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DVT Full Form

What is the full form of DVT?

DVT full form is Deep Vein Thrombosis. It refers to a blood clot that forms in a vein deep within the body, commonly in the lower leg or thigh. It can occur in many other parts of the body as well.

Typically, these clots are formed when a vein is weakened, blood flow is impaired, or a vein’s blood circulation ends. It primarily affects adults 50 and older. DVT is a life-threatening ailment; anyone exhibiting symptoms of this illness must seek medical attention immediately.

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Typical DVT symptoms

  • Typically affecting one side of the foot, ankle, and leg.
  • Leg pain, including cramping in the affected area.
  • Extreme foot and ankle pain.
  • There is redness in the affected area.
  • Feelings of affection towards the region affected.

Causes of DVT

  • The essential components may increase the chance of developing thrombosis.
  • Vein injury is caused by an injury, similar to a bone fracture.
  • It appears that obesity places additional strain on the veins in the legs and pelvis.
  • Family The history of DVT Utilization of medication for contraception.
  • undergoing hormone replacement treatment.
  • Hospitalization necessitates strict bed rest.
  • Colitis is an inflammation of the intestine.
  • Heavy smoking habit.
  • Long durations of sitting, such as when traveling or driving, or when performing the duties of a watchman.

DVT’s Complications

Pulmonary embolism

It occurs when a blood clot separates, its fragments begin to circulate in the bloodstream, and a blood vessel supplying blood to the lung obstructs one of the fragments.

Post-thrombotic syndrome

After DVT, persistent venous insufficiency develops. As a result of the DVT’s effect on the vein valves, blood begins to circulate in the lower leg instead of ascending. In certain circumstances, it produces chronic pain, swelling, and ulceration.

Limb ischemia

It occurs in extreme cases of DVT. In this disease, the blood clot, which obstructs blood flow in the arteries and limits oxygen delivery to the affected area, causes the vein pressure to rise. It is typically painful and can cause skin sores and gangrene.

Prevention of DVT

  • Stop sitting for lengthy durations or standing idle
  • Make adjustments to your lifestyle.
  • Periodical exercise
  • Stop smoking
  • Maintaining the ideal body weight, including consuming a balanced diet
  • Increase the consumption of fluids

Test for DVT

If the physician feels you may have DVT, he will conduct the following diagnostic procedures.


A blood test is performed to identify fragments of the blood clot that enter the bloodstream as the clot begins to disintegrate. The blood clot shows the presence of several fragments in the vein.


In this technique, a specific dye is injected into the veins of the foot, and then an X-ray is taken of the veins to evaluate whether a clot is evident. This test is helpful for detecting blood clots under the knee.

Doppler ultrasound

Sound waves have been utilized to monitor the blood’s movement through the blood vessels. Wide blood clots can be identified by examining the area above the knee. 

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