EnglishA Hot Summer Day Essay

A Hot Summer Day Essay

A Hot Summer Day Essay

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A Hot Summer Day Essay

A Hot Summer Day Essay – In June and July, the hottest months of summer, it gets very hot in the afternoon. People have to stay inside and use fans and coolers because of the bright sun and hot waves. People and animals who are out in the open look for shelter under trees and big buildings. During this season, people sweat and thirst the most. People don’t seem to find relief from the summer heat unless it rains out of the blue.

More than a gift, hot summer is more of a punishment. We feel uncomfortable and tired because the heat is so high.

The time right before sunrise is a beautiful sight. The scene at sunset is the most interesting. We feel better because the place is quiet and peaceful, the weather is cool and refreshing, and there is a nice breeze. The sound of birds chirping seems to be the most beautiful.

A Hot Summer Day Essay

Early morning is a nice time, especially when the sun is about to come up. It’s serene and cool. The wind is cold. But as the sun comes up, the day seems to take on a different tone. During the hour, heat can be felt. As the sun gets higher in the sky, the plants start to feel the heat of the day. Their jokes don’t work. They look boring. 

Even flowers that have just opened quickly lose their beauty during the day. The time between dawn and daybreak is a beautiful sight. The scene of the twirling is very pretty. The cool, bracing weather, the gentle breeze, and the quiet, peaceful atmosphere all have a calming effect. The bird’s chirping seems to be a beautiful sound.

As the day goes on, it gets hotter. It’s the hardest part of the day. It is especially hard for people who work out in the field. The sun is a hot red at noon. People don’t go out at that time. Stop working in the fields, farmers. The streets, markets, etc. present a deserted look. People try to hide who they are. The eyes hurt when the temperature is very high. Those who must go outside should wear thick clothes. 

Sunglasses are worn by them. People shut their doors and windows to stay safe from the storm. Fans and air conditioners are used to keep rooms cool. When we are not near fans or ACs, we sweat a lot. We start to sweat after only a few minutes. In the afternoon, the heat is too much to handle. Even animals hid in the shade to stay cool during the summer. In villages, you can see buffalo that are up to their necks in ponds and streams. They do this to get away from heat. In the summer, there are a lot of cases of heat stroke. Heat stroke kills a lot of people, especially in the north of India.

Essay on A Hot Summer Day 200 Words in English

Here is an essay about a hot summer day that can be used for grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Russell Baker once said, “Ah, summer, you have the power to make us suffer and like it.” Yes, going outside in the summer feels like a very bad thing to do. The sun is at its highest point, and it seems too hot to stand. Even in the early morning, the sun seems to be shining brightly.

When summer first starts, the mornings are nice and cool, but as the day goes on, the sun gets hotter, and the heat can be felt even in the morning. The weather is also hard on trees and plants, which is why they look dull and their flowers die quickly.

As the day goes on, it gets hotter. This is the hardest part of the day. Those who work in the field have to deal with the sun’s heat the most. Farmers are most likely to get thirsty and have skin problems. People prefer to stay inside their homes during the day, so the streets, markets, and other public places look empty.

People who go out to work or go shopping wear thick clothes to protect themselves from the extreme heat. People everywhere wear sunglasses, loose-fitting clothes, and cotton fabric. Air conditioners and air coolers help make rooms feel cooler. Even if someone is only away from the AC for a short time, they start to sweat a lot.

Animals tried to stay cool by hiding under the ground or in thick trees. In the country, you can see buffaloes with their necks submerged in ponds and streams. Due to the intense heat, there are also many cases of heatstroke, dehydration, and red skin. The number of people who buy cold drinks and ice cream goes up. As night falls, people go out to parks and shopping malls to have fun. It shows something very different.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 How do you spend a hot summer day?

Find some shade on hot summer days.
Take your time during outdoor activities. 
Wear sunblock when you go out.
Stay hydrated by drinking water.
Stay cool in your home.
Look for air conditioning during the extreme summer heat.

Q.2 What to do when it’s hot?

Go to the movies.
Go for a swim (duh)
Nap in front of a powerful fan.
Make (or just eat) your own ice cream.
Hit an indoor ice skating rink.
Periodically stick your head in the freezer.

Q.3 What is the hot summer day Essay ? 

The season happens when the earth tilts towards the sun in the summer and vice versa in the winter. Summer lasts from December through February in the southern hemisphere. The temperature rises during the day and falls at night. Furthermore, the day is longer and the nights are shorter.

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