EnglishEssay on Deforestation

Essay on Deforestation

Deforestation Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Deforestation: Deforestation is the process of cutting down trees and removing forest covers. Deforestation can be caused by people or it can happen on its own. In this essay on deforestation, we will talk about what is deforestation, cause of deforestation, effect of deforestation and how to stop it. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Deforestation can hurt our ecosystem in a lot of ways. The effects of deforestation can change the whole way our ecosystem works, from the way our food cycle works to how bad global warming is. Let us understand why and how deforestation occurs by reading this essay. 

Long Essay on Deforestation in English (500 Words)

What is Deforestation?

Deforestation is when a large number of trees in a forest are cut down. Deforestation has always been a threat to our environment. But many people still keep doing this bad thing. Deforestation also upsets the balance of nature. Still, some selfish people need to make money. Therefore they do not even think about it once. So, the government is trying to stop the damage to the environment by taking steps to stop it.

The main reason for cutting down trees is to make more land. Also, this land area is to set up new industries. All of this is because there are more people now. As the population increases the demand for products also increase. So, wealthy businessmen set up these fields to make more money.

Essay on Deforestation

Causes of Deforestation

Agriculture is the main cause of deforestation. FAQ says that about 80% of deforestation is caused by farming. For his or her own survival, the farmer cut down trees in the forest and used that land to grow crops. Due to a growing population, the demand for food products is also growing. Because of this, farmers need a lot of land to grow crops, so they have no choice but to cut down trees to make room for crops.

Aside from this, people also want more paper, matchsticks, furniture, and other things. So, a lot of wood is needed for the wood-based industries to be able to make this product. Paper is a big part of everyone’s lives. 

Every year, people throw away enough paper to make up for about 640 million trees. We always have to recycle paper because of this. People use wood as fuel, and many cut down trees and burn them to make food. 

Coal can also be made from wood. Every house has a wooden door, window, and other things made of wood. Because of these things, there is a huge demand for wood, which leads to trees being cut down.

In addition, roads are built so that people can get to these places. Again, trees are cut down to make roads. Cutting down trees is also caused by the growth of cities, which is directly linked to the rise in population. People in these places need houses, roads, and other facilities, so they have to cut down trees to make a living.

Many petrochemical companies dump their waste into rivers, which causes the soil to erode and makes it impossible to grow plants and trees there. Oil and coal mining need a lot of land that used to be forest. The mining waste pollutes the environment and hurts other living things.

Forest fires are another reason. Every year, forest fires kill thousands of trees. Why do forest fires happen there? Because it’s hot there in the summer and not as cold in the winter. People are often to blame for fires because they don’t take care of things. Fires, whether they are started by people or by nature, destroy a lot of forest cover.

We all know that the world’s population is growing quickly, which is also one reason why trees are being cut down. When people cut down trees, they use the land to build homes.

Bad Effects of Cutting Down Trees

Destruction of forests has many bad effects. Here are some of them:

  • Soil erosion: Soil erosion is the process of the top layer of soil being worn away. It happens when trees that hold the soil together are cut down. Because of this, water and wind carry away the top layer of soil.
  • Also, because of this, things like landslides can happen. Also, different floods happen because of soil erosion. Since there are no trees, the water from heavy rains flows straight to the plains. This hurts the places where people live, like colonies.
  • Global warming is the main reason why our environment is changing. Now, these seasons are getting pushed back. The ratios between them are also not right. Temperatures are getting as high as they can go. 
  • This year, the plains were 50 degrees, which is the most of all. Also, the Himalayan mountains’ glaciers are melting.
  • Because of this, hilly parts of our country are getting flooded, along with the people who live there. Also, the amount of water that is safe to drink is going down.
  • Effect on the water cycle: When trees breathe out, they release water from the soil into the air. By cutting them down, the amount of water in the air goes down. So there aren’t any clouds. Because of this, the agricultural lands are not getting enough rain. Because of this, it only affects people indirectly.

How Can We Stop Deforestation?

Several things can be done to stop trees from being cut down. First, we should afforest, which means planting trees in forests. This would help make up for the trees that were cut down. Also, there should be more products made from plants.

Different industries would have to grow more trees because of this. Because of this, it will also be good for the environment. Small plants should also be grown in people’s homes. This will help the environment get back to how it used to be. 

At last, the government should punish people in a strict way. Even more so for those who cut down trees without permission. 


People are in charge of keeping the forests safe. Things will keep getting worse unless we give forests the attention they deserve and do what we need to do to keep them from being destroyed. It is a group action that must be done with a strong will. 

What is Deforestation Short Essay?

Deforestation is when a large number of trees are cut down to meet the needs of a growing population. People are so selfish that they are destroying forests by cutting them down and not replacing them. But they don’t realise that they are digging a big hole for themselves. People are turning forests into farms, cities, and homes so that they can get more wood, fuel, harvest crops, make farms, and build homes and cities.

Deforestation causes a lot of bad things to happen, like animals losing their homes and dying, the environment changing, the seasons changing, the temperature rising, the heat in the environment rising, global warming, more greenhouse gases, melting ice caps and glaciers, rising sea levels, weakening of the ozone layer, holes in the ozone layer, sea animals dying, and more natural disasters like storms, cyclones, typhoons, floods, droughts, and many more bad

Forests play a big part in keeping people and the environment in balance by controlling the water cycle, making soil, giving animals a place to live, giving off oxygen, using harmful CO2, controlling the temperature of the environment, stopping soil erosion, and many other things. By cutting down the forests, we stop all the good things that forests do for people and the environment. 

10 Lines on Deforestation Essay

  1. Deforestation is the process of cutting down too many trees and making forests flat.
  2. Deforestation can also be caused by things that happen in nature.
  3. Most of the time, people are to blame for cutting down trees.
  4. Deforestation can lead to the loss of species and an imbalance in the environment.
  5. Many species can lose their homes because of deforestation.
  6. Deforestation can be caused by the need for woods and land.
  7. The rate of deforestation can be slowed down by planting more trees and making it illegal to cut down trees.
  8. We get many things from forests, but if they are cut down, we will lose all of those things.
  9. The balance of climate change and rainfall will be upset by cutting down trees.
  10. Deforestation will cause there to be too much carbon dioxide in the air, which will hurt people’s health. 
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