EnglishEssay on Drug Abuse

Essay on Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Drug Abuse: Drug abuse is taking drugs too much and too often over a long period of time. When people use drugs over and over again, they become addicted, which has bad effects. Read our eye-opening essay on drug abuse to learn about the harmful effects and Ways to Cure Drug Abuse. Get inspired to make a positive change today. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Drugs are the new thing everyone wants to do. Where people should be taught knowledge and life values, drugs are taking their place and making life itself meaningless. Drugs can also be used in good ways, but because we are what we are, we tend to focus on the bad things. 

Essay on Drug Abuse

Long Essay on Drug Abuse in English (500 Words)

Drug abuse is a long-term illness. People who use drugs can’t stop using them, even though they know how bad they are for them. When drugs are used often, they can hurt the brain and cause other health problems as well. Changes to the brain caused by taking a lot of drugs can last for a long time. So, people know that drug addiction is a problem that keeps coming back. Here are some of the reasons why people use drugs and what can be done to stop it:

Reasons why people use drugs

Most of the things that lead to drug abuse can be put into three main groups. Here is a more in-depth look at each of these:

Environmental Factors

There are many things that make up a person’s environment, such as his social status, family, friends, job, etc. Drug abuse is often caused by problems at home, bad friends, competition at work, and a lack of guidance and support from parents or teachers.

Biological Factors

Genes can also cause people to abuse drugs. If one or both of a child’s parents have used drugs, there is a high chance that the child will also do drugs. A person may also turn to drugs if they have a mental illness.

Age Factor

Even though drug addiction can happen at any age, it is more likely to happen to young people who start using drugs. This is because the parts of their brains that deal with self-control, judgement, and making decisions are still growing. This is why teenagers are more likely to use drugs.

Problems with family or relationships

There are problems in the families of many people. For them, using drugs seems like an easy way to get away from the stress that these problems cause. Teenagers, in particular, use drugs to try to solve their relationship problems.

Stress at Work

Pressure at work and competition in school and college are also big reasons why people use drugs.


People’s genes also seem to play a big role in whether or not they become addicts. Usually, but not always, the problem runs in the family.


Feeling empty can be the worst feeling and can be hard to deal with. Many people turn to drugs to get rid of these feelings. They think drugs will help them fill the hole in their lives. 

How to Stop Drug Use

There are ways to fix the problem of drug abuse, but they are not easy. How to do it:

Expert Guidance

To solve this problem, you should see a doctor and get the right medicine. Most people who have this very serious problem are told to go to a rehabilitation centre to get help.

Eat well and work out.

A healthy diet is the only way to fix the damage caused by drug abuse and get back to being physically and mentally healthy. People also say that working out regularly can help keep stress at bay.

Talk to Close Ones

It is better to let out your feelings instead of keeping them inside. Tell your family and friends what’s going on. This is a better way to deal with stress than taking drugs. 


Abuse of drugs is getting worse, especially among young people. There are a lot of things that led to this problem, and its effects are very bad. To stop people from using drugs, it is important to get the word out about how bad they are. To get out of the hellish world of drug abuse, people with this problem need to talk to a doctor and ask for help from those close to them. 

Short essay on Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is a mental, emotional, and social problem that affects the country’s youth. It hurts people and society in many ways, including socially, physically, culturally, emotionally, and financially. By affecting the brain, the drug causes a wide range of mental disorders, such as fear, anxiety, and a feeling of insecurity.

Some drugs, like nicotine, cocaine, and caffeine, stimulate the brain and nervous system, making the person more alert and quick to act. Addiction to these drugs causes a big loss of appetite and weight, constipation, more anxiety, and seizures and delirium when the drug is taken away.

Drugs can slow down the way the brain works, making it hard for young people to develop a good set of values and goals. When your brain isn’t working as well, you don’t do as well in school and you feel bad about yourself. This can mess up your personality growth.

When a man starts abusing drugs, he stays addicted to them and keeps taking more and more of them. In the first stage of drug addiction, the person’s brain cells become irritated, and his rational faculties, such as his ability to judge, observe, and pay attention, become dulled. 

This is called the sub-clinical stage. In the second phase, the addict feels like he doesn’t know who he is, and psychic trauma makes him feel like he needs to use drugs to feel “stimulated.” In the third phase, as the person takes more and more of the drug, he starts to lose his balance and muscle coordination. The addict is now locked up in his own confusion and is quickly putting himself to death.

Drug abuse kills more people than anything else in the world. About 350,000 people die every year from too much smoking, drugs, or drinking. We need to realise how bad drug abuse is and stay as far away from it as possible. 

FAQs on Drug Abuse Essay

Q.1 What is drug abuse?

Drug abuse refers to the harmful and excessive use of drugs or other substances that can lead to physical and psychological dependence, and can cause negative consequences in various aspects of life, such as health, relationships, work, and legal issues.

Q.2 Why is drug abuse a significant problem?

Drug abuse is a significant problem because it can cause serious harm to individuals, families, and communities. It can lead to health problems, such as addiction, overdose, and infectious diseases. It can also cause social and economic problems, such as crime, unemployment, and poverty.

Q.3 What are the signs of drug abuse?

The signs of drug abuse include changes in behavior, mood, and appearance. Some of the common signs include withdrawal from social activities, decreased performance at school or work, sudden mood swings, changes in sleeping and eating habits, and physical symptoms such as bloodshot eyes, weight loss or gain, and trembling.

Q.4 How can drug abuse be prevented?

Drug abuse can be prevented by promoting healthy behaviors and lifestyles, providing education and information about the risks and consequences of drug abuse, and offering support and resources for those who are struggling with drug abuse. Parents, schools, healthcare providers, and communities can all play a role in preventing drug abuse.

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