EnglishEssay on Communal Harmony

Essay on Communal Harmony

Communal Harmony Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Communal Harmony: “United we stand, divided we fall” is a subtle way to say that community harmony is important. Any forces that divide society make it weak. In this essay we will talk about what is meant by communal harmony, the Disruption of Communal Harmony, and many more. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Secularism is one of many ideas that are written into India’s constitution. Also in the preamble is the word “secularism.” India does not support religion by the government, and it does not have a national religion of any kind. India is home to people who belong to many different religions. The idea of secularism gives them the freedom to live and talk about their religion. 

Essay on Communal Harmony

Long Essay on Communal Harmony in English

What is meant by communal harmony

India is a country that wants peace. It’s no wonder that people from different backgrounds can live here in peace. While most of the people in the country help keep peace between different groups. But the same thing has happened more than once. Here are some ways that the country has kept communal harmony and some times when it has broken down.

Laws to Maintain Communal Harmony

India is not a religious country. The country’s Constitution says that each citizen can choose his or her own religion and can change it at any time. Any person, group, or community that tries to change this constitutional law will face strict punishment.

Need for communal harmony

Harmony between people is seen as the most important law of creation because it brings people together. No one will ever want to live in a place where there is only violence or chaos. So, people should always try to get along with each other in order to improve their health, peace, and prosperity. People of all religions, castes, creeds, and races develop a sense of respect and tolerance for one another. 

The goal of communal harmony is to make it easier for different groups of people to live together, and it should be based on the cultural values of the country. For example, Gandhiji, Swami Vivekananda, and many other great people thought it was important to promote peace between different groups. Gandhi said, “All men are brothers, and no two people should be strangers.” 

One who wants to break the bond of brotherhood is seen as God’s worst enemy. He also said that Sarvodaya should be the goal of every person. Also, he was very against nonviolence, so he thought that the bonds of brotherhood would keep the culture and history of the country alive.

Instances of Communal Riots

Even though the country’s Constitution was written to keep people from fighting with each other, it has been broken many times. So, here are some examples of riots between different groups in India:

1857 Bharuch Riots

In May 1857, there were fights between Bohra Muslims and Parsis. Some Muslims said that Bejonji Sheriaiji Bharucha, a Parsi, had trashed a mosque. This led to riots. Five days later, as many as 200 Muslims attacked a fire temple called Dastur Kamdin Dar-e Mihr. They killed the High Priest in a brutal way.

1969 Gujarat Riots

This is about the fights between Hindus and Muslims in Gujarat in September and October of 1969. This was the first time that a large number of people were killed and looted because of religious differences in Gujarat. During these riots, about 660 people were killed and 1074 were hurt.

1984 Anti-Sikh Riots

This group of attacks on Sikhs in India is also called the 1984 Sikh Massacre. People say that angry mobs caused these riots after the Sikh bodyguards of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi killed her. During these riots, about 2800 people were killed across the country, and about 2100 of them were from Delhi.

1984 Bhiwandi Riots

In 1984, these riots happened in and around the town of Bhiwandi in the state of Maharashtra. During the Bhiwandi riots, as many as 278 people died and more than 1,000 were hurt. A fight broke out after a saffron flag was put on top of a mosque.

1985 Gujarat Riots

These riots began in February 1985 and went on until October, which is almost 9 months. It thought that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was using this violence to try to hurt the reputation of the government in power. Because of the reservation policy, this started out as a fight between different Hindu castes. But over time, it turned into fights between Hindus and Muslims.

2006 Vadodara Riots

These events took place in May 2006 in Vadodara, Gujarat. They are also known as the 2006 Dargah Riots. The dargah of the Sufi saint Syed Chishti Rashid Uddin was taken down by the city council, which caused the riots. It said that Muslims were singled out by the police during this event. During these riots, there were reports of Hindus and Muslims fighting in several places.


Religion is a very touchy subject. India has always had a policy of being open to all religions. The Constitution of our country says that everyone has the right to choose his or her own religion. But there are some groups and people who spread violence between communities and hurt the peace and harmony in the country. But in the end, peace has always won over violence between people. 

200 Words Essay On Communal Harmony

Communal harmony is the peace and goodwill between people of different religions, ethnicities, or other groups. It means respecting other people’s beliefs and practises and being willing to live with people who are different.

In today’s world, people need to get along with each other more than ever. With globalisation and religious extremism getting worse, it’s more important than ever for people from different backgrounds to get along and respect each other.

Every country needs peace between its people. Peace and harmony are necessary for a country to grow. India has made laws to keep people from different castes and religions from fighting with each other, even though they live there. It is known for having strong secular values. There is no religion that the government recognises.

To keep a society that is peaceful and works well together, it is important to encourage community harmony. There are a lot of ways to do this, such as:

  • Getting people from different backgrounds to talk to each other and mix.
  • Getting people of all cultures and religions to understand and respect each other.
  • Start young with kids and teach them how important it is to be tolerant and respectful.
  • Putting on events that bring people from all walks of life together.
  • Putting prejudices to the test and celebrating differences.
  • We can make a more peaceful society where everyone can live together in peace if we take steps to promote community harmony.
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