EnglishEssay on Environmental Issues: Protecting Our Planet

Essay on Environmental Issues: Protecting Our Planet

Environmental Issues Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Environmental Issues: The environment is an important part of keeping life on earth. But there are some problems that are making life and the earth’s ecosystem worse. In this essay about environmental problems, we’ll talk about what causes them and how to fix them or make them less of a problem. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Concerns about the environment are a big deal these days. Every country in the world is worried about the environment because pollution is getting worse and the ozone layer is getting thinner.

This is mostly because destroying the environment puts people’s lives in danger. People didn’t care about the environment at all before. People didn’t care about where they were. But now that they know more, some of them are being more careful. 

Long Essay on Environmental Issues in English (1000 Words)

The environment is a big part of what makes life possible on Earth. But there are some problems that are making life and the earth’s ecosystem worse. It has to do not only with the environment but also with everyone who lives on Earth. Also, pollution, global warming, greenhouse gas, and many other things are the main cause of it. People’s everyday actions are constantly making the environment worse, which will eventually make it impossible for people to live on earth.

Environmental Issue

Now, our green world is in danger. People polluted the air, land, and water, which used up natural resources. We need to open our eyes to deal with the problems we’ve made. Industrial Growth has had a huge effect on the environment. 

People emit more Pollution for more convenience. The Environment is affected both directly and indirectly by what people do. Because of this, there is a link between a living thing and its environment. Let’s talk about some of the most important problems our environment is facing right now:

Climate change:

Global Warming is the most obvious sign of a natural imbalance. The Greenhouse effect happens when Greenhouse Gases build up and cause the temperature to rise. It has an effect on the rise of sea levels around the world and the melting of ice in the Arctic. Experts say that coastal countries and some islands could be taken over by water over the next few decades.

Increasing Population:

As the number of people in a country grows, they need more space and resources to meet all of their food and housing needs. People started cutting down trees to make room for pastures and farmland. Forests are the main places where animals, birds, and insects live. They are also the main way that the Earth breathes. A lot of forest species are in danger because people cut down trees and do other things in the forest.

Loss of Ozone Layer:

The loss of the ozone layer is a complicated problem that people are trying to solve. UV radiation, which is bad for humans, is taken in by the ozone layer. When there are more Ozone holes, the sun’s rays are stronger and more people get skin cancer.


Plants and trees are important to people’s lives. Trees are good for everyone because they clean the air, give us food, and make medicines. To meet rising demand, forests are being cut down. During the summer, wildfires start on their own a lot. People cut down trees in an unethical way so they can make the most money.


Climate change is happening faster now than it did a hundred years ago. Changes in the weather have an effect on the progress of industry. Hurricanes, floods, and droughts have become worse because of climate change. Many countries have been hit by a lot of natural disasters in the past few years.


Polluted environments can make people sick in many ways. Many plant and animal species that are important to plants are in danger of going extinct. Nature keeps things in balance, and we all know that the way all organisms eat is linked in a chain called a “food chain.” Industrial pollution is often a big problem in places where oil is refined, chemicals are made, iron and steel is made, non-metal products are made, pulp and paper are made, and textiles are made.

Essay on Environmental Issues

Source of Environment Issue

There are many different things that hurt the environment. But in this section, we’ll talk about the main causes of environmental problems, which are very dangerous to life and the environment.

  • Pollution is one of the main causes of environmental problems because it poisons the air, water, soil, and noise. As we all know, the number of industries has grown quickly in the last few decades. Also, these industries dump their waste that hasn’t been cleaned into water, soil, and the air. Most of these wastes are harmful and poisonous, and they spread quickly because water and wind are always moving.
  • Greenhouse gases are the gases that are causing the temperature of the earth’s surface to rise. This gas is a direct cause of air pollution because it comes from cars and factories, which pollute the air with toxic chemicals that hurt people and the environment.
  • Changes in the climate: Because of problems with the environment, the climate is changing quickly, and things like smog and acid rain are becoming more common. Also, the number of floods, famines, droughts, landslides, earthquakes, and many other natural disasters is on the rise.

Above all else, all environmental problems are caused by people and their desire for more.

How to Minimize Environmental Problems?

Now we know what the main problems are that hurt the environment. So, we can now talk about what we can do to save the environment. To do this, we need to take some steps that will help us fight problems with the environment.

  • Reforestation: Not only will it help keep the ecosystem in balance, but it will also help bring back the natural cycles that work with it. Also, it will help fill up the groundwater, keep the monsoon cycle going, remove carbon from the air, and do many other things.
  • The 3 R’s principle: To help the environment, everyone should follow the 3 R’s principle: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Also, it is good for the environment in many ways.


People often forget that we are part of nature, which is a shame. We need to take care of nature and live in harmony with it. We need to change the way we use things from nature. People need to know that the natural world is about to fall apart. 

People need to realize that they are not the only ones who use the environment and build homes that are good for the environment. We need to think about the people who will come after us and what we will leave behind. People come up with ways to fix problems with the environment. 

We recycle trash, make electric cars, cut down on pollution in the air, water, and soil, and plant new trees to stop land erosion. But that’s not enough. People need to make big changes to their lives until nature takes the last big steps.

Everyone has to do their part to save our planet from these environmental problems. If we don’t take precautions, our children and grandchildren will have to deal with big problems. The government is also doing things to make people aware. Everyone should do what they can to help cut down on and control pollution. 

FAQs about Environmental Issues

Q.1 What is the Principle of 3Rs?

The principle of 3Rs is Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.

Q.2 What are 10 environmental issues?

10 Environmental Issues are
Clean water.
Climate and climate change.
Healthy living.
Environmental Justice.

Q.3 List the most important environmental problems.

The major environmental issues are pollution, environmental degradation, resource depletion, and climate change. Also, there are several other environmental problems that need to be fixed.

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