HomeFull FormCTC Full Form

CTC Full Form

What is the Full form of CTC?

The CTC full form is Cost To Company. CTC is the annual wage of the employee. It illustrates the annual net costs incurred by a company or organization per employee. The majority of companies now give compensation in the form of a CTC. It does not show the actual compensation of the employee. It also includes the amenities supplied to the individual during their employment. CTC is described by the following equation.

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CTC = Gross salary + other expenses + Incentives

Few points regarding CTC

  • CTC is the annual wage of the employee.
  • CTC indicates the annual net compensation expenditures of a company or organization. Currently, many companies give compensation in the form of a CTC.
  • CTC does not reflect the employee’s actual compensation.
  • It includes the amenities supplied to the employee during their employment. 

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