HomeFull FormdB Full Form

dB Full Form

What is the full form of dB?

The dB full form is Decibel. The decibel (dB) is a logarithmic number used to describe the ratio of a physical quantity, typically power or intensity, to a given or implied reference level.

Decibel is the unit of sound measurement. Its abbreviation is dB. A decibel is a unit of measurement used to describe the ratio of one value of a power or field quantity to another on a logarithmic scale, where the logarithmic number is referred to as the power level or field level, respectively.

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What exactly is a Decibel Scale?

The human ear is capable of adjusting to a wide range of sound intensities. Therefore, rather than a linear scale, a logarithmic scale is used to represent sound levels using more flexible numbers. This scale is known as the decibel scale or dB scale.

  • The decibel scale’s smallest audible sound is 0 dB.
  • A sound that is 10 times louder is 10 decibels, and a sound that is 100 times louder than near silence is 20 decibels.
  • A sound that is 1,000 times louder than near silence is 30 decibels (dB). 

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