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CTBT Full Form

What is the Full form of CTBT?

The CTBT full form is the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty. The CTBT is a multinational pact forbidding all nuclear explosions for military or civilian purposes. The United Nations General Assembly endorsed the treaty on September 10, 1996, and it became available for signature on September 24. One hundred seventy-six states have signed the pact as of September 2022. Pakistan, India, and North Korea have not yet signed the document.

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A basic overview of CTBT

  • 1945 marked the beginning of the drive to regulate the use of nuclear weapons.
  • The precursor of the CTBT, the Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT), was signed on August 5, 1963.
  • In January 1994, the Conference on Disarmament initiated negotiations on a CTBT (CD).
  • The CTBT was adopted by more than two-thirds of the UNGA on 10 September 1996.
  • It will not become effective unless all of the specified nations ratify it.

Difference between ratifying CTBT and signing CTBT

Signing CTBTRatifying CTBT
When a nation signs a treaty, it signifies that it recognizes the treaty and will therefore refrain from acting against its goals.When a nation ratifies a treaty, it is formally accepted and becomes a legally binding contract for the government of that nation.
It is signed by senior government officials of a country.In this phase, the nation’s legislature in the parliament accepts the pact.

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