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JSON Full Form

What is the Full form of JSON?

The JSON full form is JavaScript Object Notation. It is a text-based open standard data interchange system that simply specifies data encoding. It is derived from a subset of the programming language JavaScript.

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In comparison to XML, data structuring in JSON is easier, and data structures such as arrays and objects can be swiftly executed on the network. Language-Independent software derived from JavaScript is also included. The official media type for JSON is application/JSON with a save extension of.json. Douglas Crockford created JSON in the early 2000s; it was first standardized in 2013 after a new version of JSON was introduced in 2007.

Aspects of JSON

  • JSON is simple to read and rapid to create.
  • It is a text-based format for exchange. Users can save any necessary information in a range of audio, video, and image formats.
  • It is a format based on text. It is considerably smoother than other text-based data structures.
  • It is lightweight and supported by nearly every language and operating system. It offers comprehensive client support.

Advantages of JSON

  • JSON keeps the data in an array, making it easier to move the data, and JSON is the most efficient way to interchange data of any sort, including audio, video, etc.
  • The syntax is highly accessible. The language is lean and compact; therefore, it is easier to execute and react to.
  • JSON provides a wide range of browser support compatibility with software systems; it requires little work to make it accessible to all browsers.
  • Programmers desire server-side parsing more than anything else; if server-side parsing is efficient, the consumer will receive a speedy response. In this instance, JSON server-side parsing is superior than other alternatives.

Limitation of JSON

  • The greatest disadvantage of JSON is that there is no error control; if there is even a little error in a JSON script, the data structure will not be processed.
  • If people utilize JSON with unapproved browsers, JSON is extremely dangerous.
  • JSON has a few development support tools available for usage by developers. 

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