EnglishEssay on Biodiversity

Essay on Biodiversity

Biodiversity Essay

In this informative essay on Biodiversity, learn the importance of biodiversity and the part it plays in preserving a healthy ecosystem. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Essay on Biodiversity for Students

Essay on Biodiversity: The term “biodiversity” refers to all of the animal and plant life that exists in and around us. It alludes to the abundance of flora and fauna on earth, including microorganisms. Because it keeps the equilibrium of the planet’s ecological systems in place, biodiversity is absolutely necessary to live as we know it. The term “biological diversity” or “biodiversity,” as its name implies, refers to the vast and varied variety of biological creatures and living things on the planet.

The broad category of biodiversity includes many different types of organisms. These include everything from the enormous Blue Whales to the tiny bacteria that reside on our fingertips, and from the tallest trees to the tiniest plants that are no bigger than mustard seeds.

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Below, you’ll find two essays—one long and one short—about biodiversity written in English for students and young people. The first essay is a lengthy (400–500 words) essay on biodiversity. This extensive essay on biodiversity is appropriate for class 7—10 students as well as those preparing for competitive exams. The second essay is a 150–200 word paragraph on biodiversity. Children and students in grades 6 and below can use these.

Essay on Biodiversity

500 Words Essay on Biodiversity

Below is a lengthy essay on biodiversity that is 500 words long and useful for students in grades 7, 8, 9, and 10 as well as those preparing for competitive exams. This extensive essay on the subject is appropriate for students in grades 7 through 10, as well as for those planning to take competitive exams.

There is biodiversity all around us, from the houseplants and mosquitoes we have to the millions of different kinds of animals and plants that live in the world’s largest forests and jungles. Biodiversity, put simply, is the abundance of plants and animals that exist on planet Earth. It is incredibly important to the world around us because every living thing, whether it be an animal or plant, has a specific function to fulfill in its ecological system.

What makes biodiversity so crucial in the first place? The answer is much simpler than you might think: biodiversity is significant because it makes up the majority of our planet’s ecosystem. All of the land on the planet, including the hydrosphere, is home to a wide variety of animals, plants, and microorganisms. As a result, our planet will be completely gone if these organisms, also known as the biodiversity of planet earth, continue to disappear.

Today, there are thousands of species that are endemic to particular geographical areas, which means that if those ecosystems disappear, so will these flora and fauna species. Lemurs from Madagascar, for instance, are unique to that island. Ecosystems are being destroyed as a result of circumstances created by humans, which causes endemic species to fall under the category of endangered. The majority of the time, extinction-threatened species are the result of pointless human activity. Both the dodo bird and the Bengal tiger are now critically endangered. Environmental preservation is another term for the conservation of biodiversity.

World leaders deem it necessary to clear a significant number of trees from forests in order to build new infrastructure because infrastructure technology is constantly improving. Deforestation is another name for this process, which is very bad for the environment. Losing the trees that give us oxygen and the numerous other organisms that rely on the ecosystem that these forests support causes harm to the environment. In the name of development, kilometers worth of forests are felled, and with each ecosystem lost, the amount of biodiversity on our planet is reduced by tens of thousands.

Despite the fact that biodiversity is declining, there are ways to restore it, if not entirely to its original state. Reforestation, which refers to replanting trees to enable the forest to grow its trees back, is the best method for accomplishing this. Increasing awareness of the effects of biodiversity loss is another way to combat the problem. To protect the wildlife and flora of particular forest regions, governments have gone so far as to establish forest reserves and conservatories. This demonstrates the care and accountability of these governments.

The world needs to restore its biodiversity. In order for this to occur, humans must take responsibility for the dubious actions we are taking against ecosystems all over the world. It is time for us to do a much better job than we have in the past of caring for and protecting the earth’s flora and fauna.

200 Words Essay on Biodiversity

A brief essay on biodiversity is provided below for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Students in grades 6 and below can read and understand this brief essay on the subject.

The term “biodiversity” describes the totality of all the plants and animals that exist on the planet Earth. Biodiversity includes all of the indoor plants we grow, as well as outdoor trees, aquatic life, and even the spiders that occasionally spin webs on our interior walls. The biodiversity of our planet includes even the microscopic organisms that we cannot see without a microscope.

The earth is home to millions of different plant and animal species. We can find various kinds on land, in water, in the snow, in the rain, etc. Different types of biodiversity can be found in different types of climates, including hot, cold, humid, dry, etc.

Some human activities, like cutting down trees to make room for a structure, can occasionally be really bad for the environment. In addition to producing the oxygen we breathe, trees also serve as a haven for numerous animal and microbial species as well as external plants. For instance, if all the trees are cut down, the monkeys won’t have anywhere to go.

Earth is what it is because of its biodiversity. Because of all of this, protecting the planet’s biodiversity is essential.

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