MathsNumbers in Words

Numbers in Words

Numbers in Words

Numbers can be written in words or figures. For example, the number 1000 in words is written as one thousand. All natural numbers can be written in words based on the place value of their digits, such as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.

What are Number Names?

When numbers are written in words, we call them number names. Number names help us learn and remember numbers.

For example, the number 1 can be written and read as “one.” Because of this, the name for the number 1 is “one.”

The number 2 is written and read as the word “two.”

Three is the word for the number 3.

In words, 4 is written and read as “four.”

The number 5 is written and read as the word “five.”

The number 6 is written and read as the word “six.”

In words, 7 is written and read as “seven.”

In words, 8 is written and read as “eight.”

The number 9 is written and read as the word “nine.”

In words, 10 is written and read as “ten.”

We can write and read higher-value numbers in words by using the names of the numbers from one to ten. To write a number in English, we use the place values (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, lakhs, crores, etc.) of each digit in the number. With the help of the Indian place value chart, it is easy to find the place value of each digit based on its position, and the number can be written as words. Let’s look at an example to see what I mean.

Example: Write the given number in words: 23456789 according to the Indian place value chart and according to the International place value chart.


According to the Indian place value system, 2,34,56,789 is written and read in words as two crores, thirty-four lakh, fifty-six thousand, seven hundred eighty-nine.

According to the International place value chart, 23,456,789 is written and read in words as twenty-three million, four hundred fifty-six thousand, seven hundred eighty-nine

Number Names 1 to 100

Learn how to spell the numbers in words from 1 to 100 by looking at the pattern below.

Number Names 1 to 20

Here is a chart with the names of the numbers names from 1 to 20.

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Number Names 21 to 100

Look at the chart below, which lists the words for the numbers from 21 to 100, to learn how to count in words.

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Number Name 1 to 50 in English

In the table below, you can see what each number from 1 to 50 is called. Students can learn these numbers and their names, and then use them to answer questions.

1 = One11 = Eleven21 = Twenty-one31 = Thirty-one41 = Forty-one
2 = Two12 = Twelve22 = Twenty-two32 = Thirty-two42 = Forty-two
3 = Three13 = Thirteen23 = Twenty-three33 = Thirty-three43 = Forty-three
4 = Four14 = Fourteen24 = Twenty-four34 = Thirty-four44 = Forty-four
5 = Five15 = Fifteen25 = Twenty-five35 = Thirty-five45 = Forty-five
6 = Six16 = Sixteen26 = Twenty-six36 = Thirty-six46 = Forty-six
7 = Seven17 = Seventeen27 = Twenty-seven37 = Thirty-seven47 = Forty-seven
8 = Eight18 = Eighteen28 = Twenty-eight38 = Thirty-eight48 = Forty-eight
9 = Nine19 = Nineteen29 = Twenty-nine39 = Thirty-nine49 = Forty-nine
10 = Ten20 = Twenty30 = Thirty40 = Forty50 = Fifty

Numbers in Words in International System

In the international system, each position of a digit in a number has a different name. In the international system, the number 1,000,000 is read as “one million” in words, but in the Indian system, it is read as “ten lakhs.” In the international system, different periods are used to make large numbers easier to read and write. According to the International Numbering System, a comma goes after the hundreds place and after every three digits after that. In the international system, the place values are Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Ten Thousand, Hundred Thousands, Millions, etc.

1 million is equal to 1,000,000

1 billion = 1000 millions

In the international number system, the number 7,456,123 is written or read as “seven million, four hundred fifty-six thousand, one hundred twenty-three.”

Rules to Write Number Names

When writing the numbers in words, there are some rules to follow. Here is a detailed list of these rules.

Rule 1: Understand the place value system. When writing a number in words, the place of a number is very important. Let’s learn how to tell the difference between place values based on where 1 is:

1 = one‘s place

10 = tens place

100 = hundreds place

1000 is the thousandths place

Rule 2: To write the spellings of numbers between 1 and 20, use the chart with the names of the numbers 1 to 20. For example, the name of the number 7 is 7, the name of the number 15 is 15, and so on. After the number 20, there is a general series or pattern.

Rule 3: To write the names of numbers that are multiples of 100, just add the word “hundred” after the first word. For instance, 400 is called “four hundred,” 500 is called “five hundred,” and so on.

Rule 4: When writing the names of numbers with more than two digits, write the number in its expanded form. For example, 112 is written as “one hundred twelve” and equals “100 + 12.” The full form of 153 is 100+50+3, and 153 is written as “one hundred fifty-three” in words.

Tips to Learn Number Names

To write numbers in words, please use the following tips:

Write the numbers 1 to 10 and how to spell them. (1-one, 2-two, 3-three, etc.).

Write 11 to 20 and how to spell them. (11 is eleven, 12 is twelve, etc.).

Write the numbers 20 and 20, 30 and 30, 40 and 40, 50 and 50, 60 and 60, 70 and 70, 80 and 80, and 90 and 90.

You can write 21 as twenty-one, 22 as twenty-two, and so on, by putting the word form of 20 and 1 together. In the same way, we can write names for 31, 41, 51, etc.

For big numbers, like 100, 1000, and so on, write both the number and its word form.

In words, 101 is written as “one hundred one,” 1001 as “one thousand one,” and so on.

Keeping an eye on the pattern will help you write and read numbers with a higher value in words.

100 – Hundred

200 means “two hundred.”

300 means “three hundred”

400 – Four-Hundred

500 – Five-Hundred

600 – Six-Hundred

700 – Seven-Hundred

800 – Eight-Hundred

900 – Nine-Hundred

One thousand or one thousand


2000 – The number 2000

5000 means “five thousand.”

10000 means “ten thousand.”

15000 means “fifteen thousand.”

16000 means “sixteen thousand.”

20,000 means “twenty thousand.”

25,000 means “twenty-five thousand.”

30,000 means “thirty thousand.”

35,000 means “thirty-five thousand.”

40, 000 means “forty thousand.”

45,000 means 45 thousand.

100,000 – A hundred thousand (One Lakh)

200, 000 = 200 000 (Two Lakhs)

300, 000 = 300,000 (Three Lakhs)

400, 000 = 400,000 (Four Lakhs)

500, 000 = 500 000 (Five Lakhs)

Notices about Number Names

From left to right, read the number.

In words, the number 40 is written as “forty,” not as “fourty.”

To write a number in words, read the number out loud and then write the name of the number as you say it.

Solved Examples on Number Name

  1. Write the given number in words: 2020

      Ans – 2020 – Two thousand twenty.

  1. Write the number names for the following numbers:

a) 8936

b) 9000

   Ans – a) 8936 – Eight thousand nine hundred thirty-six.

              b) 9000 – Nine thousand.

FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions ) 

Q.1 What are Number Names in Math?

In math, number names are the infinite cardinal numbers from 1 to n written as words. We use words like “one,” “ten,” “hundred,” and “thousand” to write the names of numbers. For example, “seven hundred ninety-eight” is how you write the number 798.

Q.2 How to Write Numbers in Words in International System?

In the International system of numbering, we write the names of large numbers using place values like ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, one million, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, etc. For example, “five hundred sixty-seven thousand eight hundred ninety-eight” is how the number 567,898 is written.

Q.3 How to Write Number Names in Decimals?

First, write the name of the number to the left of the decimal point. Then, write the word “and” for a decimal point. Now, write the name of the number to the right of the decimal point. At the end, write the place value of the digit that is the farthest to the right. For instance, the word for 25.578 is “twenty-five and five hundred seventy-eight thousandths.” The place value to the right of thousands is thousands, so we wrote thousandths at the end.

Q.4 Write 11 to 20 number names.

The number names from 11 to 20 are:
11 – Eleven, 12 – Twelve, 13 – Thirteen, 14 – Fourteen, 15 – Fifteen, 16 – Sixteen, 17 – Seventeen, 18 – Eighteen, 19 – Nineteen, 20 -Twenty.

Q.5 How to Write the Numbers in Words?

To write a number in words, start with the digit on the left and write it based on where it goes in the number. For example, the word for 133 is “one hundred thirty-three.” By knowing how the numbers from 1 to 10 are written in words, we can easily read and write them. The first ten natural numbers can be written as the words “one,” “two,” “three,” “four,” “five,” “six,” “seven,” “eight,” “nine,” and “ten.

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