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DST Full Form

What is the Full form of DST?

DST full form is the Department of Science & Technology. It is a department of the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology. It was established on 3 May 1971 to promote new areas of science and technology and to serve as the country’s central department for organizing, coordinating, and promoting science and technology activities.

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Various Tasks Performed by DST

The DST engages in numerous projects and services-related activities, some of which are listed below.

  • Develops scientific and technological policies.
  • It handles matters pertaining to the SACC (Scientific Advisory Committee of the Cabinet).
  • Encourages new fields of research and technology, with a particular emphasis on emerging disciplines such as the cultivation, processing, and application of biofuels and the use of byproducts for the creation of chemicals with added value.
  • Coordination of cross-sectoral relationships across science and technology fields.
  • Scientific and technical research and development are conducted or financially supported.
  • Manages and directs the Science and Technology Management Information System.
  • Promotes research and technology through State Science and Technology Councils and allied District, State, and Village processes.

Various Streams of DST

DST introduced several streams that ultimately evolved into divisions or even ministries with specialized objectives and priorities. 

  • DBT (Department of Biotechnology)
  • DSIR (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research)
  • MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests)
  • MoES (Department of Earth Sciences)
  • DoE (Department of Electronics)

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