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CITU Full Form

What is the Full form of CITU?

The CITU full form is the Centre of Indian Trade Unions. It is one of India’s most important CTU (Central Trade Unions). It is politically linked with the communist party as its labor branch. It has a substantial influence in the Indian state of Tripura and a strong presence in Kerala and West Bengal. The influence is average in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. CITU had around 3,222,532 representatives in 2002, according to data from the Ministry of Labor.

It represents workers in all business sectors, including the manufacturing and service sectors, such as steel, pharmaceuticals, coal, power, construction, road, rail, and textiles, among others.

Principal aims of CITU

  • CITU is committed to socialism and functions with the premise that exploitation of the working class can be eliminated by socializing all factors of production, including distribution and trade, and establishing a socialist state.
  • The primary objective is therefore to combat any interference with the economic and social rights of workers and to promote their rights and liberties.

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The CITU office bearers

  • Chairperson
  • Vice president
  • General Secretary
  • Treasure
  • Secretaries

The diverse composition of CITU

The CITU comprises the following divisions

  • The Affiliated Unions
  • The general council
  • The General Council or working Committee
  • The State Conference, The state councils, and the state committees
  • At the special session of the CITU Conference, the delegates gathered together

Convention CITU

The General Session of the CITU occurs every three years. It is acknowledged as the CITU Conference and is the CITU’s most authoritative law. Listed below are some of its functions or capabilities:

  • Adopting CITU policies and modifying them as necessary for the benefit of the working class.
  • Find the issues of state committees and constituent organizations and introduce resolutions on matters pertaining to the growth of the working class.
  • Permits decisions regarding labor union membership and de-affiliation.
  • Conducts an election for the general council and office bearers.
  • The current Constitution may be tweaked or altered if necessary.
  • The current Constitution may be tweaked or altered if necessary.
  • The audited financial statement is reviewed and accepted, and decisions are taken in accordance with the CITU Constitution. 

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