BCCI FULL FORM: History, its Role in Indian Cricket

Cricket is a sport that is not just a game but a religion in India. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is the governing body that oversees cricket in the country. In this article, we will take a closer look at the BCCI Full Form, its history, its role in Indian cricket, and everything you need to know about it.

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The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is the governing body of cricket in India. It was established in 1928 and is one of the oldest cricket boards in the world. The BCCI is responsible for the organization of all domestic and international cricket matches in India. It is headquartered in Mumbai and has a network of state cricket associations under its umbrella.

History of BCCI

The BCCI was established in 1928, as a society under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act. It was formed with the aim of promoting, controlling, and regulating the game of cricket in India. The first president of the BCCI was R.E. Grant Govan, and the first secretary was Anthony De Mello. Over the years, the BCCI has grown to become one of the most powerful cricket boards in the world.


Structure and Organization of BCCI

The BCCI has a president, secretary, treasurer, vice president, and joint secretaries. The BCCI has finance, selection, and technical committees. State cricket associations participate in BCCI decision-making.

Functions of BCCI

The BCCI has a number of functions, including the organization of domestic and international cricket matches in India. It is also responsible for the selection of the Indian cricket team and the management of the team. The BCCI is also responsible for the development of cricket infrastructure in India, including the construction of stadiums and training facilities.

Role of BCCI in Indian Cricket

Indian cricket relies on BCCI. It has helped cricket develop in the country. The BCCI has also promoted cricket in India, making it a popular sport. The BCCI has helped the Indian cricket team win several major tournaments.

Controversies and Criticisms of BCCI

The BCCI has had many controversies. The BCCI is criticized for being too powerful and dominating Indian cricket. BCCI lacks transparency and accountability. With many BCCI officials holding multiple roles, conflict of interest is another major issue.

Future of BCCI

The BCCI is set to play a major role in the future of Indian cricket. The organization is expected to continue to promote and develop the sport in the country. The BCCI is also expected to play a key role in the success of the Indian cricket team in the future.


The BCCI organizes domestic and international cricket matches, selects the Indian cricket team, and develops cricket infrastructure in India. The BCCI, one of the world’s oldest and most powerful cricket boards, has been plagued by transparency, accountability, and conflict of interest issues.

The BCCI will continue to promote and develop Indian cricket and support the Indian cricket team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What is the full form of BCCI?

The full form of BCCI is the Board of Control for Cricket in India.

Q.2 When was the BCCI established?

The BCCI was established in 1928.

Q.3 What is the role of the BCCI in Indian cricket?

The BCCI is responsible for the organization of domestic and international cricket matches in India, the selection of the Indian cricket team, and the development of cricket infrastructure in India.

Q.4 What are some of the controversies surrounding the BCCI?

The BCCI has faced several controversies over the years, including issues of transparency, accountability, and conflict of interest.

Q.5 What is the future of the BCCI?

The BCCI is expected to continue playing a major role in the future of Indian cricket, promoting and developing the sport in the country and supporting the Indian cricket team in its future endeavour.

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