HomeFull FormCPM Full Form

CPM Full Form

What is the full form of CPM?

The CPM full form is the Cost per Mile. The Latin word Mille means one thousand. Consequently, CPM is also known as cost per thousand. CPM is a marketing term that refers to the cost of 1,000 commercial expressions on one webpage. For instance, if a website owner pays RS. 150 CPM, it means an individual must pay RS. 150/- for every thousand impressions of the advertisement.

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Cost per Mile (CPM) = Cost/ Thousand impressions

  • CPM is a popular pricing mechanism for online advertisements.
  • The efficiency of a CPM campaign is defined by its CTR (click-through rate), which is the proportion of people who have seen and opened your advertisement.
  • For example, an advertisement with two clicks for every 100 impressions has a 2% CTR.
  • However, advertising efficacy cannot be determined just by CTR because an ad that is not clicked but viewed by a customer can still have an effect. 

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