EnglishEssay on Child Exploitation

Essay on Child Exploitation

Child Exploitation Essay in English

Essay on Child Exploitation: The child of today will be a citizen of tomorrow. Any society or country’s future can be seen in the state of its children. Children are the best way to see how a society is doing. The quality of a child’s life shows how far a society has come. In this essay we will talk about what is child exploitation. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

WHO defines child abuse as “Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.”

Essay on Child Exploitation

600 Words Essay on Child Exploitation for Students

Millions of children around the world have to work because they don’t go to school or because they drop out of school at a young age. So, a person who works before he or she is 14 years old and whose physical, mental, and social development has been hurt by that work is a child labourer. Child abuse and child labour are the most horrible and heartless crimes.

36% of the people living in our country are children. We might say that we’re the biggest democracy because of our size, but it doesn’t look like we’re the best. Young children are taken advantage of and deprived of the joys of childhood for many different reasons. At an age when they should be going to school or playing on playgrounds, children have to deal with hard things in life and don’t get to be kids.

The National Child Labour Project 2001 Census says that 12.6 million children in India are working. It’s not just in a few states. It’s all over the country, from coast to coast. A lot of children work in agriculture, glass factories, carpet factories, brass factories, matchbox factories, on the streets as beggars, and in hotels, doing dangerous and less dangerous jobs.

A recent ILO report says that about 80% of the children who work in India do so in the agriculture sector. Most of the time, the children are sold to wealthy loan sharks who can’t get their money back. More than 60,000 children work in the glass and bangle industry, where the conditions are very dangerous and the heat is very high. 

In India, almost 4.2 million children work in the carpet industry, and more than 70,000 work in factories that make match boxes.

In 2010, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights in India got 75 reports of child abuse, including cases of physical punishment, up until October 31. Especially those between 5 and 12 years old said they had been abused more. India has more severe cases of child sexual abuse than any other country. 

These cases include incest, rape, sexual abuse, sodomy, inappropriate touch, and sexual assault. Worst of all is that a shocking number of these crimes are never reported. Child abuse is also hidden and covered up for other reasons, such as shame, plain depravity, and family honour. A survey done by the government found that more than 53% of children in India are sexually abused, but most of them don’t tell anyone about it.

Different studies also show that harmful traditional practises like child marriage, the caste system, discrimination against girls, child labour, and the devadasi tradition hurt children and make them more likely to be abused or neglected. The most sexual assaults happened to kids who lived on the street, kids who worked, and kids who lived in institutions.

Exploiting a child hurts them in many ways. Child abuse stunts a child’s physical and mental growth in many ways, such as not giving the child the right environment for healthy growth, torturing the child physically or mentally, or sexually abusing the child in any way. Physical abuse includes things like choking, burning, hitting, and striking. 

Sexual abuse is any kind of sexual contact between a child and an adult, in any way. Emotionally, a child is being abused when he or she is deprived, has his or her self-esteem hurt, or goes through any other kind of mental trauma. Child abuse can also happen when a child isn’t given the food, shelter, clothing, education, and environment he or she needs to grow and develop as a person.

But the Union Minister of Women and Child Development introduced the Sexual Offences Bill in Rajya Sabha in 2011 to stop this horrible crime. It aims to give harsh punishments of up to ten years in prison, which could even be increased to life in prison if necessary.

Several parts of the Constitution say that children can’t work in factories. Under Article 24, it says that no child under the age of 14 can work in a factory, mine, or any other dangerous job or work. In the same way, Article 31 says that the state must make sure that economic pressures don’t force teenagers to take jobs that are bad for their age and physical ability.

Children should have chances to grow up in a healthy way and in a free and respectful environment where they are safe from having their childhood or adolescence used against them. In 1987, the Indian government made the National Child Labour Policy to deal with this problem. 

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