EnglishEssay on Cancer: Understanding the Disease and its Impact

Essay on Cancer: Understanding the Disease and its Impact

Cancer Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Cancer: Cancer might be one of the diseases that people fear and dread the most. This essay on cancer will talk about the type of cancer, what causes it, and how to treat it. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Cancer, a terrible disease, is now the biggest health problem in the world. In poor countries, it is the disease that kills the most people. Did you know that there are over a hundred different kinds of cancer and that they can affect any part of the body? Some cancers can be prevented, which is another fact. Let us learn more. 

Long Essay on Cancer in 600 – 700 Words in English

In India and many other places, talking about or talking about cancer is still seen as taboo, and this idea needs to change. Always keep in mind that knowing about cancer is the first step to stopping it. You must hear cancer survivors talk about their experiences through speeches that raise awareness about the disease. 

If you know about the disease ahead of time, you can be on the lookout for any signs or symptoms and tell your doctor right away if you notice anything unusual. This will help fight cancer or stop it from happening more effectively. 


Cancer might be one of the diseases that people fear and dread the most. Cancer is the cause of death for nearly 9.5 million people around the world in 2018. According to the World Health Organization, it is the second leading cause of death. 

Studies show that 1300 people die of cancer every day in India. These numbers are really scary and amazing at the same time. In the last few decades, more and more people have been getting cancer. So, in this essay on cancer, let’s look at what cancer means, what causes it, and what kinds of cancer there are.

There are many different kinds of cancer. Cancer is the name for a group of diseases in which some of a person’s cells start to divide over and over again and refuse to stop. When there is no need for them, these extra cells form. They spread to the tissues around them and can even turn into cancerous tumours. Cells may break off from these tumours and go to other parts of the patient’s body to form new tumours.

Essay on Cancer

Types of Cancers

Cancer can affect any part or organ of the body, as we all know. We’ve all heard of lung, blood, pancreatic, stomach, skin, and so many other types of cancer. But from a biological point of view, there are five different kinds of cancer: carcinoma, sarcoma, melanoma, lymphoma, and leukaemia.

Leukaemia is a type of cancer that starts in the blood marrow. It is a blood cancer. No tumours form in this type of cancer. Melanoma is one of the most dangerous types of cancer because melanin, the pigment that gives skin its colour, turns cancerous. 

Carcinomas are cancers of glands or organs like the breasts, stomach, lungs, pancreas, and so on. Sarcomas are cancer of the connective tissues, such as those in the bones, muscles, and other places. On the other hand, lymphomas are cancers that start in the white blood cells. Carcinomas are one of the most common types of cancer to be found. 

The most common type of these is carcinomas. These cancers start in organs or glands like the lungs, stomach, pancreas, breast, etc. Leukaemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood, but it doesn’t make tumours. Sarcomas begin in the muscles, bones, tissues, or other parts of the body that hold things together. Lymphomas are cancers of the lymphocytes, which are the white blood cells. And finally, melanoma is a cancer that starts in the skin’s colour.

Causes of Cancer

Most of the time, we can’t point to just one thing as the cause of cancer. Carcinogens are the things that cause cancer most of the time. But many things will affect how these grow or get into a person’s body. The main factors can be put into three groups: biological factors, physical factors, and lifestyle factors.

Biological factors are things like age, gender, genes, hereditary factors, blood type, skin type, etc. that are inside the body. Physical factors are things like X-rays, gamma rays, and other things that a king might be exposed to in the environment. And finally, substances that got into our bodies through our lifestyles are called carcinogens. Some of these are tobacco, UV light, alcohol, smoke, etc. Next, let’s learn how to treat cancer in this essay about the disease.

How Cancer Is Treated

Cancer needs to be found early and treated right away. When the disease is found early, it is easier to treat and has a better chance of working. Surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy are the three most common ways to treat cancer.

If there is a benign tumour, surgery is done to take the mass out of the body. This gets rid of cancer. In radiation therapy, we use radiation (rays) to kill cancer cells in a very specific way. Chemotherapy is similar in that we give the person injections of drugs that kill cancer cells. But every treatment plan has different side effects. And care after cancer treatment is one of the most important parts. 

10 Lines on Cancer Essay in English

  1. Cancer is a deadly disease that is common in the modern world.
  2. Cancer is when an abnormal growth of body cells starts to spread to other parts of the body.
  3. The uncontrolled growth of cells makes a lump or can cause groups of cells to grow together and form tumours.
  4. So far, doctors have found out about more than 100 different kinds of cancer.
  5. Cancer comes in four main types: Carcinomas, Sarcomas, Leukemia, and Lymphomas.
  6. Metastasis is the process by which cancer cells spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream and cause tumours to grow.
  7. Some of the screening tests that can help find cancer early on are a colonoscopy, a mammogram, and a Pep test.
  8. A biopsy is a test that helps find out for sure if someone has cancer. It involves taking a small piece of tissue from the body to test it further.
  9. About 22% of cancer deaths are caused by smoking, followed by being overweight or not moving around enough.
  10. The most common way to treat cancer is chemotherapy, which kills cancer cells and stops them from growing in an abnormal way. 
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