are bright and full of colours and lights.

The next holiday is Eid-Ul-Fitr, which is an Islamic holiday that marks the end of Ramadan. It’s about delicious food and getting together with family. Christmas is a time to remember that Jesus Christ was born. Santa Claus and Christmas trees are also mentioned. Guru Nanak Jayanti celebrates the birthday of Guru Nanak Dev.

Seasonal Festivals

Lastly, seasonal festivals are held in different parts of the country. For example, Assam has a holiday called Bihu. Likewise, Tamil Nadu celebrates Pongal. Basant Panchami is another festival that is celebrated in North India and West Bengal.

Why Festivals Are Important

Festivals are very important. They make us forget about our different cultures and religions. They bring people together, and the only reason people get together is to celebrate and be happy. Festivals also help us learn about our culture and religion. They help break up the monotony of everyday life.

People also look forward to festivals all year round. Festivals give people something to look forward to and make them happy. People also fix up and paint their homes to make them look like they’re brand new. It improves the way the area looks.

What Are the Most Important Indian Festivals?

India is a huge country with a lot of different cultures, religions, and other things. So, there are many different kinds of festivals in India. There are a lot of these events. So, we will only talk about a few of India’s most important national holidays. Here’s what they are:

  • Diwali, also called Deepavali, is one of the most important Indian holidays. It is held in October and November. People celebrate this holiday by lighting earthen lamps, giving sweets to friends, family, and neighbours, and setting off fireworks.
  • Holi is also one of the most celebrated holidays all over the country. It is also called the festival of colours because people paint each other’s faces, clothes, etc. with different colours. This festival is a way to celebrate the start of spring.
  • Navratri is one of the most important holidays in the Hindu religion. It is a big holiday in India. Navratri is a Sanskrit word and means nine nights. So, as the name suggests, this festival lasts for nine days and nights. People also dance during this festival in some parts of India.
  • Durga Puja: If we talk about India’s most important holidays, we can’t leave out Durga Puja. Millions of Hindus in India celebrate this holiday all over the country. People worship Goddess Durga during the four days that it lasts. During this event, everyone gets a new outfit.
  • Dussehra is a festival that is held at the end of Navratri or even at the end of Durga Puja. Vijayadashami is another name for Dussehra. You will see that this holiday is celebrated in different ways in different parts of the country. In Mysore, Dussehra is celebrated in the best way possible by putting lights all over the Mysore Palace.
  • Janmashtami is another well-known holiday that is celebrated all over the country. This holiday is held on the day that Lord Krishna was born. People from all over India worship Krishna at home or in temples on this day.
  • Ganesh Chaturthi: This holiday is also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi. It is an important holiday for all Hindus in India. This festival lasts for more than 10 days and marks the birth of Ganesha.
  • Eid-ul-Fitr is one of the most important celebrations for India’s Muslim people. It means that Ramadan is over (the most sacred month for Muslims). It is held on the first day of the month of Shaban (Islamic Month). On this happy day, everyone gets new clothes, prays Eid Namaz in mosques, and goes to see their relatives.
  • Christmas is the most well-known holiday because it celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is also celebrated on a big scale in India. Every year on December 25, it is celebrated, and then the New Year comes.

India also has other National Festivals that are celebrated. These include Maha Shivratri, Pongal, Onam, Baisakhi, Rakshabandhan, Gurpurab, Makar Sankranti.


In short, festivals bring colour and joy into our lives. Every year, they bring us closer together and get rid of any feelings of hatred between groups. Also, they bring people closer together and take away the bad feelings in their hearts. So, festivals are very important and should be celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm. 

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