EnglishEssay on Good Health

Essay on Good Health

Good Health Essay in English

Essay on Good Health: To be healthy, one must be physically, mentally, and spiritually well. Healthy people are always happy. However, unhealthy people struggle even in good conditions and find it hard to be happy. In this essay we will talk about what is good health and their importance, what are problems of unhealthy person, what are the healthy life habbits. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

The World Health Organization says that health is a state of being mentally, physically, and socially well, not just physically well. When a person is healthy in their mind, they are also healthy in their body. Man’s best possession is his health. 

A healthy person can do everything he or she needs to do without any problems. A healthy body makes it easier for a lot of other things to happen. Having good health helps us deal with stress and deal with the growing pressures on us. 

Essay on Good Health

800 Words Essay on Good Health for Students

The world is changing quickly, and the only thing that stays the same is our health. You can choose to be healthy. There are specific rules for staying healthy, but in the end, it comes down to the effort and determination of each person. 

Having good health is important if you want to live a full, active life. Man is a social animal, and he or she needs to be healthy to stay social. Health is not only a personal matter, but also a social one. A healthy person can help make the world a better place. It is not an end in itself, but the key to making a better, more reformed community.

There are many different kinds of health, including physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and sexual health. Neurotic disorders can be caused by stress, and people who are healthy are less likely to get them. Physical health means that a person is in good shape physically. It means keeping a healthy way of life. 

People who eat a balanced diet with enough carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals usually have a stronger immune system. Health is Wealth means that good health is the real treasure. A healthy life makes it possible to stay positive and deal with all of life’s problems.

To stay physically healthy, you only need to do a few things, like exercise regularly and drink a lot of water. Water makes sure that all of our bodily functions run smoothly, that we don’t get zits and pimples, and that we have regular bowel movements. Exercises like brisk walking, running, cycling, and skipping help people keep their weight at a healthy level.

Eating a balanced diet is one of the best things you can do for your health. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat proteins, and healthy fats helps make sure your body gets all the nutrients it needs.

Also, you should drink lots of water and stay away from drinks that are bad for you.

It is also important to work out often. Exercise keeps your body healthy and strong, and it can also help protect you from diseases like heart disease and cancer. Try to work out for at least 30 minutes every day.

Getting enough sleep is another important part of being healthy. Most people need to sleep about eight hours a night. Getting enough sleep helps your body heal and renew itself, and it can also keep you from getting sick.

Choosing healthy things for yourself is not the only way to stay healthy. It’s also important to know the health risks that other people pose. Getting yourself and your kids vaccinated against diseases that can be prevented is one way to lower your chance of getting sick.

Problems of unhealthy person:

People have a lot of trouble if they don’t take care of their health. He is seen as a problem for the family. He stops being respected. He needs help from others to do things every day. He needs help to do the things he needs to do every day. 

These are the results of bad habits like overeating, eating junk food, not getting enough exercise, and other odd habits. The man who has been sick can tell us what good health is really worth.

Health is wealth:

If a person is rich but sick, he can’t enjoy life. But a healthy person who doesn’t have money still enjoys life. A rich person can’t get a good night’s sleep, but a poor person can. He can’t eat his favourite and most tasty food very often. 

A poor man, on the other hand, can eat his favourite food more often because he can digest it better. A rich person can’t enjoy anything to eat. He needs to be more careful about what he eats. So, the saying “health is wealth” is correct. If a man is healthy, he has a good view of life. On the other hand, a man is sick and has a sick attitude if he is not in good health.

“It is health that is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver” – Mahatma Gandhi

5 Habits for Good Health

1. Eat well. Eating well is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy and happy. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat proteins, and healthy fats are all important parts of a healthy diet.

2. Work out regularly. Working out is an important part of living a healthy life. When you work out regularly, you stay strong, fit, and free of diseases.

3. Get enough sleep. Most people need about eight hours of sleep each night. You must take sleep as per your professional life requirement.

4. Get yourself and your kids vaccinated. The best way to avoid most diseases is to get yourself and your kids vaccinated against diseases that can be prevented.

5. Know the Health Risks Others Pose: You should be aware of the health risks others pose and take steps to protect yourself and your family.

If you do these five healthy things every day, you’ll be healthier and happier. 


So, we always have to take steps to stay healthy. We have control. The more careful we are, the better our health is. One shouldn’t turn himself into a money-making machine. He should give his health a lot of thought. The most valuable thing is good health. It will bring all happiness and pleasure.

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