HomeFull FormDPT FULL FORM - Components of DPT Vaccine, and Side Effects

DPT FULL FORM – Components of DPT Vaccine, and Side Effects

DPT Full Form: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Term

DPT FULL FORM – Are you confused about the meaning of DPT? Do you want to know the full form of DPT? In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to understanding the term DPT, including its meaning, definition, history, and various applications.

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What is DPT?

DPT is a combination vaccine that protects against three diseases: diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. It is one of the most commonly used vaccines worldwide, especially in developing countries where these diseases are still prevalent.

What does DPT stand for?

DPT stands for diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. The vaccine is a combination of three separate vaccines, each of which protects against one of these diseases.

History of DPT

The development of the DPT vaccine began in the early 20th century when researchers discovered that injecting killed bacteria into the body could provide immunity to certain diseases. The vaccine was first used on a large scale during World War II, when it was given to soldiers to protect them against tetanus. Later, in the 1940s and 1950s, it was also used to protect against diphtheria and pertussis.

Components of DPT vaccine

The DPT vaccine is made up of three separate vaccines:

  • Diphtheria vaccine: protects against the bacterium that causes diphtheria, a serious respiratory disease.
  • Pertussis vaccine: protects against the bacterium that causes pertussis, also known as whooping cough, a highly contagious respiratory disease.
  • Tetanus vaccine: protects against the bacterium that causes tetanus, a serious bacterial infection that affects the nervous system.

How does DPT work?

The DPT vaccine works by stimulating the body’s immune system to produce antibodies against the bacteria that cause diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. These antibodies help the body fight off the diseases if it is exposed to them in the future.

Who needs DPT?

The DPT vaccine is recommended for children, starting at the age of 2 months, and is given in a series of doses over several months. It is also recommended for adults who have never been vaccinated or who need a booster shot.

DPT schedule

The DPT vaccine is given in a series of doses, usually starting at 2 months of age and continuing until the child is around 6 years old. The exact schedule may vary depending on the country and the specific vaccine used.

Side effects of DPT vaccine

Like all vaccines, the DPT vaccine can cause side effects, although they are usually mild and short-lived. Common side effects include fever, soreness at the injection site, and fussiness. Rare but more serious side effects can include seizures and allergic reactions.

Precautions before taking DPT vaccine

Before taking the DPT vaccine, it is important to inform the healthcare provider of any medical conditions or allergies. Pregnant women should not receive the vaccine, and those with a history of severe allergic reactions should be cautious. Additionally, those who have had a serious allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine or who have had a severe reaction to a previous dose should not receive the vaccine.


DTaP is another vaccine that protects against diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. The key difference between DPT and DTaP is the way the vaccines are made. DTaP is made using only the components of the vaccines that provide protection, while DPT uses whole bacteria that have been killed. DTaP is less likely to cause side effects than DPT, making it the preferred vaccine in most developed countries.


DPT is a combination vaccine that protects against three serious diseases: diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. It has been in use for decades and has helped to significantly reduce the incidence of these diseases worldwide. While it can cause side effects, these are usually mild and short-lived.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What is the difference between DPT and DTaP?

The key difference between DPT and DTaP is the way the vaccines are made. DTaP is made using only the components of the vaccines that provide protection, while DPT uses whole bacteria that have been killed.

Q.2 Is the DPT vaccine mandatory?

The DPT vaccine is mandatory in many countries as part of the routine childhood vaccination schedule.

Q.3 What are the side effects of the DPT vaccine?

The most common side effects of the DPT vaccine are fever, soreness at the injection site, and fussiness. Rare but more serious side effects can include seizures and allergic reactions.

Q.4 How often do you need to get a DPT booster shot?

Booster shots are recommended every 10 years for adults who have received the DPT vaccine.

Q.5 Can the DPT vaccine cause autism?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the DPT vaccine or any other vaccine causes autism. This claim has been thoroughly debunked by numerous studies.

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