


What is Aluminium? Aluminium is a soft, silvery-white, malleable, nonmagnetic, boron-group metal. It is the third most prevalent element in the crust of the Earth. Depending...

Aluminium hydroxide

What is Aluminium Hydroxide? Al(OH)3 has the chemical name Aluminium hydroxide and is amphoteric by nature. Aluminium (III) hydroxide is also known as Aluminic acid, Aluminic...

Aluminium Chloride Questions

Aluminium chloride, also known as aluminium trichloride, refers to compounds with the formula AlCl3. The element aluminium can be found in the compound aluminium chloride,...

Alpha-Helix and Beta-Sheet

Alpha-Helix and Beta-sheets are forms of the protein's secondary structure. The carbonyl O of one amino acid forms hydrogen bonds with the amino H of...

Allylic Carbon

What is Allylic Carbon? Allylic Carbon and Vinylic Carbon atoms are two types of double-bonded carbon. The standard formula for the vinyl group is R-CH=CH2,...

Alkyl Halide Questions

Alkyl halides are also known as haloalkanes. They are hydrocarbons with an open chain in which the hydrogen atom has been replaced by a...

Alkoxymercuration Mechanism

Introduction of Alkoxymercuration Mechanism In the presence of mercuric acetate, a carbon-carbon double-bonded molecule called an alkene reacts with alcohol to make an alkoxymercury intermediate....

Alloys Advantages

What are Alloys? Alloy is a molten mix of two or more metals, or a metal and a nonmetal, that is made up of a...

Alloy Meaning

What is the meaning of Alloy? Alloy refers to a substance composed of two or more metals. Additionally, combinations of metals and other elements can...

Alkynes Acidity

What is the Alkynes Acidity? Alkynes are one of the simplest hydrocarbons that we are familiar with. The general formula for these compounds is CnH2n-2. Alkynes...

Alkyl Iodide

What is Alkyl Iodide Due to the alkyl iodides' lower stability compared to fluorides, chlorides, or bromides as well as the fact that it is...


What is an alkyl group? Alkyl group is created by removing a hydrogen atom from an alkane molecule. Alkanes are frequently represented as R-H, where...

Alkene Questions

Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons (only carbon and hydrogen) with at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond. Alkenes are referred to as olefins. Alkenes are more...


What are Alkenes? Alkenes are the most common type of hydrocarbon found in crude oil. There is at least one carbon-carbon double bond in this...

Alkanes Questions

Alkanes are hydrocarbons that are saturated and have the general formula CnH2n+2. They are further classified based on their structure as linear straight-chain alkanes,...


What are Alkanes? Alkanes are organic compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms with a single covalent bond. Alkanes have the formula CnH2n+2 and are...

IUPAC Nomenclature of Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes

What is IUPAC Nomenclature? IUPAC Nomenclature is a system for naming organic chemical compounds, but no two compounds can have the same name. You can Read...

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

What is Aliphatic Hydrocarbon? Halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons are organic compounds in which one or more hydrogen atoms have been substituted with a halogen atom (i.e.,...

Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids

What are Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids? Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids are carbonyl compounds containing a double carbon-oxygen bond. These organic compounds are extremely...

Aldehydes and Ketones

What are Aldehydes and ketones? Aldehydes and ketones contain a functional carbonyl group, C=O. These are organic compounds with the structures -CHO and RC(=O)R', where...

Aldehyde Group

What are Aldehydes? Aldehydes belong to the family of organic chemical compounds whose general structural formula is R-CHO. R may be hydrogen or a substituted...

Alcohol Chemistry Questions

In organic chemistry, an alcohol is an organic molecule with at least one hydroxyl group attached to a carbon atom that is saturated. It...

Alcohol Reactions

What is Alcohol in Chemistry? Alcohol is an organic molecule with at least one hydroxyl functional group (OH) bonded to a saturated carbon atom, per...

Alcohol Hydroxyl Group

In this article, we will learn about the alcohol hydroxyl group, alcohol structure, phenol structure, and other structures. Among science lovers, organic chemistry has...


Alcohols are compounds with the general formula R - OH, where R represents an alkyl or substituted alkyl group. Therefore, alcohols are alkane derivatives...

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