EnglishEssay on Farmer: The Backbone of the Country

Essay on Farmer: The Backbone of the Country

Farmer Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Farmer: Farmers are the backbone of our society. They are the ones who make sure we have food to eat. This essay on farmers will talk about their importance, conditions, problems, and challenges. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

The agricultural sector makes up more than 15% of India’s gross domestic product. Also, millions of people work in the agricultural sector, which is the largest employer in the country. Given how important this industry is to India’s security, we can’t help but have a lot of respect for the farmers there.

In fact, there are no borders in the farming world. The hard work and dedication of a farmer are the same in India, the U.S., or anywhere else in the world. 

Long Essay on Farmer in English (900 Words)

Farmers are the backbone of our society. They are the ones who make sure we have food to eat. Because of this, all of the people in the country depend on farmers. No matter how big or small the country is. We can only stay alive on Earth because of them. 

So, the most important people in the world are farmers. Even though farmers are very important, they don’t have a good way to live.

How important farmers are

Farmers are very important to our way of life. They make sure that we have food to eat. Since everyone needs food to live, they are a necessary part of society.

Farmers come in many different forms. And they all mean the same thing. First, there are the farmers who grow crops like wheat, barley, rice, etc. Since wheat and rice are the main foods eaten in Indian homes. So, a lot of farming is done with wheat and rice. 

Even more important are the farmers who grow these crops. Second, they are the people who grow fruits. Farmers have to get the ground ready for different kinds of fruit. Because these fruits grow when it’s the right time of year. Because of this, farmers need to know a lot about fruits and crops. Many other farmers grow different kinds of crops. Also, everyone has to work very hard to get the most harvest.

In addition to farmers, almost 17% of India’s economy comes from services. That is the most of anything. But still, a farmer doesn’t have any of the nice things that other people have.

Conditions of farmers in India

Farmers in India are in a very bad situation. Every week or month, we hear about a farmer who killed himself. Also, farmers have had a hard time of it for a long time. The issue is that they don’t get paid enough.

Most of the money goes to the middlemen, so the farmer gets nothing. Farmers also don’t have enough money to send their children to school. Sometimes things get so bad that they don’t even have enough to eat. So, farmers go hungry. So, they try to kill themselves.

Also, global warming is another reason why farmers are in such bad shape. Global Warming hurts our world in every way, so it also hurts our farmers. Seasons are getting later because of global warming. As each crop has its own time to ripen, they aren’t getting enough food.

For crops to grow, they need enough sun and rain. So the crops are destroyed if they don’t get it. This is one of the main things that is destroying farms. As a result, farmers commit suicide.

So that farmers can stay in business, our government is trying to give them special rights. The government has recently taken away all of its loans. Also, the government gives them a pension of Rs. 6000 every year. This gives them a way to make money besides what they do for a living. Also, the government gives their children reservations or quotas. 

This makes sure that their kids get the right kind of education. In the world we live in now, all children should get a good education. So that they can have a better chance at life.

Issues and Challenges of Indian Farmers

We often hear about farmers who have died, which breaks our hearts. Farmers kill themselves because of drought, debt, and loss of crops. They face a wide range of problems and issues in farming. Two of these are irrigation systems that aren’t well taken care of and a lack of good extension services. 

Poor roads, not enough market infrastructure, and a lot of rules make it hard for farmers to get to markets. India doesn’t have enough infrastructure and services for farmers because it doesn’t have enough money to put into it. 

Most farmers only have a small amount of land, so they have to use traditional farming methods that limit production. Farmers with a lot of land, on the other hand, use modern farming techniques to make more food.

If small farmers want to increase their yield, they need to use good seeds, good irrigation systems, new farming tools and methods, herbicides, fertilizers, and so on. All of these things cost money, so they don’t have much choice but to go into debt or borrow money from a bank. 

They are under a lot of pressure to grow crops so they can make money. All of their hard work will be for nothing if their crop fails. In fact, they can’t even make enough to feed themselves and their families. In this situation, they can’t pay back their debts, so many of them kill themselves.


India’s rural areas are changing, but they have a long way to go. Farmers have made money from new ways of farming, even though progress has been uneven. Stopping farmers from moving to cities should be the goal. To make farming workable and profitable, there needs to be a lot of focus on improving the lives of marginal and small farmers.

Last but not least, farming is a job that takes a lot of hard work and effort. Also, since the number of people living in our country is growing, we should help our farmers. 

Essay on Farmer

10 Lines on Farmer for Children

  1. Farmers are very important to the economy of the country.
  2. In their fields, farmers grow their crops.
  3. Farmers deserve our respect because they work hard to grow crops.
  4. Farmers are lives are quite challenging
  5. No matter how hot or cold it is, a farmer never stops working.
  6. The farmer takes care of their field, from getting the seeds ready to when the crops are ready to be picked.
  7. As farming is important to the country as a whole, so is the farmer.
  8. Farmers use a variety of tools and methods to grow the foods that people want.
  9. Farmers have the hardest jobs because they have to work hard and sweat to make food for us.
  10. From morning to night, you can see farmers working on their fields. 
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