MathsSubtracting Decimal

Subtracting Decimal

Subtracting Decimals

Finding the difference between a decimal number and another number is what it means to subtracting decimals. The other number can be either a whole number, a decimal number, or a natural number. When subtracting decimals, you need to keep in mind some rules and steps. On this page, we’ll learn the rules for subtracting decimals and see some examples.

What is Subtracting Decimals?

When subtracting decimals, you’ll see that the process is very similar to that of subtracting whole numbers. Simply arrange the decimal numbers in order of their place values after the decimal point. A few instances have different values for the two figures provided. To facilitate subtraction, we round the given decimal fractions to like decimal fractions if necessary. If the number of digits after the dot in two numbers is the same, we say that the numbers are “like decimal fractions.”

The numbers 0.38 and 0.94 are examples of decimals that are similar, while the numbers 7.5 and 7.58 are examples of decimals that are different. Adding the necessary number of zeros to the decimals makes them into like decimal fractions, and then the two supplied values can be subtracted in the same way as whole numbers.

Take the following subtraction problem:

Example: Subtract: 0.56 – 0.42.


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Rules for Subtracting Decimals

  • To perform a successful subtraction of decimals, it is important to keep in mind a few rules and procedures.
  • Convert the fractions given to decimal form.
  • Make sure the decimal points are aligned and the digits are written in the correct places by writing the smaller number below the larger number.
  • The numbers should then be subtracted as though they were whole numbers.

After subtracting, relocate the decimal point to the same position as the others.

Subtracting Decimals with Regrouping

Regrouping is the same for adding and taking away decimals as it is for adding and taking away whole numbers. In the steps below, I’ll show you how to use regrouping to take away decimals.

Step 1: After changing the numbers so they have the same number of decimal places and putting the smaller number under the larger number, make sure the decimal points are lined up and the digits are in the right place value column.

Step 2: Subtract the numbers in each column one by one, moving from right to left.

Step 3: If the number in the upper row is smaller than the number in the lower row, we take 1 from the digit to the left and add 10 to the current digit. This is called “regrouping.”

Step 4: Since 1 was borrowed, we subtract 1 from this number. Change the number as needed and keep taking it away.

For example, let us subtract the given numbers.

Example: Subtract 0.84 from 0.93.

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For the above subtraction of 0.93 and 0.84, we need to borrow 1 from the 9 because the digit 3 is less than the digit 4 in the hundredths column. Since 9 has transferred 1 to the number on its left, we must subtract 10. Therefore, we shall reduce 9 to 8 and increase 3 to 13. Following this, 13 minus 4 is 9, and 8 minus 8 is 0.

Putting a decimal point at the end of the calculation yields a value of 0.09.

Subtracting Decimals with the Same Number of Decimal Places

It is simple to subtract decimals with the same amount of decimal places. The only operation required is subtraction, followed by the placement of decimal points based on the given numbers.

For example, let us subtract 3.67 from 4.98

It is evident that the numbers have identical decimal places. Therefore, we shall subtract them in the usual manner.

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Subtracting Decimals with Different Decimal Places

When the fractions contain a different number of decimal places, they are referred to as dissimilar. In this instance, the number with more digits after the decimal point is identified by counting the digits following the decimal point in both numbers. Then, the needed number of zeros is added to the smaller decimal number to make it the same length as the larger decimal number. After this, the decimal numbers are subtracted.

To understand, subtract 7.483 from 237.8

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We can see that the decimal places of the two integers differ. Due to the fact that 7.483 has three digits following the decimal, we will add two zeros to 237.8 to make it the same length. This brings the total to 237,800, after which the numbers will be subtracted.

Subtracting Decimals Within 1

For subtracting decimals within 1, we use the same method as for subtracting other decimal amounts. Within 1 decimal denotes that the given numbers are less than 1.

To understand, subtract 0.56 from 0.98.

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The numbers are visible to be within one. To solve this problem, we will arrange the integers in ascending order and do standard subtraction.

Subtracting Decimals From Whole Numbers

To subtract decimal numbers from whole numbers, a decimal point is placed in the whole number based on the number of digits after the decimal in the other number. Then, the necessary number of zeros is added so that both numbers have the same length.

For example, let us subtract 0.999 from 6.

Since there are three digits following the decimal in 0.999, we will add a decimal and three zeros after the 6.

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Subtracting Decimals Examples

Example 1: Subtract the decimal number 0.45 from 2.52.

Solution: For subtracting decimals, we align them according to their place values and then subtract them.

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Therefore, the difference is 2.07

Example 2: Subtract the decimal number 0.60 from 0.90

Solution: While subtracting decimals, we first align both numbers in order.

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Therefore, the difference is 0.30

FAQs on Subtracting Decimals

Q.1 How to Subtract Decimals When the Top Number is Smaller?

While subtracting decimals, if a number in the upper row is smaller than the number in the lower row, we borrow 1 from the digit to the left and add 10 to the current digit. This process is also called regrouping or borrowing. After this, we change the number accordingly and continue subtracting. Since 1 is given to the following number, this number is reduced by 1. Let us understand this by subtracting the given numbers.
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In this case, if we observe the digits in the hundredths column, we see that 2 is smaller than 5, so we borrow 1 from the preceding column (tenths column) and regroup this number, that is, 2 becomes 12. We subtract 5 from 12 and get 7. Now, since 1 was given from the tenth column, 5 reduces to 4, and 4 – 4 = 0. After this, the subtraction continues in the usual way and the answer that we get after subtraction is 3.07.

Q.2 What are Some Tips for Subtracting Decimals?

We must recall a few basic guidelines for subtracting decimals.
The larger number should be written above the smaller number, and the decimal points should be centered.
Add zeros to the required number until the lengths of both integers are identical.
Then, subtract the numbers in the same manner as with whole numbers, and place the decimal point in the appropriate location.

Q.3 What is the rule for subtracting and adding decimals?

1) Put the decimal points in a straight line. Fill in any 0s that are missing.
2) Add or take away as if the numbers were whole numbers.
3) Put the decimal point in the sum or difference so that it lines up vertically with the numbers being added or subtracted.

Q.4 How do you borrow when subtracting decimals?

When subtracting decimals, the decimal points should be aligned in a column. When necessary, add zeros to the right of the decimal so that both decimals have the same amount of digits. Digits in the same place-value position are subtracted. When necessary, borrow a set of ten from the left column.

Q.5 How to Subtract Decimals From Whole Numbers?

To subtract decimal numbers from whole numbers, a decimal point is placed in the whole number based on the number of digits after the decimal in the other number. Then, the necessary number of zeros is added so that both numbers have the same length. 

To answer the equation 9 – 0.36, for instance, we can write it as 9.00 – 0.36. Now we can subtract the numbers with ease. (9.00 – 0.36 = 8.64)

Q.6 How is decimal addition similar to decimal subtraction?

Addition and subtraction of decimals follow the same laws, hence the two operations are comparable. We must arrange the decimal numbers in ascending order based on their place values and the decimal point. To make addition or subtraction easier, we must first convert the given decimal fractions to like decimal fractions. After converting the decimals to like decimal fractions by adding the necessary number of zeros, the two provided numbers are added or subtracted in the same manner as ordinary numbers.

Q.7 Give an Example of Subtracting Decimals.

Subtracting decimal numbers is analogous to subtracting whole numbers. The main consideration is to ensure that the decimal points are aligned and the given integers are of equal length. To illustrate, subtract 0.456% from 2 To achieve this, we must first place a decimal point after 2 and then three zeros, such that both integers are the same length. After this, the digits are aligned and subtraction is performed as usual. (2.000 – 0.456 = 1.544)

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