EnglishEssay on Camel

Essay on Camel

In this article, we are going to discuss an Essay on Camel, Physical Feature of Camel, economic importance to humans. The camel is a large animal that inhabits desert regions. It is referred to as the “ship of the desert” because it can traverse deserts with the same ease as ships sail on water. Nature has well-equipped it for the task. You can also find more English essay articles about events, people, sports, culture, technology, etc.

Long and Short Essay on Camel in English

We have provided below short and long essays on Camel in English.

Essay on Camel

Long Essay on Camel for Students

A camel is a unique animal with distinctive qualities. As they learn more about their appearance, habitat, and life, they fascinate children. 

Physical Appearance Of A Camel

A camel is a large creature with a long neck. They are referred to as “ships of the desert” due to their wide, padded feet that allow them to walk quickly on sandy deserts. Camel’s back hump is where they store energy-dense fat deposits. They utilise this fat for sustenance when food is scarce. The camel’s hump flattens when it has not consumed enough food. It grows again after the camel eats.

Additionally, the hump helps regulate their body temperature. A camel can consume up to 100 litres of water in one sitting, and its body is designed to allow for minimal water loss. Due to their ability to survive without food and water for several days, they are the best-suited animal for desert environments.

Camels conjure images of majestic animals traversing sand dunes and arid lands. Let us assist your child in composing a wonderful paragraph about these magnificent mammals:

The camel is known as “the ship of the desert.” They are desert-dwelling and perfectly adapted to their environment. Their broad, cushioned feet allow them to traverse sand dunes and arid lands at high speeds. They are large animals weighing approximately 600 kilogrammes that are capable of transporting heavy loads. Camels have a hump on their backs where they store energy-rich fats from which they derive sustenance in arid environments. There are camels with two humps. When camels go without food for an extended period, their humps droop. It expands once more when they obtain food to eat and store. 

Camels can consume around 100 litres of water in a short amount of time. Their body has evolved to store this water for an extended period of time. Their fur and coat prevent them from perspiring, and their blood cells have evolved to conserve water. The male camel is known as a bull, the female as a cow, and the young as a calf.

The calf can begin to walk 30 minutes after birth. Camels are social creatures that travel in large groups called caravans. They exchange greetings by blowing air into one another’s faces. Camels are herbivores. Their thick mouth and lips help them consume thorny desert plants. They are intelligent beings who do not get lost in the desert. They have a lifespan of 40 to 50 years.

Camels are large mammals. They are endemic to deserts. Due to their broad, cushioned feet, they can swiftly traverse sandy deserts. Their mouth is adapted so that they can consume desert-dwelling thorny bushes. Some camels have a single hump, whereas others have two. The camel’s hump is essential for storing energy-rich fat, which it uses to survive in the desert without food. They can also consume large quantities of water at once and store the remainder for an extended period. 

Short Essay on Camel in English for Students

Camels are large and useful animals. It has a small head, a long neck, long, slender legs, and a large stomach that stores a large amount of water, allowing it to travel long distances without drinking. The animal has a hump on its back. Camels are typically found in desert-dominated regions.

It is referred to as “the ship of the desert.” Its feet are equipped with pads resembling shoes for walking on the scorching sand. Men in the desert ride on its back and consume its milk and meat. Its hair is utilised to make brushes.

The camel is a pack animal. It can travel thirty to thirty-five miles per day when carrying a load and sixty to eighty miles per day when unladen. Such lengthy journeys do not leave it feeling hungry or parched. Camels are herbivores. When they are extremely hungry, however, they will consume almost anything they can find, including bones, skin, fish, and even a blanket.

The camel is a docile creature. It is renowned for its patience and tenacity and is extremely resilient. It is extremely loyal to its master. Arabs consider it a sacred animal. 

Click to read 10 Lines On The Camel For Students-

5 Sentences about Camel in English

  1. The intelligence of camels is best known.
  2. It is said that camels never forget a path they have previously travelled. As a result, they do not become lost in deserts.
  3. They are peaceful and pose no threat to others.
  4. Camel diet consists of green vegetation, thorns, and branches.
  5. This mammal has an average lifespan of 40 to 50 years. 

The Uses of Camels in 10 English Sentences

  • The most common use of a camel in the desert is as a mode of transportation.
  • In the desert, camel milk is a staple beverage. It is reportedly highly nutritious.
  • Each day, a female camel can produce up to 7 litres of milk.
  • In the textile industry, camel hair is utilised.
  • Leather is produced using camel skin.
  • Camel use in agriculture is widespread.
  • They are used to draw water from wells and perform a great deal of additional work.
  • Camel height can reach up to 2 metres.
  • The casual appearance of a camel is quite deceptive. They are excellent runners.
  • Due to their desert adaptation, camels are referred to as the “Ship of the Desert.” 
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