EnglishEssay on Environment and Human Health: A Connection between Environment and Human...

Essay on Environment and Human Health: A Connection between Environment and Human Health

Environment and Human Health Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Environment and Human Health: The only thing around us is the environment. It can be a living thing or something that isn’t alive. It is made up of many natural forces, such as physical, chemical, and other forces. This essay will help you understand the complicated connection between the environment and human health.  You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Everything on Earth is connected. Nothing happens in a vacuum, and everything affects everything else. Concerns about climate change are getting closer and closer, so we need to know how the environment and our health are linked.  Let us learn more. 

Long Essay on Environment and Human Health in 700 Words in English

The only thing around us is the environment. It can be a living thing or something that isn’t alive. It is made up of many natural forces, such as physical, chemical, and other forces. This is where these living things live. They always respond to it and change themselves to fit what’s going on in their environment. 

There are many different ways that animals, plants, water, soil, and other living and non-living things in the environment affect each other. We use the word “environment” to talk about many different things because everything is a part of something else’s environment. This word is used in different ways by people in different fields.

Importance of Environment

Every living thing needs a healthy environment. Without the environment, no one could live. It’s important because Earth is the only place where people can live. It gives us food, air, water, and a whole lot more. All of humanity’s life-supporting systems depend on the health of every other species on earth.

The biosphere is what we call it. The word “biosphere” refers to a single global ecological system in which all living things depend on each other. There are smaller ecosystems like rainforests, deserts, oceans, and the tundra that are part of the ecosystem or biosphere as a whole.

There are both living and nonliving parts in an ecosystem. It can live on land or in water. It talks about the National Academy Press book, Valuing Ecosystem Services: Towards Better Environmental Decision Making. Soil, water, air, and nutrients are non-living things. Plants, microorganisms, animals, and people are living things.

A healthy ecosystem is made up of all the chemicals and nutrients that move around in a cycle and keep billions of species alive. When the species makes food, it helps to keep the cycle of the elements going. 

It happens when they eat, go about their daily lives, and even when they die. During this process, a wide range of goods and services that are very useful to people are made.

Health issues for people

Children don’t usually get sick without any warning very often. Depending on what your child’s symptoms are, you should ask your child’s pediatrician for advice often. 

If you treat your child’s symptoms or common illnesses on a regular basis, you can keep them from getting sick, making their illness worse, or making it into an emergency.

A real emergency is when you think your child’s life or health is in danger because of a serious injury or illness, or if it could cause long-term damage. In this situation, someone needs to get emergency medical care right away. Talk to your doctor about what you should do in a real emergency.

Health and Environment Connection

Our physical, mental, and social health all depend on where we live. What we put into the ecosystem comes back to us in the end. The air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink all have pollutants in them that we put into this ecosystem. Since we throw away these pollutants because they are bad for us, it makes sense that if we accidentally eat them again, they will still hurt our health.

This has been giving people trouble for a long time. We use pesticides on our food crops because the chemicals kill the pests that could damage the crops. But these pesticides stay on the food we eat, which can cause health problems like skin problems and even cancer. 

The pesticides also make the soil less fertile, which means that the next crop won’t be as good.

In the same way, we dump human and industrial waste into whatever body of water is nearby. But we also use the same water bodies for drinking water. Diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery, lead poisoning, polio, and arsenicosis can be caused by dirty water. 

All the gaseous emissions we make through our activities also make the air dirty. Pollutants like smoke from fires and emissions from cars and factories can cause breathing problems like asthma and bronchitis, and they can even lead to lung cancer.


Environmental scientists have been sounding the alarm for a while, but the situation is now very serious. Our actions that haven’t been stopped have hurt the ecosystem, and some of that damage can’t be fixed. If we don’t do something, we will soon make the earth too dangerous to live on. 

Short Essay on Environment and Human Health (200 words)


Human health is the state of being well in terms of the mind, body, and social aspects of the human condition. A person can’t be called healthy just because they don’t have any diseases. To be truly healthy, they need to be doing well in all ways.

Our health is affected by many things, including our genes, what we eat, how we feel, and what chemicals we are exposed to. Both internal and external factors can change these things. The biggest thing that affects our health from the outside is our environment.

Environment and Human Health

The air we breathe is a big part of our environment, but it’s not the only thing. Our environment also includes the water we drink, the soil we grow our food in, and the sounds and noises around us. Each part has an effect on us and our health. 

Our air supply is full of dangerous chemicals that come from cars, factories, and fires. These chemicals can cause lung cancer, heart disease, and asthma. Pesticides are on the food we eat, which can cause cancer and make the soil less fertile. 

Humans can’t live without water, but our water sources are full of waste from people and factories which is bad for our health.


We need to keep in mind that we must live in harmony with our surroundings. What we put out into the world will come back to us. If we don’t do something soon, the earth will soon no longer be a place where people can live. 

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