EnglishEssay on Animals

Essay on Animals

Animal Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Animals: Animals are important to us in many ways. They give people food and a lot of other things. We eat things like meat, eggs, and dairy, for example. Also, we have pets that aren’t people. So, in this essay about animals, we’ll look at different species and how important they are. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Having animals around is important because they keep the ecosystem in balance. Some animals help us deal with stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness in the world we live in now. 

Every living thing has its own place in the food chain, and each one is important for keeping life going on Earth. Man had learned early on that humans are smarter and more complex than any other animal on Earth. 

Long Essay on Animals in English (900 Words)

People and animals both live on the planet we live on. An animal is a living thing that is part of a group of organisms that have more than one cell. These organisms have their own sense organs and nervous systems, and they can move around and make babies. All animals take in oxygen and let out carbon dioxide, and with a few exceptions, most animals eat things made of living things.

Animals are important to the environment in a lot of ways. We need them for many reasons, like companionship, food, and even to keep the ecosystem in balance. There are many kinds of animals in the world, and some live on land and others live in water. 

Each of these animals has a unique role in the ecosystem and is important for keeping things in balance. And each one of them has a reason for being there. Biology is the study of living things.

The Different Kinds Of Animals

In Biology, animals are put into different groups or species. It is thought that there are more than 7 million different kinds of animals in the world. Biology says that there are two groups of animals: vertebrates and invertebrates.


Vertebrates are all animals that have a backbone. There are five different kinds of vertebrates: mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, and reptiles.

  • Mammals are animals with warm blood that have hair or fur and backbones (a backbone). Most mammals give birth to their babies and make milk to feed and care for them. People, cats, dogs, cows, lions, dolphins, whales, and so on are all mammals.
  • Birds: Birds are warm-blooded animals with feathers, wings, and a light skeleton that helps them fly. But ostriches, penguins, emus, kiwis, cassowaries, and other birds can’t fly. Birds lay eggs, which they then hatch to have babies. Birds include crows, ducks, swans, geese, chickens, pigeons, peacocks, and many more.
  • Fish are vertebrates with cold blood that live in water. They can swim with the help of their fins and scales. Just like birds, fish lay eggs to have babies. Sharks, clownfish, salmon, eels, seahorses, and so on are all types of fish.
  • Amphibians are animals with backbones that can live both on land and in water. These animals with cold blood need a wet place to live. They take in water through their skin to breathe. The same way that birds and fish do, amphibians have babies by laying eggs. Some amphibians are frogs, salamanders, and toads.
  • Reptiles: Reptiles are animals with cold blood and backbones that live on land and in water. Scales or plates of bone cover their skin. Reptiles lay eggs to give birth to their young. Snakes, lizards, geckos, crocodiles, turtles, and so on are all reptiles.


Animals that don’t have a backbone are called invertebrates. Invertebrates, which are mostly insects, make up about 95% of the animal kingdom. Invertebrates come in eight different types: Annelida, Arthropoda, cnidaria, Echinodermata, mollusca, nematoda, platyhelminthes, and porifera. Invertebrates include mosquitoes, spiders, earthworms, jellyfish, snails, squid, bees, and many other animals.

Classifying Animals Based On Food

Just like people, animals need food to stay alive. Based on what they eat, animals can be put into three more groups.

  • Carnivores: Carnivores, also called carnivorous animals, are animals that eat the meat of other animals to stay alive. Tigers, lions, hyenas, sharks, hawks, eagles, and so on.
  • Herbivores are animals that only eat leaves, fruits, and vegetables from plants. Cows, horses, elephants, deer, rabbits, butterflies, silkworms, and many other animals don’t eat meat.
  • Omnivores: These are animals that eat both plants and other animals. People, wolves, raccoons, bears, dogs, rats, skunks, and many other animals are all omnivores.

Why Animals Are Important

The environment and even our own lives depend on animals. They are our friends, our eyes and ears, our helpers, and sometimes they even feed us. They are very important for keeping the ecosystem healthy and balanced.

  • Animals have been used to get people from one place to another since the beginning of time. For a long time, horses, camels, oxen, and donkeys were used to pull carts and help people get around. Even in the modern world of today, some countries still use animals to get around.
  • Animals as companions: People have kept dogs, cats, pigs, and other animals as pets and companions for hundreds of years. Today, animals like service dogs help people who are blind or have other special needs.
  • Animals for food: People have been eating animals and animal products like meat, fish, poultry, milk, cheese, etc. for a long time.
  • Animals as workers: People use animals to do things like guard, farm, hunt, and protect. For example, guard dogs, oxen for farming, hunting dogs etc.
  • A balanced ecosystem: Each animal has its own place in the food chain and makes its own contribution to the ecosystem. Bees and birds, for example, help spread pollen. Animals that eat meat help keep the number of other animals in check. They are also needed for the carbon and nitrogen cycles and for things to break down.

People and animals need to learn how to live together. Relationships between different organisms, food webs, and food chains are all important for a healthy ecosystem. It is important to protect animals because not doing so could have terrible effects on our ecosystem. Also, they have the same right as humans to be able to live in this world.

Summary of Animal Essay

Animals are an important part of our world and our lives. For a better future, it is our job as people to protect animals. Without the help of other animals, the human race will not be able to survive. 

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