EnglishEssay on Pollution due to Festivals

Essay on Pollution due to Festivals

Pollution due to Festivals Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Pollution due to Festivals: In India, we celebrate lots of festivals like Diwali, holi, and jallikattu, but We add a lot of pollution to the environment while we celebrate these festivals. In this essay, we’ll talk about what kinds of pollution we make when we celebrate and which festivals is the worst for this. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Festivals are a way to show how proud we are of our traditions, culture, and history. Every country and community in the world celebrates different holidays in its own way and for its own reasons. Most holidays celebrate the triumph of good over evil, spread happiness and joy, and show respect for nature. But sometimes we forget that the way we celebrate hurts the environment. 

Long Essay on Pollution due to Festivals (900 Words) in English

India is the country with the most festivals. This is because India is made up of many different cultures. Festivals are lovely because they bring people together and bring happiness, joy, and peace into our lives. In India, we have a lot of different festivals. But there are also some bad things about these events. They hurt the Earth and our environment. Even though we don’t mean to hurt nature, we do so unintentionally when we follow certain traditions during holidays.

Essay on Pollution due to Festivals

Types of Festive pollution

Air Pollution

Diwali is one of these events that makes a lot of pollution in the air. Crackers are usually lit and set off during Diwali. Crackers are a lot of fun to burn, but not many people know that they are very bad for the environment.

There are so many different kinds of crackers now, and each one makes the air even worse. Kids love to play with these crackers, but they don’t know that they are making the air we breathe dirty. We need to stop this. We need to teach our kids and get the word out that crackers are bad for the environment.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a part of every festival, no matter what it is. Why? We love to play loud songs at any event where there is a lot of noise. Whether it’s a wedding, a birthday, or a big holiday like Ganesh Chaturthi, Dussehra, or Janmashtami, people love to celebrate. The volume at which music is played at festivals is very bad for your ears. It worries a lot of students who are getting ready for exams. We should try to celebrate holidays as peacefully as possible. It shouldn’t bother anyone or hurt them.

Water Pollution

Water is very important for living things. Without water, we can’t live. And during festivals like Holi, so much Ganesh Chaturthi water is wasted and makes the water dirty. Holi is a festival of colours, but we have made it a tradition to throw water balloons at everyone.

It was never supposed to be celebrated this way. On Ganesh Chaturthi, we also do “visarjan,” which means we put a statue of God in a lake. These statues make the water dirty and hurt the fish and other animals that live in it. Traditions are good to keep, but if they will affect our daily lives or health in the future, we should try to avoid them.

What are Some of the Festivals that Cause Pollution?

Diwali is one of the most important festivals around the world. It is a celebration of the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil. It is not just a Hindu holiday, but one that everyone celebrates. Some of the best things about Diwali are lighting diyaas, getting together with family, exchanging gifts, eating our favourite sweets, and eating big meals. But there is one trait that a lot of people dislike, and that is popping crackers. Even though it’s fun to break crackers, there are more bad things about it than good things.

For one thing, it’s dangerous because people can lose their ears and eyes if something goes wrong. Second, they give off a lot of dangerous gases that can make the air dirty. MET says that during Diwali, pollution levels rise to dangerous levels. This can make it hard for people to breathe, irritate their eyes and ears, and hurt their health in many other ways. We can always celebrate Diwali by lighting candles and diyaas and spending time with our families in a fun and safe way.

Holi is a Hindu festival that marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. It is a day to show our loved ones how much we care about them and how happy we are. In the farming community, it is also a time to give thanks for a good harvest. But playing Holi with water and fake colour and putting it on our loved ones is, at best, an oxymoron. Because, in the name of love and fun, we hurt the people we love.

One thing is that dyes made in a lab can cause skin problems. Second, the amount of water we waste could cause the country to have another water shortage. Don’t forget that this festival is celebrated in all parts of the world. India has more than 135 billion people. If everyone in the country wastes a few litres of water, it’s easy for there to be a water shortage.

Jallikattu is a tradition that is very important in the southern states of India. It is a party that is part of the Pongal festival. Pongal is a celebration of a good harvest, and jallikattu is a way to show how brave and involved people are.

Jalikattu is basically a race between bulls. Even though the meaning is peaceful and makes people feel good, the festival itself is cruel to animals. Bulls are trained and tamed so they can run through mud in the race. Many people who care about animals don’t like the festivals, and a few years ago, the Supreme Court of India banned jallikattu. Other than jallikattu, there are many other celebrations in which animals are mistreated. The most well-known of these is Kambaala, which takes place in North Karnataka.


One of the most important things in our lives is going to festivals. At some festivals, so many people set their goals. People forget what was wrong in the past and start over. It makes us feel more love, joy, happiness, and peace. But we should also make sure that our enjoyment of the festival doesn’t hurt nature and mother earth. Nature is the most beautiful thing we have, and it is the only thing we have. We shouldn’t mess it up and should try to save as much as we can. 

Short Essay on Festivals and Pollution

Don’t we just love how happy and bright everything is during festival times? India is a land of many different kinds of people, and no other country has as many festivals as India does. But we always forget that when we have festivals, we waste a lot of things and make a lot of trash. It shouldn’t be hard to figure out that our festivals hurt the environment.

During celebrations, we pollute the air, water, and noise, and this has a big effect on our health. Animals and birds also suffer, so don’t forget that. Diwali, which is the most important Hindu holiday, makes a lot of pollution in the air. Crackers not only make a lot of noise, but they also pollute the air. During Diwali, the air is full of smoke and it’s hard to see.

A lot of water is wasted during Holi, another Hindu festival where people play with colour and water. The chemical colours are also bad for the environment. During Durga Puja and Ganesh Chaturthi, thousands of god statues are thrown into rivers, which makes the water dirty. The Constitution does give us the right to freely practise our religion, but as citizens of the country, it is also our job to protect the environment and celebrate in moderation. 

Essay on the Impact of Festivals on the Environment


India is full of different kinds of people, and we’re proud of that. Our country has a lot of festivals that happen all year long. We really get into the celebrations and have a lot of fun. When you live in India, you can enjoy the traditions and holidays of many different religions. There are celebrations for religion, gods, the harvest, the change of seasons, saints, gurus, and many other things. There are so many different tastes in one place, but most of them are bad for the environment in a big way.

Impact of Festivals on the Environment

Our environment has given us many valuable things, but we haven’t given it anything in return. Instead, we’ve stolen from it, abused it, and hurt it badly. We celebrate our holidays with a lot of energy, but we also do a lot of damage to the environment. During festivals, the air, water, and noise are all polluted in different ways. During festivals, we basically ruin all parts of the environment.

Most of the bad things that festivals do to the air can be seen around Diwali. When people burn crackers, the air gets so dirty that it’s hard to breathe. Not to mention the amount of trash that keeps piling up on roads day after day. There are also fireworks at celebrations like jayantis and others. They also make the air and water dirty.

During many festivals, the water also gets very dirty. The amount of water that is wasted during Holi is also scary. It also has a risk of having chemical colours that are bad for you and can make tank water dirty. Water pollution is mostly caused by festivals where idols made of toxic materials are dunked in water. They not only make the water dirty, but they also kill a lot of fish and other aquatic creatures.

Garbage disposal is also a big issue during festivals. When a lot of people get together for parades and cultural events, a lot of trash ends up on the roads and other places. During many festivals, “Mela” and fairs are held, which causes a lot of trash to be thrown away in the open.

Noise pollution is also one of the most dangerous things for the environment. Loudspeakers, loud music, and crowd noises at festivals can hurt us and the environment in a lot of ways.


We can definitely say that some of our biggest festivals hurt the environment. We don’t pay attention to our natural surroundings because we are too busy celebrating holidays. It’s true that our lives would be pretty boring and dull without our culture and festivals, but it’s just as important to find ways to stop pollution during festivals. Our government should make rules about how to celebrate holidays and protect the environment at the same time. 

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