EnglishAn Essay on Man

An Essay on Man

Essay on Man for Students and Children

An Essay on Man: Man is the smartest and most social animal there is. We have been made so that we can meet our needs in smart and useful ways. Only people can tell the difference between right and wrong. In this essay on man we will talk about how a man become real man. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

An Long Essay on Man in English (500 Words)

Man becomes man only among men. The phrase suggests that a human child can only develop into a mature adult when he lives in a society with other men.

There are many examples of kids who grew up in the woods and didn’t know how to act in a socially acceptable way. Two sisters, Amala and Kamala, were found in the woods and taken to a safe place where they could be watched. They couldn’t make it in the world of people. They didn’t know how other men eat, drink, or talk. So, a man needs to live in a society to become a normal creature.

Men follow certain rules and norms. From the time we are babies, we are told what is okay and what other people like. We tend to want to get approval from our peers and the people around us. So, we tend to stick to a normative pattern and do what is right.

Man is the only animal that has a sense of right and wrong. Man can tell the difference between moral and immoral behaviour, in addition to knowing what is the right way to act. When we talk about what man is, we focus on his good and bad traits. Every person has certain qualities that make him a moral being. He also has some bad habits that could make people forget how good he is. In our minds, there is always a battle between the moral and the immoral, the social and the wild.

He wasn’t always such a gentleman. In terms of technology and education, men today are much more advanced than they used to be. Men in the past lived in caves and killed animals to eat. “Might is right” was a moral idea for them, and in the fight for survival, only the strongest would win.

Over time, the man learned what it meant to live together in peace. They saw that they couldn’t live on their own. They built civilizations like the one in the Indus Valley and the one in Mesopotamia. The man realised that there was a lot more to life than just hunting and eating. He learned how to be creative. 

The Great Bath in Mohenjodaro is an example of one of the oldest kinds of art and architecture. People learned how to make roads and build homes. He started to put on clothes and eat food that was cooked.

Men today are much better than in the past. They now know how important education and being a good person are. They moved to cities and now work in many different jobs. Men today can reach out and get in touch with anyone with just a click. The rise of technology and the IT revolution have changed and made our lives much easier in big ways.

Men’s core values and virtues haven’t changed much, though. Every man is different, both in how he looks and how he thinks. Even though every man has only one nose, two eyes, and two ears, they are all very different. 

Short Essay on Man Made Disaster

Man is different in many ways. Man is not just civilised; he is also smart. Man makes this planet look better and adds to its artistic value.

The only animal that lives in well-built homes is the human. Man has made homes and dams, and he has made it easy to grow crops. He has not only found ways to farm fields, but also ways to artificially water farmland in case it doesn’t rain enough.

Man is indeed a unique and special being. He makes Earth a place where people can live. He makes sure that everyone on our planet can get food and water. He has built canals and pipes so that every house can get water. Man has made machines, and without them, all of our lives would have been harder. 

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