MathsFraction to Decimal Chart

Fraction to Decimal Chart

Fraction to Decimal chart 

Here we discussed the Fraction to Decimal chart in this article.

When a whole number that is not zero is divided by another whole number that is not zero and leaves a remainder that is not zero, the result is a decimal number. You can write any number as a decimal by adding a “.” and a “0.” For example, 3.0 is another way to write the number 3. 

Decimal numbers are made up of both whole numbers and fractions. The dot or point separates these two parts of the number (.). 

A fraction has two parts: a numerator and a denominator. 

When the numerator of a fraction is divided by the denominator, a whole number or decimal is the result. We may need to turn a fraction into a decimal sometimes. 

For example, 1/2 kilograms is more accurately written as 0.5 kilograms when the fraction is changed to a decimal. Let’s look at how it can be used and how to change a fraction to a decimal.

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Fraction to Decimal Chart 

To make numbers easier to write and read, fractions are changed to decimals. Let’s say, for example, that a circle has a diameter of 11 units. To figure out the radius, we need to divide it by 2. If we divide 11  by 2, we get 5.5. 

Because of this, changing the fraction 11/2 to 5.5 shows how much the circle’s radius is. When converting metric units, it is more common to go from fractions to decimals. 

For example, 1 kilogram equals 1000 grams. So, how do we say what 500 grams is worth? We take 500 and divide it by 1000 to get 1/2, or 0.5. There are some fractions where the part that is a fraction never ends. In math, the value of pi has a decimal part that does not end. The fraction to the decimal table shows how to change numbers from 1 to 1/10 into decimals.

Fraction Decimal Equivalent (Rounded off to 3 decimal places.)

We can see that the numerator is always the same and that as the denominator goes up, the decimal value of each fraction goes down.

How to Change a Fraction to a Decimal

Follow the steps below to change a fraction to a decimal:

  • Take the part that starts with a “1” as the dividend and the part that starts with a “0” as the “divisor.”
  • If the dividend is less than the divisor, add a point and a zero to the dividend.
  • Take the dividend and divide it by the divisor.
  • Add a “0.” to the left of the quotient to make a decimal out of the fraction.

Let’s take a look at some ways to do this.

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Uses of Fraction to Decimal Chart

The fraction-to-decimal chart tells us the decimal value of some of the most common fractions. The value of a fraction can be less than 1 or more than 1. The numerator of fractions that are less than 1 is less than the denominator. We call them “proper fractions.” 

Improper fractions are ones in which the number in the numerator is bigger than the number in the denominator. When you write a fraction as a decimal, you can be more exact. Decimals come into play when we measure the length of something, figure out how much something weighs, and do many other things. We will never get an answer that is an integer or a whole number. We use decimals to make it clearer how the numbers will look.

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Fractions to Decimal Examples :

Example 1: Convert the following fractions to decimals.

a) 4 /11                             b) 3 / 9

Solution : 

By following the steps below, you can turn 2/10 and 3/5 into a decimal using the division method.

  • Take the part that starts with a “1” as the dividend and the part that starts with a “0” as the “divisor.”
  • If the dividend is less than the divisor, add a point and a zero to the dividend.
  • Take the dividend and divide it by the divisor.
  • Add a “0.” to the left of the quotient to make a decimal out of the fraction.

a) 2/10

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Take 2 as the dividend and 10 as the divisor. Put a decimal point and two zeros after the number 2, and then divide. The answer is going to be 20. Now, put a before the quotient (0.). So, the answer is either 0.2 or 0.20.

b) 3/9

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To convert 3/9 to a decimal, follow the steps given below.

Consider 3 to be the dividend and 9 to be the divisor. Since 3 is less than 9, add a decimal point and a zero after 3 and divide. If the residual is not zero, add another zero to the right of the dividend, making it 3, and continue dividing. Since the remainder of 1 is repeated each time, the quotient will be 333…. Finally, place a zero before 333. This fraction involves a non-terminating decimal, so we will round the value to three decimal places and write it as 0.333.

Example 2 : 

Robin received scores of 20 out of 25 and 25 out of 30 on two online tests, respectively. Express Robin’s score in decimal format.
Solution : 

Robin scored a mark of 20/25 in Exam 1

4/5 when the fraction is simplified

Converting 4/5 into decimal we get, 0.8.

Similarly, Robin’s result on test 2 was 25/30.

5/6 when the fraction is simplified

Converting 5/6 into decimal we get, 0.833 (rounded off to 3 decimal places)

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FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions ) : 

Q.1 How Do You Convert a Fraction to a Decimal?

Follow the steps listed below to convert a fraction to a decimal.
Consider the numerator to be the dividend and the denominator to be the divisor.
Whenever the numerator is smaller than the denominator. Insert a period and a zero after the dividend.
Perform a normal division using the dividend and the divisor.
Finally, precede the quotient by (0.).
If the residual occurs repeatedly, the decimal can be reduced to a particular number of decimal places.
For example, 1/4 converted to decimal gives 0.25.

Q.2 List Down the Steps of Conversion of The Fraction 2/5 to Decimal. 

2/5 has a decimal value of 0.4. To convert 2/5 to a decimal, use the following steps:
Consider 2 to be the dividend and 5 to be the divisor.
Due to the fact that 2 is less than 5, we add a decimal point and a 0 after 2 and divide.
Add a zero (0) to the fraction.

Q.3 How do I convert fractions to a decimal?

Simply divide the numerator by the denominator to convert a fraction to a decimal. In our illustration, we will divide 1 by 4. 1 divided by 4 equals 0. To continue dividing, we will add a zero and a decimal point after the 1.

Q.4 What is 1/8 as a decimal?

To convert 1/8 to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator. 1 divided by 8 = 0 . 125

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