HomeFull FormCMV Full Form

CMV Full Form

What is the full form of CMV?

The CMV full form is the Cytomegalovirus. It is a widespread, typically harmless virus that affects people of various ages. It is usually transmitted to infants before birth. When it enters the body, it remains in a latent state for the duration of the individual’s life. Most CMV-infected persons do not exhibit symptoms. It is detectable by blood tests. CMV possesses double-stranded DNA and belongs to the family Herpesviridae.

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It typically spreads through direct human-to-human contact. It can be transferred by body fluids such as urine, saliva, sperm, hair, etc. from an infected individual. Prevent the use of utensils, glasses, and other goods by an infected individual. A person who is healthy, stable, and has a robust immune system does not need medical treatment for CMV infection. CMV infection may necessitate medical attention for individuals with a compromised immune system.

The symptom of CMV

CMV-infected individuals rarely exhibit symptoms. Some individuals, however, may initially develop a brief infection, which may include:

  • Tiredness
  • Fever
  • Eye infection
  • Muscle aches
  • Stiff Joints
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swollen glands and so on.

CMV prevention

Few measures can be taken to prevent CMV infections, such as

  • Cleanse your hands carefully.
  • Stop exchanging saliva while kissing a child.
  • Do not employ glass or other utensils utilized by affected individuals.
  • Be cautious when handling disposable items such as diapers, tissues, etc.
  • Cleanse objects that come into contact with a baby’s saliva, pee, etc.
  • Practice safe sex.
  • Do not feed an infant breast milk from an infected mother. 

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