EnglishEssay on Environmental Pollution

Essay on Environmental Pollution

Essay on Environmental Pollution for Students

In this Essay on Environmental Pollution, The environment is an organism’s surrounding environment. The living environment of an organism consists of a variety of elements, including air, water, land, etc. In this essay, we will talk about what is pollutions, the causes of pollution, and how to reduce this. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Essay on Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution Essay in English

Every course requires essay writing, and the pollution essay is one of the most popular essay topics. All students must be aware of pollution and its negative effects on the environment and life on earth. Students should be aware of pollution treatments so that they can take steps to reduce pollution. Greta Thunberg of Stockholm, Sweden is the youngest environmental activist of our time. She demonstrated that she can save Mother Earth even at a young age. There is no minimum age requirement to assume this great responsibility. Students should be knowledgeable about environmental pollution and methods for reducing it. This article has covered essays on contamination. To fully comprehend all of the topics discussed in the Tainted Essay, students should read the entire page and every word on that page. 

Short and Long Essays on Environmental Pollution

We have provided short and long essays on environmental pollution for your information and education. All the essays have been written in simple yet effective English so that you can easily memorise and present them when necessary. After reading these essays on environmental pollution, you will be aware of the following: the definition of environmental pollution, facts about pollution for children, types of environmental pollution and their causes, methods for preventing environmental pollution, etc. 

Short Essay on Environmental Pollution (200 words)

Polluting the environment happens when man-made substances are released into the natural environment. The air, forests, rivers, streams, land, soil, plants, and other things make up our natural environment. Environmental pollution is what happens when something unwanted that was made by people gets into this otherwise clean environment.

Some of the main things that people do that pollute the environment are industrialization, cutting down trees, building cities, nuclear spills, etc. Water is an important resource for many types of industrial work, so factories are often built near water sources.

Water is used to cool things down and also to clean, wash, and do other things. But factories also dump their waste into bodies of water, which makes the water dirty.

Water is a valuable natural resource, and even though almost 70% of the earth’s surface is covered in water, only 1% of that water is fresh and safe to drink. That 1% of a very rare reserve of fresh water, which took hundreds of years to build up, is polluted by industrial waste.

So, it is very important to keep people from hurting the environment and natural resources through their actions. Pollution of the environment is a global threat that must be stopped by making new laws and following them to the letter.

Global warming, acid rain, the extinction of species, floods, and famines are just some of the bad things that happen when the environment is polluted. If we want the planet to stay green and livable for millions of years, we have to do everything we can to stop pollution. 

Long Essay on Environmental Pollution

What is Pollution? 

Pollution is when a toxic substance that shouldn’t be there gets into our otherwise clean environment. Pollution is a serious threat to the environment and the things that live in it. Ironically, almost all of the things that pollute the environment are caused by people. Here are some important facts about pollution for kids, to help them learn more. 

Causes of Environmental Pollution 

With the growth of industries and the movement of people from villages to cities in search of work, there has been a steady rise in the number of people who don’t have decent housing or clean places to live. Because of these things, there are things that cause pollution.

Air, water, soil, and noise pollution are the five main types of environmental pollution.

Air Pollution: Air pollution is a major problem in the world today. The air we breathe is polluted by the smoke that comes out of factory chimneys and car tailpipes. With this smoke come gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and sulphur dioxide, which mix with the air and hurt people, plants, and animals a lot. In our villages, we use dry farm waste, dry grass, leaves, and coal to heat our homes. All of these produce harmful gases. Too much sulphur dioxide in the air leads to acid rain.

Air Pollution

The main things that make the air dirty are:

  • Automobile pollution
  • Air pollution from factories
  • Burning garbage
  • Brick kilns
  • Pollution in the air inside
  • Animals and plants that have died
  • Radioactive elements

Water Pollution: One of the most serious problems in the environment is water pollution. Waste from industries that are growing and sewage water are not treated well enough before being dumped into rivers and other bodies of water, which pollutes the water. Water bodies are also harmed by farming practices that use too much fertiliser and pesticides.

The main things that make water dirty are:

  • Marine commerce.
  • Industrial wastes are getting into the seas and oceans.
  • Putting radioactive materials into the sea.
  • Rivers take trash to the sea.
  • Oil rigs in the ocean.
  • Recreational activities.
  • Pollutants from farming are dumped into water bodies.

Soil or Land Pollution: Soil Pollution or land pollution happens when solid waste, biodegradable materials, chemicals with poisonous chemical compositions, and other things are dumped on open land. Waste materials like plastics, polythene, and bottles pollute the land and make it hard to grow plants in. Animals’ dead bodies being dumped adds to this problem as well. People and animals can get sick from cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and other diseases caused by dirty soil.

Soil Pollution

The main things that cause soil pollution are:

  • Waste from factories
  • Waste from businesses and homes in the city
  • Chemicals used to grow plants
  • Waste from medicine
  • Pesticides

Noise pollution: As the number of people, cities, and factories grows, noise pollution is becoming a serious problem that affects people’s lives, health, and daily comfort. Noise pollution is caused by things like car horns, loudspeakers, music systems, and industrial activities.

Noise pollution

Here are the main things that cause noise pollution:

  • In factories and industries, machines make sounds like whistling, crushing, and thundering.
  • Loudspeakers and the horns of cars.
  • On construction sites, rocks and dirt are blasted, tube wells are drilled, ventilation fans are used, and heavy earth-moving equipment is used. 

How Pollution Harms Health and Environment

Pollution in the environment has direct and indirect effects on the lives of people and other living things. People and these living things have shared the planet for hundreds of years.

1. Effect on the Environment

Carbon and dust particles come together in the air to make smog, which can make it hard to breathe and cause haze and smoke. These are made when fossil fuels are burned in factories and factories, as well as when carbon fumes are burned in cars.

Also, these things hurt birds’ immune systems, making them more likely to carry viruses and diseases. It also affects the way the body works and the organs in it.

2. Effects on land, soil, and food

Land and soil are hurt when organic and chemical waste breaks down. It also puts chemicals into the air, water, and land. The main things that make land and soil polluted are pesticides, fertilizers, soil erosion, and crop waste.

3. Effects on water

Any pollutant, like human waste or chemical waste from a factory, can easily get into the water. We also drink and water our crops with this water. Because of an infection, they also become dirty. Also, an animal dies after drinking the same water that was tainted.

Also, about 80% of the chemicals, industrial waste, and agricultural waste that come from land end up in water bodies.

Also, because these water basins lead to the sea, they have an indirect effect on the sea’s biodiversity.

4. Food Reaction

When soil and water are dirty, crops and other agricultural products become poisonous. Chemicals are put into these crops from the time they are planted until they are harvested in large quantities. Because of this, spoiled food can hurt our bodies and organs.

5. Climate Change Impact

Climate change is another thing that makes the environment dirty. It also changes the physical and biological parts of the ecosystem.

The loss of ozone, the release of greenhouse gases, and global warming are all examples of pollution. Because these water basins lead to the sea, they have an indirect effect on the biodiversity of the sea. Also, their effects may be so bad that they will kill people in the future. The earth’s natural system is affected by the cold and hot weather that is hard to predict.

Climate change, which is caused by pollution, also causes earthquakes, famine, smog, carbon particles, shallow rain or snow, thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, and avalanches.

Pollution Essay- Methods to Reduce Pollution

As responsible people, we need to take steps to make the environment less polluted for the future. Here are a few things you can do to reduce pollution.

  1. We should plant more trees.
  2. Biodegradable containers should be used to eat food.
  3. Don’t throw industrial trash into waterways like rivers, seas, and oceans.
  4. Chimneys are used to control the flow of air.
  5. Using electric cars or bikes.
  6. Lessen how often you use detergents.
  7. Before letting the wastewater out of the factory, it should be filtered.
  8. Use modern chimneys so that smoke doesn’t carry harmful particles into the environment.
  9. Use less plastic that can only be used once.
  10. Use the energy that doesn’t come from fossil fuels instead of the energy that does.
  11. Follow the rules that the government has set up for cleaning up the environment.
  12. Reuse products again and again. Find ways to use things more than once so you don’t have to throw them away.
  13. Reduce the amount of trash you make. 
  14. Learn more about pollution, how it affects the environment, and what is being done to stop it. 


Every person has a part to play in saving our planet from these things that hurt the environment. If we don’t take precautions, our children and grandchildren will have to deal with big problems. The government is also working to make people aware of what’s going on. Every person should do something to help cut down on and control pollution. 

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