EnglishEssay on Environment and Development

Essay on Environment and Development

Environment and Development Essay for Students and Children

In this informative Essay on Environment and Development, you will find that Environment and development are closely connected. Development cannot be thought of without taking the environment into account. If the environment is neglected while concentrating on development, this will have a further negative effect. 

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Long and Short Essay on Environment and Development for Students in English

Below you will find some essays on environment and development that will help in your exams and school assignments.

Essay on Environment and Development

Essay on Environment vs. Development (200 Words)


The process of development is ongoing and constant. Every change, though, has both favourable and unfavourable effects. The environment is equally important, even though development is done for the benefit of the population. Without taking the environment into account, development may have a negative effect on the environment. The resident will then suffer negative consequences as a result of this.

Environment vs Development

The environment does not just refer to physical surroundings. The term “environment” refers to the air, water, and land as well as how these elements interact with people. Development and the environment cannot be at odds. They ought to support one another. The earth will soon become uninhabitable if all of its resources are used without regard for their preservation for future generations to enjoy.

Large tracts of land are acquired for a country’s development, which necessitates the removal of trees. Again, due to development, non-renewable resources like minerals, water, and fossil fuels are depleted more quickly than they can be replenished. The effects of resource depletion and global warming on people prevent them from enjoying the advantages of development.


Environmental protection is required in order to fully benefit from development. Even though this fact has been overlooked in favour of development, there has been a recent rise in human awareness. We can all benefit from development for a very long time if we give the environment the attention it deserves. 

Environmental protection and sustainable development essay (500 Words)


The goal of sustainable development is to protect the environment so that even after the current generation has used the resources to meet their needs, there will still be enough for future generations. In fact, it continued for many generations after that. The environment must be protected if sustainable development is to continue.

Environmental preservation and sustainable development

Global warming and the depletion of natural resources are two of the current environmental issues. Global warming is the permanent alteration of the earth’s climate caused by industrial pollution, environmental deterioration, greenhouse gas emissions, and ozone layer loss, which results in a reduction in the total amount of ozone in the stratosphere. 

Scientists have established that the earth’s temperature is rising, and if the appropriate measures are not taken, the situation will worsen and have even more detrimental effects on the environment and human health.

Natural resource depletion is yet another serious issue. Because of overpopulation, the earth’s natural resources are being used up faster than they can be replenished. Due to low agricultural production rates brought on by global warming and the subsequent depletion of natural resources, the world’s population will soon face both a food shortage and a lack of resources needed to carry out any development processes.

Chemicals are used to boost agricultural product produced in order to address the shortage. This has a negative impact on people’s health in addition to lowering soil value. The people of the earth will face serious problems if the process continues. The environment and resources of the earth have suffered numerous injuries over the years. There is hope that if necessary actions and precautions are taken to protect the environment, a much worse condition could be delayed, if not entirely avoided.

Forests and wetlands need to be protected if we want to slow down global warming. It is best to avoid felling trees unless it is absolutely necessary. In these situations, it is necessary to plant as many trees as you can. A significant portion of the population can protect the environment with just one action. The preservation of wildlife, biodiversity, and natural resources is also crucial. In addition, every person on the planet should do their part to stop the ozone layer from being destroyed.

The primary ozone-depleting substances are frequently found in air conditioners, fire extinguishers, and refrigerators. The refrigerants hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) and chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) are widely used in refrigerators and air conditioners. These are significant factors in the ozone layer’s depletion on the earth.

Therefore, it’s crucial to avoid using products that contain HCFC and CFC refrigerants. Additionally, it is a good idea to stay away from aerosol products that use HCFC and CFC propellants. In addition to all of the aforementioned actions, precautions should be taken to reduce carbon emissions.


Environmental protection measures must be taken in order for sustainable development to proceed. The ultimate objective of sustainable development is to benefit both the current population and future generations. Therefore, environmental protection is a crucial step in sustainable development.  

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