EnglishEssay on Agriculture: Understanding the Importance of Farming

Essay on Agriculture: Understanding the Importance of Farming

Agriculture Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Agriculture: Agriculture is one of the most important parts of the Indian economy. It has been in the country for a very long time. With our in-depth essay on agriculture, you can learn about its importance and role in modern society. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Agriculture is the backbone of our country. One simple Agriculture in India Essay won’t be enough to explain the importance of agriculture in India and how it has helped the country. India is the second-largest producer of agricultural products in the world. It makes more than 280 million tonnes, which makes up more than 15% of India’s GDP. 

Long Essay on Agriculture in India in English

One of the most important parts of the Indian economy is agriculture. It has been in the country for a very long time. Over time, it has changed, and almost all of the old ways of farming have been replaced by new technologies and tools. Also, some small farmers in India still use the old, traditional ways of farming because they don’t have enough money to use modern methods. Also, this is the only sector that not only helped itself grow, but also helped every other sector in the country grow.

Essay on Agriculture

Agriculture is growing and getting better

India is mostly dependent on agriculture. Also, farming is not just a way to make a living in India; it is a way of life. Also, the government is always working to improve this sector because it provides food for the whole country.

Agriculture has been around for thousands of years, but for a long time it was not very well developed. Also, we used to import food grains from other countries to meet our needs after we got our independence. But after the green revolution, we were able to take care of ourselves and began selling our extra food to other countries.

Also, we used to depend solely on the monsoon to grow food grains, but now we have built dams, canals, tube-wells, and pump-sets to help. We also have a wider range of fertilisers, pesticides, and seeds than we did in the past, which helps us grow more food than we did before.

As technology got better, farmers started getting better tools, better ways to water their crops, and more specialised knowledge.

Also, our agriculture is stronger than that of many other countries, and we export more food grains than any other country.

How Important Agriculture Is

It is not wrong to say that the food we eat comes from agriculture and Indian farmers who work hard to make sure we have food to eat.

Also, agriculture is one of the biggest contributors to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and national income.

Also, it needs a lot of people to work on it and employs about 80% of all workers. There are both direct and indirect jobs in the agriculture sector.

Also, about 70% of all of our exports come from agriculture. Tea, cotton, textiles, tobacco, sugar, jute products, spices, rice, and many other things are the main things that are exported.

Agricultural Pattern in India

In India, the fate of farming depends on the monsoon. The monsoon is very important to agriculture in India. There are two times of year for farming: Kharif Season and Rabi Season.

Kharif Seasons

When the monsoons come to India, this season starts, and that is also when crops are planted. From September to October, harvest time is observed. The dates were different in each state.

Water is the most important thing when it comes to making things. Kharif crops need a lot of rain in order to grow. A lot of what these crops produce depends on how much water they get. Kharif crops include cotton, rice, maize, sorghum, bajra, and soyabean, among others.

Rabi Season

From October or November until March, Rabi crops are grown. In the spring, this crop is ready to be picked. This type of crop needs water all the time because it is planted in dry times. Wheat, linseed, mustard, pulses, oats, and barley are all Rabi crops. Both summer and winter crops have a big effect on the prices of vegetables and grains.

India’s most important crops

It has been put into two categories:

  • Cash Crops: Tea, Coffee, Sugarcane, Oilseeds, Cotton, Horticultural Crops, and Jute.
  • Food crops are: corn, rice, wheat, pulses, and millets.

Problems that agriculture faces

1. Cropping pattern

The way Cropping is done India grows two main types of crops: those that are used for food and those that are not. Oilseeds and fibres are two examples of crops that are not used to make food. Sugarcane, drinks, and grains are all examples of food crops. The way crops are grown hasn’t changed, which has caused many problems with the land and soil. As the climate changes, there is a greater need to grow different kinds of crops.

2. Instability

As we’ve already talked about, the timing of the monsoon is very important to agriculture. It has a big effect on how grains are grown. If the monsoon doesn’t come, it will be very hard for farmers to grow crops.

3. Fragmentation and Sub Division of Land

Land has been split up more and more as the population has grown and families have become smaller. Some people have to sell their land to pay off their debts.

4. Who Owns Land

Concerns arise when people don’t get the same amount of land. In India, the land is often owned by different people. It has made it so that a small number of people, like moneylenders, rich farmers, and landlords, own large amounts of land in India. Most farmers either own a small amount of land or none at all.

5. Pesticides, manures, and chemical fertilisers

In India, soils don’t have enough time to get new nutrients, which leads to low productivity and a loss of fertility. The crops have the lowest yield in the world. The problem is serious and can be fixed by using scientific methods.

6. Problem in Irrigation

India is the second most irrigated country in the world, which is a great thing. But only one-third of the land is being watered. Because of how unpredictable and late the monsoon is in India, it has become important to spread the irrigation network there.

7. Inefficient Transportation system

For food to get from the field to the market on time, there needs to be a good transportation system. It makes sure that products get to the market quickly. At the moment, rural areas are not well connected to the urban market, which slows the growth of agriculture.

8. Not having enough tech

There isn’t much technology used in farming. The Farmer still relies on old tools and old ways of doing things. The latest technology has not been used in agriculture in a big way. Farmers haven’t been encouraged to use the latest technology either because they don’t have enough money.

9. The Poor Condition of Farm Laborers

The rules for Things are not going well for farm workers. They didn’t make much money from farming. This sector hasn’t made more money. It hasn’t made their lives better; in fact, it’s making their lives worse. There is fake unemployment in the sector.

10. Market Issue

The market is full of middlemen and people who sell goods from their own towns. These people in the middle have become so powerful that they have a lot of say over prices. They try to make as much money as possible from the Farmer’s goods. Now, the problem is getting worse because big companies are getting involved and trying to shake up the market so they can sell more of their products. In this fight, the Farmer is the one who gets hurt the most.

Help from the government for farmers

Over time, farming problems have gotten worse. The government knows that there are problems with agriculture that need to be dealt with and fixed in order to make the lives of farmers more stable and successful. People have thought that they can’t solve these problems on their own. We need help from the government. 

The state also has a moral, social, and economic duty to help solve agriculture’s problems. When almost half of the people depend on agriculture for their food, income, and way of life, the government can’t just ignore this problem.

The government is aware of its role and has taken a number of steps to improve agriculture. They have taken a number of real steps to make farmers’ lives better. During this time, infrastructure for agriculture was improved and many roads were built to link rural areas to markets.

The government has tried to make farmers’ lives easier by setting up institutions like the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), the Indian Agriculture Research Institute (ICAR), the Agricultural Market Produce Market Committee (APMC), and the Food Corporation of India. Through their institutional frameworks and mechanisms, these government-run groups try to encourage farming and other related activities.

When India got rid of the British, the Government of India got rid of the Zamindari system and settled and gave out land in a more permanent way. But the way land was given out was not good because the law had a lot of holes. 

Using these loopholes, big landlords registered their land in the names of their close relatives. The Indian government spends a lot of money on subsidies for fertilisers and other agricultural activities. The Government of India has been harshly criticised by the rest of the world more than once, but it keeps doing what it is doing. 

The government knows that now is not a good time to take away the subsidies. The government needs to help out a lot in this area. Since chemical fertilisers have been used so much, the soil’s health has gotten worse in a big way. The government has set up labs around the country that use technology to test the health of the soil. 

Farmers need to do this kind of testing to improve the quality of the soil. It lets them know how healthy the soil is. It has also helped the farmer change the way he grows crops and find new ways to water his land.

In the end, agriculture has given the world a lot. But it has both good and bad things about it that we can’t ignore. Also, the government is doing everything it can to help agriculture grow and improve, but it still needs to do something about the bad things that happen because of agriculture. To save the environment and the people who live in it. 

FAQs about Essay on Agriculture

Q.1 What are the four types of farming?

There are four types of farming: nomadic herding, shifting cultivation, commercial plantation, and intensive subsistence farming.

Q.2 Describe the Zaid crop by an example.

Zaid crops are summer crops that are grown for only a short time (March to June). Fruits like watermelon and cucumber are examples.

Q.3 How do you define modern agriculture?

Modern agriculture is farming that uses advanced farming techniques and high-tech tools. It saves money and makes farming more efficient and productive.

Q.4 What is organic farming, and what are the advantages of it?

Chemical fertilisers are not used in organic farming. Instead, natural fertilisers and traditional farming methods are used.
Some of the reasons why organic farming is a good idea are:
Getting rid of chemical fertilisers slows down soil erosion.
Recycles animal waste back to the farm
Decreases nitrate leaching into groundwater and surface water 

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