EnglishEssay on Plastic Pollution

Essay on Plastic Pollution

Plastic Pollution Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Plastic Pollution: Plastic pollution is one type of pollution we deal with every day. We also deal different type of pollutions every day like, noise pollutions, air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and other types, has a big effect on our health. In this essay we will talk about what is Plastic pollutants, cause of plastic pollution, impact of plastic pollutions and way to reduce plastic pollutions. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Plastic is a material that is very useful and easy to use in our everyday lives and tasks. Because it has so many uses, people all over the world use it a lot. But there are a lot of bad things about it. One of the worst things about plastic is that it has harmful chemicals in it. It makes the environment dirty and is also to blame for the deaths of birds and marine animals. 

Essay on Plastic Pollution

Long Essay on Plastic Pollution in English (500 Words)

Plastic pollution is getting worse all over the world. Governments, foundations, and some social media groups are all trying to bring more attention to this problem. Plastic goods are used often in business because they work better and cost less than other materials.

On the other hand, plastic makes a lot of environmental problems. Plastic pollution hurts our climate in many ways, but ocean pollution, land pollution, and food pollution are the three most important ones.

Plastic waste is destroying the oceans, and the problem is getting worse every year. Some governments are putting in place strict rules to make people aware of what happens to the environment when people throw away plastic items. So, something needs to be done about this problem before it’s too late.

Plastics come in a lot of different shapes and sizes, and we use them all the time. It’s hard to find something that isn’t made of plastic today. Thermosets, which are also called thermoplastics, are used in a lot of different things.

Causes of Plastic Pollution

Everything from milk cartons to water bottles is made of plastic. Plastics are inexpensive, easy to make, and last a long time. When one of these plastic items is thrown away or washed down the drain, there is a greater chance that it will release harmful chemicals into the environment.

Because it is cheap, it is one of the most common and overused things in the world right now. Demand for cheap plastics is going up because more people are living in cities and more people are moving to cities.

Because they are so cheap, they are also easy to throw away. When it is burned outside, it doesn’t break down quickly and pollutes the air and ground nearby.

Waste gets carried by the wind a lot. Plastic gets blown away by gentle winds and washed into sewers, rivers, streams, and eventually the oceans because it is so light. Plastic pollution can also come from things like floods and other natural disasters.

Commercial fishing is an important part of the economy in many parts of the world, but it has also contributed in a number of ways to the problem of plastic pollution in the oceans. Plastic nets are often used for certain types of large-scale fishing. 

hey are often broken or lost, and can start to rot wherever they land. Animals in the water get caught in the nets or eat the poisonous pieces.

Impact of Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution affects everyone and everything on Earth, including people, animals, and sea life. It’s getting worse like a disease that can’t be cured. We all need to understand how bad it is for us so we can stop it as soon as possible.

Plastic makes our water dirty. Tons of trash are dumped into the ocean every year. Plastic doesn’t dissolve, so it stays in the water and makes it less clean. This means that we won’t have clean water in the years to come.

Also, plastic makes our land dirty as well. When people put plastic trash in landfills, it hurts the soil. It makes the soil less good for growing things. Also, there are a lot of disease-carrying insects in that area, which can cause deadly diseases.

Plastic pollution hurts marine life most of all. The aquatic animals think that the plastic trash in the water is food. They eat it, and in the end, they die. 

One dolphin died because a piece of plastic got stuck in its mouth. It couldn’t eat because it couldn’t open its mouth, so it starved to death. So, we can see how plastic pollution is killing animals that have done nothing wrong.

How to stop plastic from being a problem

Here are two easy things we can do every day to cut down on plastic pollution:

Avoid Usage/ Look for Alternatives

Avoiding plastic products is the first and most important thing you can do to stop plastic pollution.

Now that we’re used to using plastic products and they’re easy on our wallets, we can’t stop using them completely. But we can definitely stop using plastic products that are easy to swap out for ones that are better for the environment. 

For example, when we go shopping, we can easily use a jute, cloth, or paper bag instead of a plastic bag. Also, instead of using plastic utensils and cutlery at parties, we can use ones made of steel, paper, thermocol, or any other material that can be used more than once or is easy to throw away.


If you can’t avoid using plastic bags or other items, you should at least try to use them as many times as possible before throwing them away. 

We tend to throw away the plastic bags and containers that come with packaged food almost as soon as we use them, even though they can be used more than once before being thrown away. Instead, we should use them again. This can be our way of helping to cut down on the amount of plastic waste and pollution.


We can see that plastic pollution is making life bad for everyone on earth. We need to take big steps to stop it. Instead of plastic bags, we should use things like cloth bags and paper bags. If we buy plastic, we have to find ways to reuse it. 

We should not drink bottled water because it makes a lot of plastic pollution. The government needs to stop people from using plastic. All of this can stop a lot of plastic from going into the environment. 

Short Essay on Plastic Pollution

The problem of plastic pollution is caused by the waste plastic that builds up in the environment. Plastic is a non bio-degradable substance. It doesn’t break down in soil or water, and burning it makes it worse. It is hard to get rid of it because of this. 

Pollutes the air, water, and land and stays in the environment for hundreds of years. It is dangerous for people, animals, and plants alike. Each year, a lot of animals, birds, and sea creatures die because of plastic pollution.

On the market, you can easily find plastic plates, bags, spoons, glasses, and other items. These are cheap and easy to work with. People like to use these use-once-throw-away utensils at parties and gatherings because it saves them from having to clean and put away the utensils later. 

They just need to get these together and throw them away. But they don’t realise that this trash isn’t so easy to get rid of. It is still in the environment and making things worse for us.

Plastic is used a lot all over the world, and not just for dishes and bags. It is also used to make furniture and many other things. It’s high time that we all realised how bad plastic pollution is and did what we could to help stop it. 

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